7 research outputs found


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    En la presente investigación se usaron fuentes alternas de proteína dentro de la alimentación balanceada de los pollos de engorde (Gallus gallus). Se consideraron granos de la región tales como la soya (Glycine max) y el chocho (Lupinus mu- tabilis) por su gran contenido proteico y por la facilidad de obtenerlos y procesarlos. Estos se sustituyeron en porcentajes de 0 (Testigo Experimental), 25, 50 y 75% del balanceado comercial.  La etapa de levante, que comprende desde el día 1 hasta el día 28, dejó como conclusión que porcentajes de 50% balan- ceado comercial y 50% de soya son los mejores para tener un aumento de peso superior al reportado en tablas por casas comerciales. Los tratamientos propuestos producen el mismo aumento de peso en las aves; se redujo la cantidad de ba- lanceado comercial y se aumentó la fuente de proteína alterna resultando en menores costos de producción y carne más sana y apetecible.  Palabras clave: Pollos engorde, conversión alimenticia, ganancia de peso, soya, chocho.  ABSTRACT:  In this research, alternative sources of protein in a balanced diet for broiler chickens (Gallus gallus) were used. Regional grains were considered, such as soybean (Glycine max) and lupine (Lupinus mutabilis) due to their high protein content and the ease with which they are obtained and processed. These were substituted in percentages of 0 (Control Experi- ment), 25, 50 and 75% in commercial feed.  The raising phase, which goes from day 1 to day 28, showed that percentages of 50% of commercial feed and 50% of soybean are the best to have a higher gain in weight than the reported in charts by wholesalers. The proposed treatments produce the same gain in weight in the birds; the amount of commercial feed was reduced and the source of protein was increased which resulted in lower production costs and healthier and more appetizing meat.  Keywords: Broiler Chicken, feed conversion, weight gain, soybean, lupine. &nbsp

    Síndrome Confusional Agudo en pacientes con COVID-19

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    In respiratory failure, SARS-CoV-2 can cause central nervous system (CNS) involvement, including acute confusional syndrome (ACS) or delirium that occurs in critically ill patients. The relationship between COVID-19 and acute confusional syndrome was identified. Through a theoretical review, mainly primary sources of information, specialized databases were used: Scielo, Pubmed, Wiley Online Library, BMJ were used. They were included articles on ACS/delirium in patients with COVID-19, published in indexed journals with impact factor > 2.000; with patients about both sexes; in Spanish or English language; open access; with analytical or observational design; systematic reviews and meta-analyzes. The information was organized in characteristics about studied universe data and their main findings/results in the study. Delirium in patients with COVID-19 has a variable incidence; predominates among older adults, with a history of neurocognitive impairment. Social isolation also plays an important role in its appearance. Delirium caused for SARS-Cov-2 infection; therefore, neuropsychiatric assessment is strongly suggested within the care protocol for hospitalized patients with COVID-19Además de la insuficiencia respiratoria, el SARS-CoV-2 puede causar afectación del sistema nervioso central (SNC), incluido el síndrome confusional agudo (SCA) o delirium que se produce en pacientes críticamente enfermos. Se identificó la relación entre el COVID-19 y el síndrome confusional agudo. Mediante una revisión teórica, principalmente fuentes de información primarias se utilizaron las bases de datos especializadas Scielo, Pubmed, Wiley Online Library, BMJ. Se incluyeron artículos sobre el síndrome confusional agudo/delirium en pacientes con COVID-19, publicados en revistas indexadas, con factor de impacto > 2,000; con pacientes de ambos sexos; en idioma castellano o inglés; de acceso libre; con diseño analítico u observacional; revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis. La información fue organizada en características de la población estudiada y principales hallazgos o resultados del estudio. El delirium en los pacientes con COVID-19 tiene una incidencia variable; predomina entre los adultos mayores, con antecedentes de deterioro neurocognitivo. El aislamiento social también tiene un rol importante en su aparición. El delirium en el curso de la infección por SARS-Cov-2, se relaciona con peor pronóstico, incremento de ingreso en unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI), estadía hospitalaria y mortalidad; por lo que se sugiere fuertemente la valoración neuropsiquiátrica dentro del protocolo de atención a los pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-1

    Innovative Three-Step Microwave-Promoted Synthesis of N-Propargyltetrahydroquinoline and 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives as a Potential Factor Xa (FXa) Inhibitors: Drug Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation

