28 research outputs found

    Anthropometric Profile in Different Event Categories of Acrobatic Gymnastics

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    There is a specific anthropometric profile for each sport, which may be differentiated even in relation to the position, role or event category within each sport discipline. However, there are few studies on acrobatic gymnastics, and the goal of this work was to determine the anthropometric profile depending on the event category, as well as factors that predisposed to performance in these categories. The sample consisted of 150 gymnasts from Spain, divided into 8 groups according to the event category and the role played. The kinanthropometric measurements were taken through the procedures established by the International Society for the Advancement of Kineantropometry. The anthropometric characteristics, including body mass index, somatotype, body composition and proportionality using the Phantom stratagem were analyzed, and the results obtained from the different groups were compared. A regression analysis was performed with particular groups of gymnasts. No significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed between groups of female tops or male bases, although differences were found between female group bases and female pair bases. It could be suggested that higher values of body height, sitting height, the minimum abdominal circumference, percentage of fat and low biliocristal breadth predispose female bases to work in pairs rather than in groups. The conclusion is that the anthropometric measurements are not decisive when guiding a gymnast toward choosing one event category or another, except for female bases

    Hotspots of predation persist outside marine reserves in the historically fished Mediterranean Sea

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    8 páginas, 4 figuras, 2 tablas.The Mediterranean Sea has sustained historically high levels of fishing since pre-Roman times. This onceabundant sea has witnessed major declines in apex predators, now largely restricted to isolated pockets within marine reserves. This depletion could critically impact macrophyte communities that are strongly structured by top-down processes.We evaluated rates of predation on the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, a key herbivore of macroalgal and Posidonia oceanica seagrass seascapes, across a large stretch of the Western Mediterranean coastline. Fish predation was generally higher inside reserves, but was equally high at several locations outside these boundaries. Although critically low at some locations compared to reserves, predation was functionally ubiquitous in most habitats, seasons and sites. Fish were still primarily responsible for this predation with no clear evidence of meso-predator release. Macroalgal habitats were consistently subject to higher predation than in seagrass meadows, functionally critical given the vulnerability of macroalgal systems to overgrazing. Predation hotspots were clearly associated with high fish predator numbers and low refuge availability. Taken together, these results suggest that long-term overfishing may not necessarily reflect a complete loss of trophic function. Pockets of fish predation may still persist, linked to habitat complexity, predator behavioral adaptations and landscape-level features. Given the essential role top-down control plays in macroalgal communities, regulating fishing at these predation hotspots is vital to effectively conserve habitats from future hysteretic shifts. Even historically fished seas may retain areas where trophic function persists; identifying these areas is critical to preserving the remaining ecological integrity of these coastlines.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects CTM2010-22273-C02-01-02 and CTM2013-48027-C03-R) and supported J. B. (scholarship BES-2011-043630) and CSIC- 201330E062 supported R. A.'s visitorship.Peer reviewe

    Somatotype analysis by age categories in spanish female acrobatic gymnasts

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    Somatotype is one of the variables seen as the key to success in sports and talent detection at different ages. This is confirmed by evidence in some gymnastic disciplines in different age categories, but no study has been conducted for Acrobatic Gymnastics. The objective is to establish the characteristic somatotype profile in Acrobatic Gymnastics for each age group, determining whether there are differences among them and between the roles in each one. The sample was made up of 54 female tops (X= 11.23 years; 29.62 Kg) and 75 female bases (X= 14.46 years; 50.48 Kg). The somatotype was calculated using the Heath-Carter method to determine the mesomorphy, endomorphy, and ectomorphy of each group. The statistical analysis carried out consisted of a descriptive and comparative analysis based on the component in particular and the mean somatotype dispersion in general. The results showed that mesomorphy was the most important component in all categories and roles. They indicated different somatotype classifications in each group, but the importance of ectomorphy in tops and endomorphy in bases should also be pointed out. Significant differences were obtained in mesomorphy (tops: p = .012; bases p = .026) and ectomorphy in both roles (tops p = .036; bases p = .001). Despite finding significant differences among certain categories, this did not follow a linear, chronological development. Therefore, one cannot conclude that the somatotype evolved with age, since this may be due to sports specialization. However, it was confirmed that mesomorphy, as in other gymnastics disciplines, is the predominant component in all categories and roles

    The richness of small pockets:Decapod species peak in small seagrass patches where fish predators are absent

