741 research outputs found

    Identification of patients at high risk for hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy with serial calcium estimation and intact parathyroid hormone levels-a comparative study

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    Background: In recent years, multiple retrospective and prospective studies have emerged, which support the use of postoperative serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) levels can also predict hypocalcaemia in postoperative thyroidectomy patients. Therefore, the present study was designed to determine the incidence of hypocalcaemia after total thyroidectomy.Methods: 146 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy were recruited. The incidence of hypocalcaemia was analyzed with serial calcium estimation results with 6 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours and 2 weeks post-operative calcium level estimations. The incidence of hypocalcaemia with regards to the number of parathyroid glands was determined and the results between the three groups were compared.Results: The incidence of transient hypocalcaemia at 24hr postoperative period and intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) level showed a significant difference (p<0.001). 49% of the patients were with calcium levels <8 mg/dl in first 24hrs of serial calcium estimation in comparison with the 51% parathormone level with <15pg/dl was also showed a significant difference (p<0.001). Calcium levels lessthan 8 mg/dl. The serial calcium level after 2wks with features of hypocalcemia (<8mg/dl) were 18% and was more predictable and coast effective than intact parathyroid hormone (i PTH) estimation which require Rs.1000-1200 in comparison with the serial calcium estimation of around Rs. 400.Conclusions: The serial calcium level estimations are more predictable and coast effective than intact parathyroid hormone (i PTH) estimation in predicting long term post-operative hypocalcaemia after total/near total thyroidectomy

    A retrospective study on the incidence of hypocalcemia and number of parathyroid glands identified and preserved during thyroid surgeries

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    Background: Hypocalcaemia remains a major post-operative complication of total thyroidectomy causing potentially severe symptoms and anxiety in affected patients and increasing hospitalization time. Therefore the present study was designed to evaluate the incidence of hypocalcaemia and the number of parathyroid gland.Methods: 146 patients who underwent total/near total thyroidectomy were recruited. The incidence of hypocalcaemia was analyzed with serial calcium estimation results with 6 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours and 2weeks post-operative calcium level estimations. The incidence of hypocalcaemia with regards to the number of parathyroid glands was determined and the results between the three groups were compared.Results: The overall incidence of hypocalcaemia decreases with increase in the number of parathyroid glands per operatively. In Group-3, 16% of patients had hypocalcaemia in first 6 hours and 96% of patients had calcium value more than 8 mg/dl after 2 weeks without the features of hypocalcaemia. It was 84% and 77% in Group-1, 33% and 23% in Group-2.The difference was found to be statistically significant (p&lt;0.001).Conclusions: The incidence of hypocalcaemia decreases with increase in the number of parathyroid glands peroperativly in thyroid surgeries. The post-operative hypocalcaemia is predictable with the number of parathyroid glands and it gives a platform for an early discharge of the thyroidectomy patients without the fear of post-operative hypocalcaemia

    Wire tomography in the H-1NF heliac for investigation of fine structure of magnetic islands

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    Electron beam wire tomography in the H-1NF heliac enables high resolution mapping of vacuum flux surfaces with minimal disruption of the plasma operations schedule. Recent experimental results have proven this technique to be a highly accurate and high resolution method for mapping vacuum magnetic islands. Islands of width as small as delta approximately 8 mm have been measured, providing estimates of the internal rotational transform of the island. Point-to-point comparison of the mapping results with computer tracing, in conjunction with an image warping technique, enables systematic exploration of magnetic islands and surfaces of interest. Recent development of a fast mapping technique significantly reduced the mapping time and made this technique suitable for mapping at higher magnetic fields. This article presents recent experimental results and associated techniques.with support from the Australian Research Council Grant No. DP0344361


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    The present study explores the quantitative analysis of literature on gravity from 2015 to 2019 based on INSPEC database. Scientometric is the study of quantitative analysis of scientific documents. For the present study data was collected from the INSPEC database published by Elsevier during the period from 2015 to 2019. The study evaluated the different dimensions of the scientometric analysis like, growth of literature, institution wise distribution, most prolific author, relative growth rate and doubling time etc. Highest number (7562) of articles published in the year 2018. The relating growth rate is decreasing and doubling time is increasing over the period. Majority of the articles are in the form of journals, China is the most productive country in global level, Sharif, M is the most prolific author in the field of gravity for the period of 2015 to 2019

    Metabolic syndrome: a comprehensive review

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    Metabolic syndrome (syndrome X) includes several components like diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia etc. Every patient should undergo detailed assessment for the silent presence of the components of metabolic syndrome. Genetic predisposition, increased nutrient- dense food, decreased physical activity and chronic stress are common in metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance, obesity and hyperglycaemia are commonly seen which can later lead to serious consequences like cardiovascular complications, thrombotic events etc. Clinical features depend on the components of the metabolic syndrome in a patient. Some may present with complications and advanced disease. For non-diabetic individuals, oral glucose tolerance test is indicated. It is better to study serum uric acid level and to screen for silent kidney stones. Specific drugs are prescribed as indicated. Drugs for stress and insomnia are also prescribed. Thrombotic status of the patient should be considered, and antiplatelet drugs are prescribed if risk factors are present. Non-pharmacological measures like diet modification and increased physical activity should be given on a priority basis. Patient compliance of these two measures should be monitored regularly. Future deployment of “artificial intelligence – powered” predictive diagnostic tests will help in detecting and controlling metabolic syndrome. “At risk” individuals and patients showing some components of metabolic syndrome should undergo full investigations to detect other components of metabolic syndrome. Full range of therapeutic drugs, diet modification and increased physical activity should be prescribed

