59 research outputs found

    Insights on peptide topology in the computational design of protein ligands: the example of lysozyme binding peptides

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    Herein, we compared the ability of linear and cyclic peptides generated in silico to target different protein sites: internal pockets and solvent-exposed sites. We selected human lysozyme (HuL) as a model target protein combined with the computational evolution of linear and cyclic peptides. The sequence evolution of these peptides was based on the PARCE algorithm. The generated peptides were screened based on their aqueous solubility and HuL binding affinity. The latter was evaluated by means of scoring functions and atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories in water, which allowed prediction of the structural features of the protein-peptide complexes. The computational results demonstrated that cyclic peptides constitute the optimal choice for solvent exposed sites, while both linear and cyclic peptides are capable of targeting the HuL pocket effectively. The most promising binders found in silico were investigated experimentally by surface plasmon resonance (SPR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) techniques. All tested peptides displayed dissociation constants in the micromolar range, as assessed by SPR; however, both NMR and ESI-MS suggested multiple binding modes, at least for the pocket binding peptides. A detailed NMR analysis confirmed that both linear and cyclic pocket peptides correctly target the binding site they were designed for

    Estrogen-dependent downregulation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-2α in invasive breast cancer cells

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    The involvement of estrogen (E2) and hypoxia in tumor progression is well established. Hypoxia has been reported to activate and degrade estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in breast cancer cells. Furthermore, E2 has been shown to regulate hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α protein, but its role in HIF-2α regulation remains largely unexplored. In this study, we found that both HIF-2α mRNA and protein were down-regulated in ER positive but not ER negative breast cancer cells upon treatment with E2. The analysis of 690 samples derived from 608 mixed and 82 triple-negative breast cancer patients revealed that high nuclear HIF-2α tumor levels are associated with a worse prognosis specifically in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and hormone receptor positive patients. Consistently, ERα/HER2 positive breast cancer cells displayed less pronounced downregulation of HIF-2α by E2. Experiments using a histone deacetylase inhibitor indicate that the E2 mediated decrease in HIF-2α mRNA is due to transcriptional repression. A functional estrogen response element (ERE) was identified in the first intron of the gene encoding HIF-2α (EPAS1), suggesting transcriptional co-repressor recruitment by ERα. Our results demonstrate a novel modulation of HIF-2α in breast cancer cells, explaining the opposing regulation between HIF-1α and HIF-2α in hormone-responsive breast cancer

    “Non sono speciale devo solo pisciare”. Incursioni grafiche per decostruire il binarismo cis-eteronormativo a partire dai bagni pubblici

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    A tuttx è capitato di utilizzare un bagno pubblico e trovarsi di fronte una scelta: una figurina in pantalone e una con la gonna. Per molte persone immedesimarsi è immediato. Il progetto “Gender free toilet. Just use it” vuole scardinare questo automatismo, partendo dalle esperienze di quelle persone che, invece, di fronte alle due porte si interrogano, si fermano e, spesso, si forzano a scegliere una delle due opzioni. Per mettere in discussione il binarismo cis-eteronormativo il progetto che qui presentiamo, e che proprio in questi giorni ha fatto la sua uscita pubblica sui bagni dello Short Theater festival di Roma, iniziando ad ammiccare da un numero sempre maggiore di porte, vorrebbe sostituire in ogni luogo pubblico ai bagni divisi per genere, uno o più bagni gender free, ovvero attraversabili e utilizzabili da tutte le persone, siano esse trans*, non binarie o cisgender. Come? Affiggendo sulle porte un adesivo, risultato di una riflessione collettiva: abbiamo infatti chiesto a persone amiche di pensare a quante volte fosse capitato loro di dover utilizzare un bagno pubblico e di non trovare sulla porta un simbolo che fosse rappresentativo e che lx facesse sentire a proprio agio. Il risultato è stata una raccolta di idee e forme di autorappresentazione a cui è stata data forma grafica. Partire dalla modifica, anche visiva, degli spazi pubblici, di quegli spazi che quotidianamente attraversiamo e che contribuiscono, come nel caso dei bagni, a dar forma e forza all’invisibilizzazione e all’oppressione di quelle soggettività che vengono percepite come “fuori norma” e “fuori luogo”, è per noi un modo di prendere posizione semplice, ma di grande impatto per il superamento del binarismo di genere. Per trasformare gli ambienti e renderli più sicuri e fruibili per tutte le soggettività che non rientrano nella dicotomia maschile-femminile; per cambiare la società, com’è organizzata e, quindi, anche il nostro modo di pensarla

    HUGenomics: A support to personalized medicine research

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    In the coming years, human genome research will likely transform medical practices. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are an example of the research effort made to allowing scientists to identify genes involved in human disease, reaction to treatments or symptom severity. Indeed, the unique genetic profile of an individual and the knowledge of molecular basis of diseases are leading to the development of personalized medicines and therapies, but the exponential growth of available genomic data requires a computational effort that may limit the progress of personalized medicine. Within this context, we propose the development of a novel hardware and software integrated system, named HUGenomics. The framework aims at becoming an advanced support for personalized medicine research. Thanks to more efficient algorithms and data integration from different biological sources, HUGenomics aims at simplifying the interpretation of biological information and facilitating genomic research process by means of both computational and data visualization tools