4 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n del impacto ambiental del cultivo de la pitahaya, Cant贸n Palora, Ecuador

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    Pitahaya fruit (Selenicereus megalanthus) is an exotic subtropical fruit with yellow skin, sweet and sour pulp, which contains levels of essential fatty acids such as oleic and linoleic acids. Its cultivation, in recent years, has become one of the main economic activities of the Morona-Santiago province. The objective of this work was to determine the environmental impact generated by the cultivation of pitahaya, and to propose management strategies that mitigate the effects on the environment. The characterization of the physical, biotic, socioeconomic and cultural environment of plantations of the Palora Canton was carried out, according to the criteria of the national environmental regulations. The methodology used were checklists, and Leopold matrix that are based on the analysis of the interactions between the stages of the crop and the environmental factors impacted. The main results in the evaluated farm show negative impacts such as the loss of biodiversity, degradation of soils, of the physical environment, mainly associated with the use of agrochemicals, the clearing of forest ecosystems, as well as the opening of access roads. The management plan shows strategies aimed at mitigating and compensating for the most severe impacts and complying with current environmental laws.La fruta pitahaya (Selenicereus megalanthus) es una fruta subtropical ex贸tica con piel amarilla, de pulpa con sabor agridulce, que contiene niveles de 谩cidos grasos esenciales como los 谩cidos oleico y linoleico. Su cultivo, en los 煤ltimos a帽os, se ha convertido en una de las principales actividades econ贸micas de la provincia Morona-Santiago. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el impacto ambiental que genera el cultivo de pitahaya, y proponer estrategias de manejo que permitan mitigar los efectos sobre el medio ambiente. Se realiz贸 la caracterizaci贸n de los medios f铆sico, bi贸tico, socioecon贸mico y cultural de plantaciones del Cant贸n Palora, seg煤n los criterios de las normativas ambientales nacionales. La metodolog铆a empleada estuvo conformada por el uso de: listas de chequeo y la matriz de Leopold, las cuales se fundamentan en el an谩lisis de las interacciones existentes entre las etapas del cultivo y los factores ambientales impactados. Los principales resultados en la finca evaluada muestran impactos negativos como la p茅rdida de biodiversidad, degradaci贸n de suelos, del medio f铆sico, asociados principalmente por el uso de agroqu铆micos, el desbroce de ecosistemas boscosos, as铆 como la apertura de caminos de acceso. El plan de manejo muestra estrategias encaminadas a mitigar y compensar los impactos m谩s severos, y dar cumplimiento a las leyes ambientales vigentes

    Theoretical Engineering of the Gut Micro biome for the Purpose of Creating Superior Soldiers

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    The purpose of this review is to highlight research raising the possibility of exploiting the host-microbiome gut axis for military purposes. Through optimizing the gut-microbiome environment it is possible to enhance nutritional access to indigestible material, provide local and systemic analgesia, enhance psychological robustness to battlefield stress, produce endogenous steroids, reduce muscle fatigue, and promote peripheral wound healing. However, this approach is still in its early stages and thus has not been explored to its full potential. The challenges that are currently preventing the practical use of gut bacteria include the following: inconsistency of clinical outcomes, transient effects requiring continuous supplementation, the type of regimen selected, the initiation and cessation of regimen, and the broader clinical studies needed to validate this research. This review is intended to shed light on the numerous and varied positive impacts such an approach could have for the military if further developed

    Evaluaci贸n del impacto ambiental del cultivo de la pitahaya, Cant贸n Palora, Ecuador

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    Pitahaya fruit (Selenicereus megalanthus) is an exotic subtropical fruit with yellow skin, sweet and sour pulp, which contains levels of essential fatty acids such as oleic and linoleic acids. Its cultivation, in recent years, has become one of the main economic activities of the Morona-Santiago province. The objective of this work was to determine the environmental impact generated by the cultivation of pitahaya, and to propose management strategies that mitigate the effects on the environment. The characterization of the physical, biotic, socioeconomic and cultural environment of plantations of the Palora Canton was carried out, according to the criteria of the national environmental regulations. The methodology used were checklists, and Leopold matrix that are based on the analysis of the interactions between the stages of the crop and the environmental factors impacted. The main results in the evaluated farm show negative impacts such as the loss of biodiversity, degradation of soils, of the physical environment, mainly associated with the use of agrochemicals, the clearing of forest ecosystems, as well as the opening of access roads. The management plan shows strategies aimed at mitigating and compensating for the most severe impacts and complying with current environmental laws.La fruta pitahaya (Selenicereus megalanthus) es una fruta subtropical ex贸tica con piel amarilla, de pulpa con sabor agridulce, que contiene niveles de 谩cidos grasos esenciales como los 谩cidos oleico y linoleico. Su cultivo, en los 煤ltimos a帽os, se ha convertido en una de las principales actividades econ贸micas de la provincia Morona-Santiago. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el impacto ambiental que genera el cultivo de pitahaya, y proponer estrategias de manejo que permitan mitigar los efectos sobre el medio ambiente. Se realiz贸 la caracterizaci贸n de los medios f铆sico, bi贸tico, socioecon贸mico y cultural de plantaciones del Cant贸n Palora, seg煤n los criterios de las normativas ambientales nacionales. La metodolog铆a empleada estuvo conformada por el uso de: listas de chequeo y la matriz de Leopold, las cuales se fundamentan en el an谩lisis de las interacciones existentes entre las etapas del cultivo y los factores ambientales impactados. Los principales resultados en la finca evaluada muestran impactos negativos como la p茅rdida de biodiversidad, degradaci贸n de suelos, del medio f铆sico, asociados principalmente por el uso de agroqu铆micos, el desbroce de ecosistemas boscosos, as铆 como la apertura de caminos de acceso. El plan de manejo muestra estrategias encaminadas a mitigar y compensar los impactos m谩s severos, y dar cumplimiento a las leyes ambientales vigentes

    Theoretical Engineering of the Gut Micro biome for the Purpose of Creating Superior Soldiers

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    The purpose of this review is to highlight research raising the possibility of exploiting the host-microbiome gut axis for military purposes. Through optimizing the gut-microbiome environment it is possible to enhance nutritional access to indigestible material, provide local and systemic analgesia, enhance psychological robustness to battlefield stress, produce endogenous steroids, reduce muscle fatigue, and promote peripheral wound healing. However, this approach is still in its early stages and thus has not been explored to its full potential. The challenges that are currently preventing the practical use of gut bacteria include the following: inconsistency of clinical outcomes, transient effects requiring continuous supplementation, the type of regimen selected, the initiation and cessation of regimen, and the broader clinical studies needed to validate this research. This review is intended to shed light on the numerous and varied positive impacts such an approach could have for the military if further developed.This article is published as Schmidt-McCormack, Garrett R, Kristina M Feye, Sreemoyee Acharya, Gregory SA Mlynarczyk, Stephen J Anderson, Patricia Izbicki, Emir Malovic, KC Luna, Joe S Smith, Matthew A Jefferson, Aron Nakama, Kasandra Diaz Santana, Naveen C Kondru, Michael D Kleinhenz, James G Tipton, Shivani Choudhary, Robyn D Kokemuller, Sireesha Manne, Marson R Putra, Nyzil Massey, Denusha Shrestha, Diou Luo, Shaunik Sharma, Pongrat Jaisil, Carrie A Berg, and Steve A Carlson. "Theoretical Engineering of the Gut Micro biome for the Purpose of Creating Superior Soldiers." Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 6, no. 2 (2017): 12-18. Posted with permission.</p