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    Este artículo contiene 6 páginas, 3 figuras, 3 tablas.Patchy landscapes behave differently from continuous ones. Patch size can influence species behaviour, movement, feeding and predation rates, with flow-on consequences for the diversity of species that inhabit these patches. To understand the importance of patchiness on regional species pools, we measured decapod richness and abundance in several seagrass patches with contrasting sizes. Additionally, we evaluated potential drivers of patch-specific species distribution including resource abundance, predator habitat use and the structural complexity of patches. Our results showed a non-random distribution of decapod species: small patches were clear hotspots of diversity and abundance, particularly of larger-bodied epifaunal decapods. Interestingly, these hotspots were characterized by lower nutrient resources, lower canopy height, but also lower predator use. Small fish invertivores such as Coris julis and several species of Symphodus were mostly restricted to large patches. These resident predators may be critical in clumping predation in large patches with consequences for how biodiversity of their prey is distributed across the seascape. Our results highlight the idea that a habitat mosaic with both large and small seagrass patches would potentially bolster biodiversity because preys and predators may seek refuge in patches of different sizes.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTM2017-86695-C3-3-R) and supported J. B. (scholarship BES-2011-043630).Peer reviewe

    Proportionality indices and body composition of elite acrobatic gymnasts

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los índices de proporcionalidad y la composición corporal de la Gimnasia Acrobática estableciéndose una diferenciación en función del rol. La muestra fue compuesta por 150 gimnastas de toda España. Se realizó el análisis y la comparación de los diferentes índices de proporcionalidad y la composición corporal en ambos grupos (ágiles y portores). El porcentaje de grasa fue significativamente (p<0,001) superior en los portores (15,1% de grasa), mientras que el porcentaje óseo fue mayor en los ágiles (19,82%). En cuanto a los índices de proporcionalidad no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre ambos roles. Se aprecian diferencias significativas en relación al porcentaje de grasa y óseo entre los ágiles y los portores, siendo el porcentaje graso inferior en los ágiles y el óseo inferior en los portores. Ambos grupos se caracterizan por tener extremidades superiores cortas, siendo las inferiores largas en los ágiles e intermedias en los portores. Ambos roles presentan un tronco intermedio y de forma intermedia.The study is aimed at determining the proportionality indices and body composition in Acrobatic Gymnastics, establishing a differentiation according to the role to be performed. The sample consisted of 150 gymnasts from throughout Spain. Several proportionality indices and the body composition were analyzed in both groups (tops and bases). A comparative analysis between groups was also carried out. The percentage of body fat was significantly (p<0.001) higher in the bases (15.1% fat), whereas the percentage of bone mass was higher in the tops (19.82%). Regarding the proportionality indices, there were no significant differences between the two roles. However, significant differences were observed with respect to the percentage of body fat and bone mass between the tops and bases, the percentage of body fat being lower in the tops and that of bone mass being lower in the bases. Tops and bases are characterized by short upper limbs; however, tops present long lower limbs, whereas bases have intermediate lower limbs. Both roles present an intermediate trunk, of intermediate shape

    Atribución de responsabilidad y reacción afectiva: La influencia de la violencia y la intencionalidad

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    Los individuos otorgan sentido a los acontecimientos ocurridos, a través de un amplio abanico de inferencias adherido a las circunstancias experienciales, con finalidad de asegurar una interacción satisfactoria con su entorno. Por ende, los juicios morales y el razonamiento toman un papel protagonista como influencias fundamentales del estado emocional, conductas, cogniciones y sentimientos. De esta manera, son las valoraciones de las situaciones, más que las propias situaciones, las que determinan con mayor peso las emociones. Así pues, la presente investigación posee como objetivo fundamental conocer si existen diferencias significativas en la Atribución de Responsabilidad y Reacción Afectiva entre los diferentes niveles de Intencionalidad y Violencia consecuente a eventos con un desenlace negativo, en conductas de agresión o violencia, y marginalmente, comprobar la existencia de diferencias de género en las variables propuestas. De modo que, la muestra de la investigación se compone de 215 participantes, de los cuales 172 son mujeres y 43 hombres, evaluados a través un instrumento de elaboración propia que evalúa Atribución de Responsabilidad y Reacción Afectiva. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que en los juicios de responsabilidad, de naturaleza más cognitiva, se tiene más en cuenta el carácter violento o no violento del contexto; mientras que en la reacción afectiva, de naturaleza más emocional, es más determinante el reconocimiento de la intencionalidad de las acciones por parte del agente.Individuals give meaning to the events that have occurred, through a wide range of inferences attached to the experiential circumstances in order to ensure a satisfactory interaction with their environment. Therefore, moral judgments and reasoning take a leading role as a fundamental influences of emotional state, behaviours, cognitions, and feelings. Because of this, it is the evaluations of the situations, more than the situations themselves, that determine the emotions. The main objective of this research is to know if there are significant differences in the Attribution of Responsibility and Affective Reaction between the different levels of Intentionality and Violence consequent to events with a negative outcome, in behaviours of aggression or violence, and marginally, to verify the existence of gender differences in the proposed variables. Thus, the research sample is from 215 participants, of which 172 are women and 43 men, evaluated through a self-made instrument that evaluates Attribution of Responsibility and Affective Reaction. The results obtained suggest that in liability trials, of a more cognitive nature, the violent or non-violent nature of the context is more considered; while in the affective reaction, of a more emotional nature, the recognition of the intentionality of the actions by the agent is more decisive

