179 research outputs found

    Simulación de procesos químicos mediante algoritmos evolutivos: aplicación al ajuste de parámetros de impedancia en sistemas electroquímicos

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    La Espectroscopía de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIS, desus siglas en inglés) es una potente herramienta para elanálisis de sistemas metal-recubrimiento orgánico ya queproporciona información acerca del comportamiento delsistema estudiado tanto a nivel cualitativo como cuantitativo.A través del ajuste de los datos de impedancia obtenidosexperimentalmente a un circuito eléctrico equivalenteadecuado, se puede obtener información directamente relacionadacon la resistencia y durabilidad del recubrimientoanalizado. Para el análisis paramétrico de estos datosse han venido empleando tradicionalmente algoritmos deregresión no lineal que presentan el inconveniente de quepara una correcta estimación se han de proporcionar parámetrosde partida que favorezcan una rápida y buenaconvergencia en este proceso de ajuste. Como métodoalternativo a estos algoritmos, en este artículo se planteael uso de algoritmos evolutivos (más concretamente algoritmosde evolución diferencial), como estrategia para labúsqueda de los parámetros del circuito que permitan realizareste ajuste. Para testear y validar el procedimiento quese propone, se emplea software comercial de uso habitual(ZSimpWin). Los resultados obtenidos muestran un mejorgrado de ajuste en la totalidad de los casos estudiados

    Resolution of the apparent experimental discrepancies observed between SVET and SECM for the characterization of galvanic corrosion reactions

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    A new approach for studying the local distribution of anodic and cathodic sites in a corroding system using the scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET) and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) is presented. When zinc is coupled to iron, dissolution of the active metal occurs in a localized manner (e.g. pitting corrosion), allowing for cathodic sites to be developed on zinc. Local alkalization and oxygen consumption related to cathodic activity are detected above portions of the zinc surface using SECM. Anionic fluxes related to the generation of OH- ions could be measured on the zinc surface outside the corroding pit by rastering the SVET probe closer to the substrat

    Chemical process simulation using evolutionary algorithms: application to the analysis of impedance parameters of electrochemical systems

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    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful tool in the characterization of organic coated metal systems because the method can give both qualitative and quantitative information regarding their behavior. Impedance data are fitted to a relevant electrical equivalent circuit in order to evaluate parameters directly related to the resistance and the durability of coated metal systems. The parametric analysis of the measured data is usually performed using non-linear regression algorithms, though they present the major disadvantage that correct fitting requires introduction of initial values for the parameters adequate to produce a quick and good convergence of the fitting process. An alternate method to regression algorithms for the analysis of measured impedance data in terms of equivalent circuit parameters is provided by evolutionary algorithms, more especially the differential evolution algorithms. The applicability of this method was tested by comparison with the results produced using a commercial fitting software (namely, ZSimpWin). In all the cases, better fitting results were obtained using the differential evolution algorith

    Evaluation of the corrosion protection of steel by anodic processing in metasilicate solution using the scanning vibrating electrode technique

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    Anodic processing in metasilicate solution was investigated for the improvement of the corrosion resistance of various steels, namely F111 low alloy carbon and 304 stainless steels, as well as on galvanized steel cut edges. The efficiency of the prior electrochemical treatment for each material was tested during their exposure to naturally-aerated aqueous chloride solutions of different aggressiveness. Analysis was performed using the scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET) in order to detect local ionic current distributions over the samples under study associated to the corrosion reactions. The onset of corrosion processes were greatly inhibited after anodic processing with metasilicate on both the low alloy carbon steel and the galvanized steel cut edge. Conversely, SVET analysis of unbiased 304 steel samples tested in 0.1 M chloride-containing solution did not show differences between pristine and metasilicate-treated surfaces. Differences in the electrochemical reactivity between treated and non-treated 304 steel surfaces were only observed after partial removal of the corresponding passive layers under operator-controlled polarization

    A novel human pain insensitivity disorder caused by a point mutation in ZFHX2

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    Chronic pain is a major global public health issue causing a severe impact on both the quality of life for sufferers and the wider economy. Despite the significant clinical burden, little progress has been made in terms of therapeutic development. A unique approach to identifying new human-validated analgesic drug targets is to study rare families with inherited pain insensitivity. Here we have analysed an otherwise normal family where six affected individuals display a pain insensitive phenotype that is characterized by hyposensitivity to noxious heat and painless bone fractures. This autosomal dominant disorder is found in three generations and is not associated with a peripheral neuropathy. A novel point mutation in ZFHX2, encoding a putative transcription factor expressed in small diameter sensory neurons, was identified by whole exome sequencing that segregates with the pain insensitivity. The mutation is predicted to change an evolutionarily highly conserved arginine residue 1913 to a lysine within a homeodomain. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mice bearing the orthologous murine p.R1907K mutation, as well as Zfhx2 null mutant mice, have significant deficits in pain sensitivity. Gene expression analyses in dorsal root ganglia from mutant and wild-Type mice show altered expression of genes implicated in peripheral pain mechanisms. The ZFHX2 variant and downstream regulated genes associated with a human pain-insensitive phenotype are therefore potential novel targets for the development of new analgesic drugs. awx326media1 5680039660001 The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain.We thank the Medical Research Council (J.J.C., Career Development Award, G1100340), Wellcome Trust (200183/ Z/15/Z and 101054/Z/13/Z) and Arthritis Research UK (20200) for generous support and Shionogi for an academic research grant (165302). Thanks to the University of Siena for partially funding this research. J.T.B. is supported by a Research Fellowship from the Alzheimer�s Society. J.D.R. received funding from the Wellcome Trust through the London Pain Consortium and from Colciencias through a Francisco Jose de Caldas Scholarship (LASPAU, Harvard University). D.L.H.B. is a Wellcome senior clinical scientist (ref. no. 095698z/11/z and 202747/Z/16/Z) and member of the Wellcome Pain Consortium.Scopu

    Determinants and Differences in Satisfaction with the Inhaler Among Patients with Asthma or COPD

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    Satisfaction with the inhaler is an important determinant of treatment adherence in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, few studies have compared these 2 groups to identify the factors associated with satisfaction with the inhaler. To assess and compare satisfaction with the inhaler in patients with asthma or COPD and to determine the variables associated with high inhaler satisfaction. A multicenter, cross-sectional study of 816 patients (406 with asthma and 410 with COPD) was conducted. Satisfaction was assessed with the Feeling of Satisfaction with Inhaler (FSI-10) questionnaire. All participants completed the Test of Adherence to Inhalers and either the Asthma Control Test (ACT) or the COPD Assessment Test (CAT). Overall, the asthma group was significantly more satisfied with the inhaler (mean [standard deviation] FSI-10 scores: 44.1 [6.5] vs 42.0 [7.7]; P <.001) and more satisfied on most (7 of 10; 70%) items. Patients with asthma were significantly more satisfied with the inhaler regardless of the adherence level or the type of nonadherence pattern. Younger age, good disease control (ACT ≥20 or CAT ≤10), previous inhaler training, and absence of unwitting nonadherence were all independently and significantly associated with high inhaler satisfaction. Age, disease control, and training in inhalation technique all play a more significant role than the specific diagnosis in explaining satisfaction with the device in patients with asthma and COPD. These findings underscore the need to provide better training and more active monitoring of the inhalation technique to improve patient satisfaction, treatment adherence, and clinical outcomes