    Effect of different levels and sources of calcium on post harvest physiology of hybrid tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum)

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    Due to high respiration and ethylene production, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is highly perishable horticulture produce that deteriorates faster during the post-harvest storage period. Calcium nutrition is important to overcome these losses as it helps in retarding ripening process during storage and improve the post-harvest quality tomatoes. Hence a field experiment was conducted with different calcium sources and levels viz., Calcium sulphate, Calcium Nitrate, Calcium silicate, Poultry manure and Pressmud applied at 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg Ca ha-1. A storage study was conducted in a factorial completely randomized block design (FCRD) to ensure the effective role of calcium in post-harvest quality of hybrid tomato. Tomatoes were analyzed for pH of fruit juice, firmness, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, moisture content and physiological loss at five days intervals upto 15 days. The results revealed thatCalcium sources and levels had highly significant impacts on the quality of tomato fruits. The tomatoes harvested from the plot applied with poultry manure at 80 kg Ca ha-1 retained the highest fruit firmness(3.76 N m-1), moisture content (88.2%) and the lowest weight loss (8.82%) in fruit, highertitratable acidity (0.41%), lesser pH (3.61)andtotal soluble solids (4.23 ËšBrix). Hence the application of poultry manure at 80 kg Ca ha-1was beneficial in improving the quality and extending the storage life of hybrid tomatoes

    Investigating the Relationship between Occupational Stress and Work-Life Balance among Indian Construction Professionals

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    The construction industry has long been recognized as a stressful industry, due to its complexity and management of a large number of stakeholders. Occupational stress causes a negative impact on both the work and personal life of professionals. Previous studies have established that occupational stress of construction professionals is strongly associated with low productivity, high absenteeism, and poor work performance. However, there is a lack of scientific studies that provide linkages between occupational stressors and the dimensions of work-life balance. The present research aims to study the perceived level of occupational stress and assess its relationship with the dimensions of work-life balance among construction professionals. Within an established theoretical framework, eight hypotheses were formulated to investigate the above relationship. A cross-sectional survey-based approach was adopted to assess the level of occupational stress and work-life balance. The survey was administered among construction project managers, project engineers, and site engineers in the Indian context. With 285 valid responses, relative importance index and multiple regression analysis methods were utilised to analyse the collected data. The findings revealed major stressors that contribute to high levels of occupational stress under work-related and organisation-related stressor categories. The top five identified stressors included job nature demands coordination with multiple stakeholders, tight time frame for work, unstable working hours, bureaucracy, and quantitative work overload. With regards to the relationship between the categories of occupational stress and work-life balance, the results indicate that work-related stressors are significantly and positively related to work interference to personal life (WIPL) and personal life interference to work (PLIW) and negatively relate to work enhancement of personal life (WEPL) and personal life enhancement of work (PLEW). In the case of organisation-related stressors, both organisation policy and organisation position-related stressors significantly and positively influence WIPL however, no significant relationship was noticed with PLIW, WEPL, and PLEW. While the existing studies have provided evidence that work-life imbalance causes occupational stress, one of the major contributions of the present study is that it provides valid scientific evidence that occupational stress significantly influences work-life life balance negatively. The study’s findings with regards to unveiling the relationship between the categories of occupational stressors and dimensions of work-life balance would help organisations derive relevant policies for creating a supportive work environment. To this end, the paper advances our collective understanding of occupational stress and work-life balance with multiple dimensions and perspectives

    Structural Stability and Level Density of Hot Rotating Doubly Magic Isotopes of Calcium

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    The recently reported doubly-magic nuclei 52Ca and 54Ca are discussed in comparison with the other magic isotopes of Calcium. the temperature effect is included in this study and hence the statistical approach to obtain the particle emission and level density are discussed in the context of temperature effect. We predict an increase in neutron emission for 54Ca due to the abrupt decrease in neutron separation energy around t=0.4MeV. Since the drop in the separation energy is closely associated with the structural changes in the rotating nuclei, relative increase in neutron emission probability around certain values of temperature may be construed as evidence for the shape transition. Such effects are not obtained for 40,48,52Ca isotopes. hence this statistical study reveals the higher stability of magic nature of 52Ca than 54Ca, against temperature

    Development of Excel Sheets for the Design of Columns Under Tension or Compression, Biaxial Bending, Shear in Both Directions and Torsion

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    ABSTRACT Many analytical softwares do not support design of columns subjected to tension or compression, biaxial bending, shear in both directions and torsion. Tension in columns occurs especially in columns of buildings subjected to horizontal loads due to wind or earthquake forces. Hence, a simple method is developed using MS excel sheet, from the existing Indian codal procedures. Results are compared with existing literature and comparison graphs show that results are matching with the existing literature. Hence, these excel sheets can be used in conjunction with the analytical softwares like STAAD and ETABS for the design of columns. Importance of this procedure lies in the fact that modification or alteratation can be made at any step and can be used for a vast number of columns in a short time during the design of mult-istoried buildings
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