    Scanning electrochemical microscopy for the investigation of localized degradation processes in coated metals: Effect of oxygen

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    The effect of oxygen content on the corrosion reactions inside a holiday in a polymer-coated metal substrate was studied by SECM without adding a redox mediator. The system was mild steel coated by polyurethane in KCl. By selecting different values for the potential applied to the ultramicroelectrode tip, local concentrations of species involved in the degradation process are monitored, namely Fe(II) ions, hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. The results show a variation in both the shape and the magnitude of the scan lines measured over the holiday. A critical oxygen concentration was found below which the corrosion reaction is not observe

    Anthropometric specificity and level of participation in acrobatic gymnastics based on sex

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    Las diferencias de sexo es un aspecto muy presente en el mundo laboral y deportivo. Esto se traduce en la diferenciación de actividades deportivas, determinadas como masculinas o femeninas. De ahí que el objetivo del estudio fue analizar el nivel de participación y características morfológicas en gimnastas de acrobática y ver las diferencias en relación al sexo y rol: portor y ágil. Se analizó la participación en los Campeonatos de España entre 2011 y 2018, y se comparó medidas antropométricas, composición corporal y de proporcionalidad, en función del rol de actuación y sexo. El Comité Autonómico de Ética de Investigación de la Xunta de Galicia (España) aprobó la metodología de trabajo. Los resultados mostraron un porcentaje mucho mayor de participación en función del sexo a favor del sexo femenino en todos los campeonatos analizados. Sin embargo, el peso, índice de masa corporal y el porcentaje muscular no fueron diferentes entre sexos en ninguno de los dos roles. De las 62 variables morfológicas evaluadas, existe un mayor predominio de las diferencias en los portores que en los ágiles en relación al sexo, destacando el porcentaje de grasa

    Modelo Phantom e índices de proporcionalidad en categorías de edad de gimnasia acrobática: un estudio transversal y descriptivo

