324 research outputs found

    Maximum-principle preserving space-time isogeometric analysis

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    In this work we propose a nonlinear stabilization technique for convection-diffusion-reaction and pure transport problems discretized with space-time isogeometric analysis. The stabilization is based on a graph-theoretic artificial diffusion operator and a novel shock detector for isogeometric analysis. Stabilization in time and space directions are performed similarly, which allow us to use high-order discretizations in time without any CFL-like condition. The method is proven to yield solutions that satisfy the discrete maximum principle (DMP) unconditionally for arbitrary order. In addition, the stabilization is linearity preserving in a space-time sense. Moreover, the scheme is proven to be Lipschitz continuous ensuring that the nonlinear problem is well-posed. Solving large problems using a space-time discretization can become highly costly. Therefore, we also propose a partitioned space-time scheme that allows us to select the length of every time slab, and solve sequentially for every subdomain. As a result, the computational cost is reduced while the stability and convergence properties of the scheme remain unaltered. In addition, we propose a twice differentiable version of the stabilization scheme, which enjoys the same stability properties while the nonlinear convergence is significantly improved. Finally, the proposed schemes are assessed with numerical experiments. In particular, we considered steady and transient pure convection and convection-diffusion problems in one and two dimensions

    Segregated Runge–Kutta time integration of convection-stabilized mixed finite element schemes for wall-unresolved LES of incompressible flows

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    In this work, we develop a high-performance numerical framework for the large eddy simulation (LES) of incompressible flows. The spatial discretization of the nonlinear system is carried out using mixed finite element (FE) schemes supplemented with symmetric projection stabilization of the convective term and a penalty term for the divergence constraint. These additional terms introduced at the discrete level have been proved to act as implicit LES models. In order to perform meaningful wall-unresolved simulations, we consider a weak imposition of the boundary conditions using a Nitsche’s-type scheme, where the tangential component penalty term is designed to act as a wall law. Next, segregated Runge–Kutta (SRK) schemes (recently proposed by the authors for laminar flow problems) are applied to the LES simulation of turbulent flows. By the introduction of a penalty term on the trace of the acceleration, these methods exhibit excellent stability properties for both implicit and explicit treatment of the convective terms. SRK schemes are excellent for large-scale simulations, since they reduce the computational cost of the linear system solves by splitting velocity and pressure computations at the time integration level, leading to two uncoupled systems. The pressure system is a Darcy-type problem that can easily be preconditioned using a traditional block-preconditioning scheme that only requires a Poisson solver. At the end, only coercive systems have to be solved, which can be effectively preconditioned by multilevel domain decomposition schemes, which are both optimal and scalable. The framework is applied to the Taylor–Green and turbulent channel flow benchmarks in order to prove the accuracy of the convection-stabilized mixed FEs as LES models and SRK time integrators. The scalability of the preconditioning techniques (in space only) has also been proven for one step of the SRK scheme for the Taylor–Green flow using uniform meshes. Moreover, a turbulent flow around a NACA profile is solved to show the applicability of the proposed algorithms for a realistic problem.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Balancing domain decomposition by constraints and perturbation

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    In this paper, we formulate and analyze a perturbed formulation of the balancing domain decomposition by constraints (BDDC) method. We prove that the perturbed BDDC has the same polylogarithmic bound for the condition number as the standard formulation. Two types of properly scaled zero-order perturbations are considered: one uses a mass matrix, and the other uses a Robin-type boundary condition, i.e, a mass matrix on the interface. With perturbation, the wellposedness of the local Neumann problems and the global coarse problem is automatically guaranteed, and coarse degrees of freedom can be defined only for convergence purposes but not well-posedness. This allows a much simpler implementation as no complicated corner selection algorithm is needed. Minimal coarse spaces using only face or edge constraints can also be considered. They are very useful in extreme scale calculations where the coarse problem is usually the bottleneck that can jeopardize scalability. The perturbation also adds extra robustness as the perturbed formulation works even when the constraints fail to eliminate a small number of subdomain rigid body modes from the standard BDDC space. This is extremely important when solving problems on unstructured meshes partitioned by automatic graph partitioners since arbitrary disconnected subdomains are possible. Numerical results are provided to support the theoretical findings.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Convergence to suitable weak solutions for a finite element approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations with numerical subgrid scale modeling

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    In this work we prove that weak solutions constructed by a variational multiscale method are suitable in the sense of Scheffer. In order to prove this result, we consider a subgrid model that enforces orthogonality between subgrid and finite element components. Further, the subgrid component must be tracked in time. Since this type of schemes introduce pressure stabilization, we have proved the result for equal-order velocity and pressure finite element spaces that do not satisfy a discrete inf-sup condition.Comment: 23 pages, no figure

    Monotonicity-preserving finite element schemes based on differentiable nonlinear stabilization

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    In this work, we propose a nonlinear stabilization technique for scalar conservation laws with implicit time stepping. The method relies on an artificial diffusion method, based on a graph-Laplacian operator. It is nonlinear, since it depends on a shock detector. Further, the resulting method is linearity preserving. The same shock detector is used to gradually lump the mass matrix. The resulting method is LED, positivity preserving, and also satisfies a global DMP. Lipschitz continuity has also been proved. However, the resulting scheme is highly nonlinear, leading to very poor nonlinear convergence rates. We propose a smooth version of the scheme, which leads to twice differentiable nonlinear stabilization schemes. It allows one to straightforwardly use Newton’s method and obtain quadratic convergence. In the numerical experiments, steady and transient linear transport, and transient Burgers’ equation have been considered in 2D. Using the Newton method with a smooth version of the scheme we can reduce 10 to 20 times the number of iterations of Anderson acceleration with the original non-smooth scheme. In any case, these properties are only true for the converged solution, but not for iterates. In this sense, we have also proposed the concept of projected nonlinear solvers, where a projection step is performed at the end of every nonlinear iterations onto a FE space of admissible solutions. The space of admissible solutions is the one that satisfies the desired monotonic properties (maximum principle or positivity).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On stabilized finite element methods based on the Scott-Zhang projector: circumventing the inf-sup condition for the Stokes problem

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    In this work we propose a stabilized nite element method that permits us to circumvent discrete inf-sup conditions, e.g. allowing equal order interpolation. The type of method we propose belongs to the family of symmetric stabilization techniques, which are based on the introduction of additional terms that penalize the di erence between some quantities, i.e. the pressure gradient in the Stokes problem, and their nite element projections. The key feature of the formulation we propose is the de nition of the projection to be used, a non-standard Scott-Zhang projector that is well-de ned for L1() functions. The resulting method has some appealing features: the projector is local and nested meshes or enriched spaces are not required
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