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    The coagulation cascade is the process of the conversion of soluble fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin that terminates in production of a clot. Factor Xa (FXa) is a serine protease involved in the blood coagulation cascade. Moreover, FXa plays a vital role in the enzymatic sequence which ends with the thrombus production. Thrombosis is a common causal pathology for three widespread cardiovascular syndromes: acute coronary syndrome (ACS), venous thromboembolism (VTE), and strokes. In this research a series of N-propargyltetrahydroquinoline and 1,2,3-triazole derivatives as a potential factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor were designed, synthesized, and evaluated for their FXa inhibitor activity, cytotoxicity activity and coagulation parameters. Rational design for the desired novel molecules was performed through protein-ligand complexes selection and ligand clustering. The microwave-assisted synthetic strategy of selected compounds was carried out by using Ullmann-Goldberg, N-propargylation, Mannich addition, Friedel-Crafts, and 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition type reactions under microwave irradiation. The microwave methodology proved to be an efficient way to obtain all novel compounds in high yields (73–93%). Furthermore, a thermochemical analysis, optimization and reactivity indexes such as electronic chemical potential (μ), chemical hardness (η), and electrophilicity (ω) were performed to understand the relationship between the structure and the energetic behavior of all the series. Then, in vitro analysis showed that compounds 27, 29–31, and 34 exhibited inhibitory activity against FXa and the corresponding half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values were calculated. Next, a cell viability assay in HEK293 and HepG2 cell lines, and coagulation parameters (anti FXa, Prothrombin time (PT), activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT)) of the most active novel molecules were performed to determine the corresponding cytotoxicity and possible action on clotting pathways. The obtained results suggest that compounds 27 and 29 inhibited FXa targeting through coagulation factors in the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. However, compound 34 may target coagulation FXa mainly by the extrinsic and common pathway. Interestingly, the most active compounds in relation to the inhibition activity against FXa and coagulation parameters did not show toxicity at the performed coagulation assay concentrations. Finally, docking studies confirmed the preferential binding mode of N-propargyltetrahydroquinoline and 1,2,3-triazole derivatives inside the active site of FXa.Fil: Santana Romo, Fabián. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileFil: Lagos, Carlos F.. Universidad San Sebastián; ChileFil: Duarte, Yorley. Universidad Andrés Bello; ChileFil: Castillo, Francisco. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileFil: Moglie, Yanina Fernanda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Maestro, Miguel A.. University of A Coruña; EspañaFil: Charbe, Nitin. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileFil: Zacconi, Flavia Cristina Milagro. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Chil

    Chemical-computational comparison of organometallic complexes in oxygen carriers and their incidence on blood color

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    Blood typically carries small amounts of molecular oxygen (O2) dissolved in the plasma and large amounts chemically combined with hemoglobin. Partial pressure depends only on physically dissolved oxygen, which determines how much oxygen will combine with hemoglobin. The blood needs an O2 carrier in humans because this gas is not sufficiently soluble in the blood plasma to satisfy the body's requirement. At 37 ºC, a liter of blood only dissolves 2.3 mL of O2. However, one liter of blood contains 150 g of hemoglobin, and since each gram of hemoglobin dissolves 1.34 mL of O2, 200 mL of O2 are transported per liter of blood. This quantity is 87 times more than what plasma could carry by itself. Without an O2 carrier like hemoglobin, blood would have to circulate 87 times faster, requiring a high-pressure pump, turbulent flow, and a considerable ventilation-perfusion mismatch. This is why other transporter molecules exist in various organisms, giving each of them a representative color. This is how it is in the human being that blood is red; in spiders, crustaceans, mollusks, octopuses, and squids, the blood is blue; in some segmented worms, some leeches, and some marine worms, there is green blood; finally, in marine worms and brachiopods, the blood is violet.Blood typically carries small amounts of molecular oxygen (O2) dissolved in the plasma and large amounts chemically combined with hemoglobin. Partial pressure depends only on physically dissolved oxygen, which determines how much oxygen will combine with hemoglobin. The blood needs an O2 carrier in humans because this gas is not sufficiently soluble in the blood plasma to satisfy the body's requirement. At 37 ºC, a liter of blood only dissolves 2.3 mL of O2. However, one liter of blood contains 150 g of hemoglobin, and since each gram of hemoglobin dissolves 1.34 mL of O2, 200 mL of O2 are transported per liter of blood. This quantity is 87 times more than what plasma could carry by itself. Without an O2 carrier like hemoglobin, blood would have to circulate 87 times faster, requiring a high-pressure pump, turbulent flow, and a considerable ventilation-perfusion mismatch. This is why other transporter molecules exist in various organisms, giving each of them a representative color. This is how it is in the human being that blood is red; in spiders, crustaceans, mollusks, octopuses, and squids, the blood is blue; in some segmented worms, some leeches, and some marine worms, there is green blood; finally, in marine worms and brachiopods, the blood is violet