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze body proportionality through the Phantom strategy and body indexes, in the different age categories that make up the regulated competition in GA, in its two fundamental roles of tops and bases. Material and methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive study. The study population consisted of national-level gymnasts. The selection criterion was participation in the Spanish championships. Those of a lower level and not being female were excluded. Body proportionality was evaluated by the Phantom strategy and body indexes, such as weight index, relative upper limb length, skeletal index, cormic index, acromio-iliac index and relative armspan. A general and multiple comparative analysis was carried out between age categories.Results: Sample of n = 54 tops (age (X) = 11.23 years; SD = 3.04) and n = 75 female bases (X = 14.46 years; DT = 2.08) distributed in the juvenile, infant category, cadet, youth, junior and senior. In tops gymnasts, the differences between groups in the phantom values of proportionality of weight (p = .032), and diameters of the humerus (p = .034), wrist (p = .002) and femur (p = .004). As well as in the proportionality indices of the relative length of the upper extremities (p = .016), skeletal index (p = .008), and cormic index (p = .008). Among the overall differences in the female bases, the phantom values of weight (p = .008), abdominal girth (p = .045), gluteus (p = .001) and relaxed arm (p = .015), while in the index only show differences in the iliac acromio index (p = .008).Conclusions: There are not too many significant differences in anthropometric proportionality between age groups in any of the roles studied. It is not possible to establish a clear gradual evolution of these. However, knowing the proportionality and its specificities, allow a good talent detection.Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la proporcionalidad corporal a través de la estrategia Phantom y de los índices corporales, en las diferentes categorías de edad que conforman la competición reglada en este deporte, en sus dos roles fundamentales de ágil y portor. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal y descriptivo. La población de estudio la formaron los gimnastas de nivel nacional. El criterio de selección fue la participación en campeonatos de España. Se excluyeron aquellos de nivel inferior y no ser de sexo femenino. Se evaluó la proporcionalidad corporal mediante la estrategia Phantom e índices corporales, como el índice ponderal, la longitud relativa de las extremidades superiores, índice esquelético, índice córmico, índice acromio ilíaco y la envergadura relativa. Se realizó un análisis comparativo general y múltiple entre categorías de edad.Resultados: Muestra de n=54 ágiles (edad (X)=11,23años; DT=0, 7 infantiles (mnastas alevines (7,28 rol de ,11 años años; DE =3,04) y n=75 portoras (X=14,46¡ños; DT=0, 7 infantiles (mnastas alevines (7,28 rol de ,11 años años; DE=2,08) de sexo femenino distribuidas en categoría alevín, infantil, cadete, juvenil, junior y senior. En las gimnastas ágiles destacan las diferencias entre grupos en los valores phantom de proporcionalidad del peso (p= ,032), y diámetros del húmero (p= ,034), muñeca (p= ,002) y fémur (p= ,004). Así como en los índices de proporcionalidad de la longitud relativa de las extremidades superiores (p= ,016), índice esquelético (p= ,008), e índice córmico (p= ,008). En las portoras entre las diferencias generales destacan los valores phantom del peso (p= ,008), perímetro abdominal (p= ,045), glúteo (p= ,001) y brazo relajado (p= ,015), mientras que en los índices solo arroja diferencias el índice acromio ilíaco (p= ,008).Conclusiones: No existen demasiadas diferencias significativas en la proporcionalidad antropométrica entre los grupos de edad en ninguno de los roles estudiados. No pudiendo establecer una clara evolución gradual de estas. Sin embargo, el conocer la proporcionalidad y sus especificidades, permiten realizar una buena detección de talentos

    Anthropometric Specificity and Level of Participation in Acrobatic Gymnastics Based on Sex

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    AGRADECIMIENTOS. A todos los gimnastas de acrobática y entrenadores de los clubs de Gimnasia en España.Las diferencias de sexo es un aspecto muy presente en el mundo laboral y deportivo. Esto se traduce en la diferenciación de actividades deportivas, determinadas como masculinas o femeninas. De ahí que el objetivo del estudio fue analizar el nivel de participación y características morfológicas en gimnastas de acrobática y ver las diferencias en relación al sexo y rol: portor y ágil. Se analizó la participación en los Campeonatos de España entre 2011 y 2018, y se comparó medidas antropométricas, composición corporal y de proporcionalidad, en función del rol de actuación y sexo. El Comité Autonómico de Ética de Investigación de la Xunta de Galicia (España) aprobó la metodología de trabajo. Los resultados mostraron un porcentaje mucho mayor de participación en función del sexo a favor del sexo femenino en todos los campeonatos analizados. Sin embargo, el peso, índice de masa corporal y el porcentaje muscular no fueron diferentes entre sexos en ninguno de los dos roles. De las 62 variables morfológicas evaluadas, existe un mayor predominio de las diferencias en los portores que en los ágiles en relación al sexo, destacando el porcentaje de grasa.Sex differences are a very present aspect in the world of work and sports. This translates into the differentiation of sports activities, determined as masculine or feminine. Hence, the aim of the study was to analyze the level of participation and morphological characteristics in acrobatic gymnasts and to see the differences in relation to sex and role: Base and top. Participation in the Spanish Championships between 2011 and 2018 was analyzed, and anthropometric measures, body composition and proportionality were compared, depending on the role of performance and sex. The Autonomous Committee of Research Ethics of the Xunta de Galicia (Spain) approved the work methodology. The results showed a much higher percentage of participation according to sex in favor of the female sex in all the analyzed championships. However, the weight, body mass index and muscle percentage were not different between sexes in either of the two roles. Of the 62 morphological variables evaluated, there is a greater predominance of differences in the bases than in the tops ones in relation to sex, highlighting the percentage of fat