161 research outputs found

    Remodeling of brain morphology in temporal lobe epilepsy.

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    Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is one of the most widespread neurological network disorders. Computational anatomy MRI studies demonstrate a robust pattern of cortical volume loss. Most statistical analyses provide information about localization of significant focal differences in a segregationist way. Multivariate Bayesian modeling provides a framework allowing inferences about inter-regional dependencies. We adopt this approach to answer following questions: Which structures within a pattern of dynamic epilepsy-associated brain anatomy reorganization best predict TLE pathology. Do these structures differ between TLE subtypes? We acquire clinical and MRI data from TLE patients with and without hippocampus sclerosis (n = 128) additional to healthy volunteers (n = 120). MRI data were analyzed in the computational anatomy framework of SPM12 using classical mass-univariate analysis followed by multivariate Bayesian modeling. After obtaining TLE-associated brain anatomy pattern, we estimate predictive power for disease and TLE subtypes using Bayesian model selection and comparison. We show that ipsilateral para-/hippocampal regions contribute most to disease-related differences between TLE and healthy controls independent of TLE laterality and subtype. Prefrontal cortical changes are more discriminative for left-sided TLE, whereas thalamus and temporal pole for right-sided TLE. The presence of hippocampus sclerosis was linked to stronger involvement of thalamus and temporal lobe regions; frontoparietal involvement was predominant in absence of sclerosis. Our topology inferences on brain anatomy demonstrate a differential contribution of structures within limbic and extralimbic circuits linked to main effects of TLE and hippocampal sclerosis. We interpret our results as evidence for TLE-related spatial modulation of anatomical networks

    in search of the neurobiological basis of divergent thinking

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    Human mind can follow two opposite types of reasoning in everyday life as well as in science: convergent thinking, as the ability to get the unique solution to a problem, or divergent thinking, the ability to elaborate different answer to a question. The latter is usually considered as an essential feature of the "creative mind", together with Insight, an unpredictable and unexpected moment of exceptional thinking commonly reported as the "Eureka!" experience. During such processing, an unconscious reorganization process of previously unrelated problem elements is made and when the solution finally emerges to consciousness, the subject is not able to explain how he/she reached it. Because of its unpredictable and unconscious nature, as well as its connection with creativity and scientific discoveries, the definition and evaluation of insight is now one of the biggest challenges for modern cognitive neuroscience. Neurophysiological evidence begins to arise, making the enhancement of creativity thinking using non-invasive neuromodulation techniques a plausible future scenario

    Optimizing transcranial magnetic stimulation for spaceflight applications

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    As space agencies aim to reach and build installations on Mars, the crews will face longer exposure to extreme environments that may compromise their health and performance. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a painless non-invasive brain stimulation technique that could support space exploration in multiple ways. However, changes in brain morphology previously observed after long-term space missions may impact the efficacy of this intervention. We investigated how to optimize TMS for spaceflight-associated brain changes. Magnetic resonance imaging T1-weighted scans were collected from 15 Roscosmos cosmonauts and 14 non-flyer participants before, after 6 months on the International Space Station, and at a 7-month follow-up. Using biophysical modeling, we show that TMS generates different modeled responses in specific brain regions after spaceflight in cosmonauts compared to the control group. Differences are related to spaceflight-induced structural brain changes, such as those impacting cerebrospinal fluid volume and distribution. We suggest solutions to individualize TMS to enhance its efficacy and precision for potential applications in long-duration space missions. © 2023, The Author(s)

    Local and Distributed fMRI Changes Induced by 40 Hz Gamma tACS of the Bilateral Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: A Pilot Study

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    Over the past few years, the possibility of modulating fast brain oscillatory activity in the gamma (γ) band through transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) has been discussed in the context of both cognitive enhancement and therapeutic scenarios. However, the effects of tACS targeting regions outside the motor cortex, as well as its spatial specificity, are still unclear. Here, we present a concurrent tACS-fMRI block design study to characterize the impact of 40 Hz tACS applied over the left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in healthy subjects. Results suggest an increase in blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) activity in the targeted bilateral DLPFCs, as well as in surrounding brain areas affected by stimulation according to biophysical modeling, i.e., the premotor cortex and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). However, off-target effects were also observed, primarily involving the visual cortices, with further effects on the supplementary motor areas (SMA), left subgenual cingulate, and right superior temporal gyrus. The specificity of 40 Hz tACS over bilateral DLPFC and the possibility for network-level effects should be considered in future studies, especially in the context of recently promoted gamma-induction therapeutic protocols for neurodegenerative disorders. © 2022 Lucia Mencarelli et al

    A magnetic compatible supernumerary robotic finger for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) acquisitions: Device description and preliminary results

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    The Supernumerary robotic limbs are a recently introduced class of wearable robots that, differently from traditional prostheses and exoskeletons, aim at adding extra effectors (i.e., arms, legs, or fingers) to the human user, rather than substituting or enhancing the natural ones. However, it is still undefined whether the use of supernumerary robotic limbs could specifically lead to neural modifications in brain dynamics. The illusion of owning the part of body has been already proven in many experimental observations, such as those relying on multisensory integration (e.g., rubber hand illusion), prosthesis and even on virtual reality. In this paper we present a description of a novel magnetic compatible supernumerary robotic finger together with preliminary observations from two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments, in which brain activity was measured before and after a period of training with the robotic device, and during the use of the novel MRI-compatible version of the supernumerary robotic finger. Results showed that the usage of the MR-compatible robotic finger is safe and does not produce artifacts on MRI images. Moreover, the training with the supernumerary robotic finger recruits a network of motor-related cortical regions (i.e. primary and supplementary motor areas), hence the same motor network of a fully physiological voluntary motor gestures

