926 research outputs found


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    Takra is one of the important Paniya (drinks) in Indian culture. It is common drink used abundantly especially during the summer season. The main reason for its ample usage as a drink during summer might be the sudden relief it provides to the thirst and fatigue due to extreme heat. Literature review on the Ayurvedic concept of Takra shows it possesses Ushna Veerya and Amla Vipaka, which in turn increases the Pitta inside the body and will leads to thirst rather than decreasing thirst especially in Greehma Ritu. Thus, there exist a paradox in the literature and practice. Thus a study was conducted to find out the Trishnahara property of Takrabheda in Greeshma Ritu. In the experiment total intake of water by each group after administering specific variety of buttermilk were calculated. The study was conducted during Greeshmaritu in wistar albino rats. Numbers of groups were six which included Ghola, Matita, Takra, Udasvit Caccika and Control. statistical analysis was done by ANOVA followed by Dunnet multiple comparison as post hoc test, if p<0.05 using graph pad instant software and by ANOVA followed by Tukey Kramer as post hoc test, if p<0.05 using graph pad instant software. It is concluded that Takrabheda is not having Trishnahara property when compared with the control group in Greeshma Ritu because of its Ushna, Ruksha Guna of Takrabheda. But in Vasanta Ritu, Acarya advised the intake of Dipana, Laghu and Ruksha Ahara. So, Takra can be an effective Paniya during Vasanta Rithu

    Possible Alpha and 14C Cluster Emission From Hyper Radium Nuclei in The Mass Region A = 202-235

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    The possibilities for the emission of 4He and 14C clusters from hyper 202-235ΛRa are studied using our Coulomb and proximity potential model (CPPM) by including the lambda-nucleus potential. The predicted half lives show that hyper 202-231ΛRa nuclei are unstable against 4He emission and 14Cemission from 217- 229ΛRa are favorable for measurement. Our study also show that hyper Λ202235-Ra are stable against hyper Λ4He and Λ14C emission. The role of neutron shell closure (N = 126) in 213 ΛRn daughter and role of proton and neutron shell closure (Z = 82, N = 126) in Λ209Pb daughter are also revealed. As hyper nuclei decays to normal nuclei by mesonic/non-mesonic decay and since most of the predicted half lives for 4He and 14C emission from normal Ra nuclei are favorable for measurement, we presume that alpha and 14C cluster emission from hyper Ra nuclei can be detected in laboratory in a cascade (two-step) process

    A Study on Enhancement of the Security of the Routing Protocols in Adhoc Networks

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    An ad hoc wireless network is a set of wireless mobile nodes that self-configure to build a network without the requirement for any reputable infrastructure or backbone. Mobile nodes are utilized by the Ad hoc networks to facilitate effective communication beyond the wireless transmission range. As ad hoc networks do not impose any fixed infrastructure, it becomes very tough to handle network services with the available routing approaches, and this creates a number of problems in ensuring the security of the communication. Majority of the existing ad hoc protocols that deal with security issues depends on implicit trust relationships to route packets among participating nodes. The general security objectives like authentication, confidentiality, integrity,availability and nonrepudiation should not be compromised in any circumstances. Thus, security in ad hoc networks becomes an active area of research in the field of networking. There are various techniques available in the literature for providing security to the ad hoc networks. This paper focuses on analyzing the various routing protocols available in the literature for ad hoc network environment and its applications in security mechanisms

    Optical Interferometric Properties of Iridescent Nanoporous Anodic Alumina

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    AbstractHighly ordered nanoporous anodic alumina (NAA) membranes with varying pore properties were fabricated using two step electrochemical oxidation of aluminum. A study on optical reflective interferometric properties of NAA was conducted. The influence of pore properties including pore diameters, interpore distance and pore lengths on the reflection spectra was explored. Variation of reflection intensities with different angles of incidence showed the iridescence of NAA membranes. Such NAA nanostructures are promising for the use as substrates for various biomedical sensing applications
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