1,000 research outputs found

    Your Special Student: a book for educators of children diagnosed with Asperger syndrome

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    'Your Special Student' is written for professionals and paraprofessionals aspiring to create class programs based upon inclusive teaching practices. It offers practical assistance, direction, and concrete strategies for professionals and paraprofessionals- that are challenged, to establish class programs inclusive of the diverse and often complex needs of individual students. Professionals and paraprofessionals working in these communities are challenged to act as facilitators of learning. They are encouraged - to be flexible in attitude and approach, supporting all students to develop as independent, responsible, interested, active and engaged lifelong learners. They endeavor to structure teaching- and learning environments that foster a sense of belonging-, acceptance, respect, competence, achievement, success, and a genuine interest in learning. Professionals and paraprofessionals are continually challenged to work in collaborating, genuinely appreciate, nurture, embrace, respect, and celebrate student diversity. 'Your Special Student' provides down-to-earth, hands on strategies and frameworks for professionals- and paraprofessionals working in the field of education

    Friendly Facts: program to help children explore the complexities of friendship

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    For children with ASD, making and keeping friends is often not a simple process. These children need to be intentionally taught in developmentally appropriate, respectful and supportive environments how to be a friend and how to make and keep friends. This presentation focuses on children ages 7-11, a period when friendships become increasingly complex and a lack of peer acceptance is all the more obvious and challenging. Through a variety of educational activities that appeal to different learning styles, children are scaffolded in their learning about making and keeping friends

    Pirates: an early-years group program for developing social understanding and social competence for children with autism spectrum disorders and related challenges

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    Using a pirate theme popular among young children, this social understanding program is designed for children, ages preschool to third grade, who have social cognitive challenges, including autism spectrum disorders. Through fun and engaging activities, the program helps children learn constructive social interaction skills related to friendship making, social problem solving and emotional expression. This eight-adventure pirate voyage includes the following focus areas: social understanding, friendship making, emotional literacy and emotional expression, relaxing, social problem solving and responding to bullying incidents

    Creative ways to promote cognitive thinking

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    Children with ASD often experience negative self-talk. The starting point of stopping such negative dialogues inside your head is to be aware of it, challenge it, and replace it with helpful thinking. The objective of this session is to portray Cool Comics as a vehicle that assists children in recognising negative self talk. By working through the comic scenarios, children develop an awareness of negative self-talk and practice replacing it with more positive self-talk

    The multilevel governance challenges of NextGenerationEU: the Spanish and Italian decentralised systems viewed through the lens of federalisation

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    The post-COVID-19 panorama presents serious economic and social challenges, prompting the European Union (EU) to allocate extensive funds to its Member States. The central financing instrument created for this purpose, NextGenerationEU (NGEU), requires the Member States to implement ambitious reforms to bring about green and digital transitions within their National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs). Despite innovative elements in NGEU’s decision-making process, legal basis and fiscal integration policy, the role of sub-state authorities in the context of multilevel governance (MLG) demonstrates a centralised tendency. In order to understand this issue, the management of NRRPs in the Spanish system of autonomous communities and Italian regionalism will be taken as emblematic case studies. Specifically, the constitutional significance of the MLG model in the context of the NGEU recovery package will be evaluated in light of the principles of solidarity, subsidiarity, proportionality and partnership. This paper ultimately aims to offer broader insights into NGEU’s role in the ongoing EU federalisation process and its shortcomings with respect to national decentralised systems

    I diritti degli stranieri al tempo del “decreto sicurezza” e le “ombre” della giustizia costituzionale. Osservazioni a margine della sentenza n. 194/2019

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    Il saggio si propone di indagare se la Corte costituzionale nella sent. n. 194/2019, non consentendo il vaglio di ammissibilità di cinque ricorsi regionali che impugnavano alcune disposizioni del decreto legge n. 113/2018, abbia alimentato la presenza di “zone d’ombra” e “zone franche” nella tutela giurisdizionale dei diritti. Al fine di rispondere a tale interrogativo, in primo luogo, vengono esaminati i profili maggiormente criticati dalla dottrina del cosiddetto Decreto sicurezza poiché potenzialmente lesivi di diritti degli stranieri costituzionalmente garantiti, ma non giudicati nel merito dalla Corte. In secondo luogo, tenendo in considerazione il caso di specie, sono sviluppate alcune riflessioni inerenti ai limiti del giudizio in via principale quando vengono sollevate questioni che attengono ai diritti fondamentali e, quindi, si riferiscono soprattutto a parametri extra- competenziali. A questo riguardo, il contributo approfondisce, in particolare, la posizione di svantaggio delle Regioni rispetto allo Stato e accenna alle alternative avanzate dagli studiosi per un superamento di simili malfunzionamenti della giustizia costituzionale italiana

    On federated single sign-on in e-government interoperability frameworks

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    We consider the problem of handling digital identities within serviceoriented architecture (SOA) architectures. We explore federated, single signon (SSO) solutions based on identity managers and service providers. After an overview of the different standards and protocols, we introduce a middlewarebased architecture to simplify the integration of legacy systems within such platforms. Our solution is based on a middleware module that decouples the legacy system from the identity-management modules.We consider both standard point-to-point service architectures, and complex government interoperability frameworks, and report experiments to show that our solution provides clear advantages both in terms of effectiveness and performance

    Sicurezza e frontiere. Le politiche migratorie nell’emergenza europea e italiana

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    L’intento del contributo è esplorare l’impatto delle accresciute istanze securitarie derivanti da situazioni emergenziali sulla disciplina delle frontiere, con particolare riferimento alle ripercussioni sui diritti dei migranti e dei richiedenti asilo. A tal fine, la questione sarà analizzata in considerazione della “crisi migratoria europea” e, soprattutto, dell’emergenza pandemica da Covid-19, prestando maggiore attenzione all’esperienza dell’Italia

    Medicina di genere e riabilitazione cardiovascolare su un campione di pazienti con IMA: specificitĂ  di intervento

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    Studio condotto su un campione di pazienti con IMA per analizzare le differenze di genere nella salute mentale e la specificitĂ  di intervento psicologico
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