    Regional Precuneus Cortical Hyperexcitability in Alzheimer's Disease Patients

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    Objective: Neuronal excitation/inhibition (E/I) imbalance is a potential cause of neuronal network malfunctioning in Alzheimer's disease (AD), contributing to cognitive dysfunction. Here, we used a novel approach combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalography (EEG) to probe cortical excitability in different brain areas known to be directly involved in AD pathology. Methods: We performed TMS-EEG recordings targeting the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (l-DLPFC), the left posterior parietal cortex (l-PPC), and the precuneus (PC) in a large sample of patients with mild-to-moderate AD (n = 65) that were compared with a group of age-matched healthy controls (n = 21). Results: We found that patients with AD are characterized by a regional cortical hyperexcitability in the PC and, to some extent, in the frontal lobe, as measured by TMS-evoked potentials. Notably, cortical excitability assessed over the l-PPC was comparable between the 2 groups. Furthermore, we found that the individual level of PC excitability was associated with the level of cognitive impairment, as measured with Mini-Mental State Examination, and with corticospinal fluid levels of Aβ42 . Interpretation: Our data provide novel evidence that precuneus cortical hyperexcitability is a key feature of synaptic dysfunction in patients with AD. The current results point to the combined approach of TMS and EEG as a novel promising technique to measure hyperexcitability in patients with AD. This index could represent a useful biomarker to stage disease severity and evaluate response to novel therapies. ANN NEUROL 2022

    Frequency-Dependent Reduction of Cybersickness in Virtual Reality by Transcranial Oscillatory Stimulation of the Vestibular Cortex

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    Virtual reality (VR) applications are pervasive of everyday life, as in working, medical, and entertainment scenarios. There is yet no solution to cybersickness (CS), a disabling vestibular syndrome with nausea, dizziness, and general discomfort that most of VR users undergo, which results from an integration mismatch among visual, proprioceptive, and vestibular information. In a double-blind, controlled trial, we propose an innovative treatment for CS, consisting of online oscillatory imperceptible neuromodulation with transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) at 10 Hz, biophysically modelled to reach the vestibular cortex bilaterally. tACS significantly reduced CS nausea in 37 healthy subjects during a VR rollercoaster experience. The effect was frequency-dependent and placebo-insensitive. Subjective benefits were paralleled by galvanic skin response modulation in 25 subjects, addressing neurovegetative activity. Besides confirming the role of transcranially delivered oscillations in physiologically tuning the vestibular system function (and dysfunction), results open a new way to facilitate the use of VR in different scenarios and possibly to help treating also other vestibular dysfunctions

    Reduction of intratumoral brain perfusion by noninvasive transcranial electrical stimulation

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    Malignant brain neoplasms have a poor prognosis despite aggressive treatments. Animal models and evidence from human bodily tumors reveal that sustained reduction in tumor perfusion via electrical stimulation promotes tumor necrosis, therefore possibly representing a therapeutic option for patients with brain tumors. Here, we demonstrate that transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) allows to safely and noninvasively reduce intratumoral perfusion in humans. Selected patients with glioblastoma or metastasis underwent tES, while perfusion was assessed using magnetic resonance imaging. Multichannel tES was applied according to personalized biophysical modeling, to maximize the induced electrical field over the solid tumor mass. All patients completed the study and tolerated the procedure without adverse effects, with tES selectively reducing the perfusion of the solid tumor. Results potentially open the door to noninvasive therapeutic interventions in brain tumors based on stand-alone tES or its combination with other available therapies

    Bilateral extracephalic transcranial direct current stimulation improves endurance performance in healthy individuals

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    Background: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been used to enhance endurance performance but its precise mechanisms and effects remain unknown. Objective: To investigate the effect of bilateral tDCS on neuromuscular function and performance during a cycling time to task failure (TTF) test. Methods: Twelve participants in randomized order received a placebo tDCS (SHAM) or real tDCS with two cathodes (CATHODAL) or two anodes (ANODAL) over bilateral motor cortices and the opposite electrode pair over the ipsilateral shoulders. Each session lasted 10 min and current was set at 2mA. Neuromuscular assessment was performed before and after tDCS and was followed by a cycling time to task failure (TTF) test. Heart rate (HR), ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), leg muscle pain (PAIN) and blood lactate accumulation (?B[La-]) in response to the cycling TTF test were measured. Results: Corticospinal excitability increased in the ANODAL condition (P < 0.001) while none of the other neuromuscular parameters showed any change. Neuromuscular parameters did not change in the SHAM and CATHODAL conditions. TTF was significantly longer in the ANODAL (P = 0.003) compared to CATHODAL and SHAM conditions (12.61 ± 4.65 min; 10.61 ± 4.34 min; 10.21 ± 3.47 min respectively), with significantly lower RPE and higher ?B[La-] (P < 0.001). No differences between conditions were found for HR (P = 0.803) and PAIN during the cycling TTF test (P = 0.305). Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that tDCS with the anode over both motor cortices using a bilateral extracephalic reference improves endurance performance

    Training in the practice of noninvasive brain stimulation: Recommendations from an IFCN committee

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    As the field of noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) expands, there is a growing need for comprehensive guidelines on training practitioners in the safe and effective administration of NIBS techniques in their various research and clinical applications. This article provides recommendations on the structure and content of this training. Three different types of practitioners are considered (Technicians, Clinicians, and Scientists), to attempt to cover the range of education and responsibilities of practitioners in NIBS from the laboratory to the clinic. Basic or core competencies and more advanced knowledge and skills are discussed, and recommendations offered regarding didactic and practical curricular components. We encourage individual licensing and governing bodies to implement these guidelines