    1,2,3-Triazoles como inhibidores enzimáticos del factor Xa

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    Los triazoles son moléculas heterocíclicas de 5 miembros ampliamente estudiados debido a sus potenciales propiedades como fármacos, antimicrobianos e inclusive como antioxidantes. Estas características se deben, principalmente, a las interacciones que se pueden generar entre el compuesto, conteniendo la estructura del triazol, y los residuos del sitio catalítico de enzimas.a,b El factor Xa (FXa) es una serínproteasa del tipo tripsina, juega un papel clave en la coagulación, por ser la parte central de la cascada de la coagulación sanguínea, al catalizar la producción de trombina para inhibir la formación de coágulos. Por lo tanto, el FXa es un blanco farmacológico de enfoque para el desarrollo de potenciales nuevos anticoagulantes, donde los triazoles se vislumbran como un nuevo grupo de moléculas activas frente a esta enzima.c En el presente trabajo, reportamos el diseño, síntesis y evaluación biológica de nuevos 1,2,3-triazoles incorporando en su estructura un anillo de lactama con diferentes heteroátomos (C, S, O, N-Boc) en posición 4. Los triazoles fueron preparados a través de una cicloadición 1,3-dipolar entre azidas aromáticas y alquinos terminales catalizada por nanopartículas de cobre (10 mol%), trietilamina (10 mol%) utilizada como base, en tetrahidrofurano a 65 °C. Los derivados de triazol se obtuvieron con buenos a excelentes rendimientos del producto aislado y en tiempos cortos de reacción.Fil: Santana Romo, Fabián. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileFil: Bjerg, Esteban Eloy. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Moglie, Yanina Fernanda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Radivoy, Gabriel Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Flavia Zacconi. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileXXIII Simposio Nacional de Química OrgánicaCórdobaArgentinaSociedad Argentina de Investigación en Química Orgánic

    Substitution Effects in Aryl Halides and Amides into the Reaction Mechanism of Ullmann-Type Coupling Reactions

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    In this article, we present a comprehensive computational investigation into the reaction mechanism of N-arylation of substituted aryl halides through Ullmann-type coupling reactions. Our computational findings, obtained through DFT ωB97X-D/6-311G(d,p) and ωB97X-D/LanL2DZ calculations, reveal a direct relation between the previously reported experimental reaction yields and the activation energy of haloarene activation, which constitutes the rate-limiting step in the overall coupling process. A detailed analysis of the reaction mechanism employing the Activation Strain Model indicates that the strain in the substituted iodoanilines is the primary contributor to the energy barrier, representing an average of 80% of the total strain energy. Additional analysis based on conceptual Density Functional Theory (DFT) suggests that the nucleophilicity of the nitrogen in the lactam is directly linked to the activation energies. These results provide valuable insights into the factors influencing energetic barriers and, consequently, reaction yields. These insights enable the rational modification of reactants to optimize the N-arylation process

    Assessment of hepatic fatty acids during non-alcoholic steatohepatitis progression using magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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    Introduction and objectives: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) encompasses a spectrum of liver abnormalities including steatosis, steatohepatitis, fibrosis, and cirrhosis. Liver biopsy remains the gold standard method to determine the disease stage in NAFLD but is an invasive and risky procedure. Studies have previously reported that changes in intrahepatic fatty acids (FA) composition are related to the progression of NAFLD, mainly in its early stages. The aim of this study was to characterize the liver FA composition in mice fed a Choline-deficient L-amino-defined (CDAA) diet at different stages of NAFLD using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Methods: We used in-vivo MRS to perform a longitudinal characterization of hepatic FA changes in NAFLD mice for 10 weeks. We validated our findings with ex-vivo MRS, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and histology. Results: In-vivo and ex-vivo results showed that livers from CDAA-fed mice exhibit a significant increase in liver FA content as well as a change in FA composition compared with control mice. After 4 weeks of CDAA diet, a decrease in polyunsaturated and an increase in monounsaturated FA were observed. These changes were associated with the appearance of early stages of steatohepatitis, confirmed by histology (NAFLD Activity Score (NAS) = 4.5). After 10 weeks of CDAA-diet, the liver FA composition remained stable while the NAS increased further to 6 showing a combination of early and late stages of steatohepatitis. Conclusion: Our results suggest that monitoring lipid composition in addition to total water/fat with MRS may yield additional insights that can be translated for non-invasive stratification of high-risk NAFLD patients