66 research outputs found

    The use of organic biostimulants in hot pepper plants to help low input sustainable agriculture

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    Background World demand for agricultural products is increasing. New insights are required in order to achieve sufficient and sustainable yields to meet global food request. Chemical fertilizers have been studied for almost 200 years, and it is unlikely that they could be improved. However, to produce food for a growing world population, various methods to increase the efficiency of chemical fertilizers are investigated. One approach to increasing crop productivity is the development of environment-friendly organic products named biostimulants which stimulate plant growth by enhancing the efficiency of chemical fertilizers. Most studies have tested these products in short-term experiments, but little information is available on their effect on plants at the maturity stage of growth. On this account, this paper focuses on the effects of two biostimulants, red grape skin extract (RG) and alfalfa hydrolyzate (AH), throughout the entire plant development

    Development of a laboratory test procedure for the evaluation of potential gaseous emissions of asphalt rubber bituminous mixtures

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    The superior performance of bituminous mixtures containing crumb rubber from end-of-life tyres has been widely documented from a structural and functional point of view. However, potential impact of the use of crumb rubber on the health of workers in pavement construction sites has been the subject of a limited number of investigations, with a consequent gap in currently available technical knowledge. Following previous research work focused on the chemical analysis of fumes sampled on site, in this paper the Authors present results obtained in the development of a laboratory test procedure for the evaluation of gaseous emissions of asphalt rubber bituminous mixtures in standard, controlled conditions unaffected by site-specific factors. The investigation included monitoring of emissions at the paver's driving seat and at the screed during the laying of gap-and dense-graded wearing course mixtures in three different sites. Laboratory tests were performed by following a fume-generation protocol and by measuring the contents of volatile organic compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in produced emissions. Comparison of results derived from laboratory and field data was carried out in absolute terms and within a carcinogenic risk assessment model. It was found that the proposed laboratory procedure yields emissions which in most cases are similar to those recorded on site at the paver's screed and that lead to a conservative risk estimat

    Caracterização antioxidante de diferentes variedades crioulas de brócolis italiano

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    ABSTRACT: The Brassicaceae plants are among the most consumed vegetables in the world. They feature a large biodiversity, in which landraces and primitive cultivars still play a major role on the cultivation systems of many countries. Brassicas and especially broccoli are closely linked to antioxidant compounds that play a key role for human health. This experiment aimed to characterize some Italian unknown broccoli landraces from the antioxidant point of view. Five landraces named BF, BF4, BFT, BB and BS were evaluated. The total antioxidant properties of broccoli were significantly different among ecotypes and the higher values were recorded in BS and BF4. Total phenols showed the higher values in BF4 and concerning the ascorbic acid content found in the different ecotypes results can be summarized in three groups: the first one is represented by BB with higher values, the second one by BF4 and BS and then BF and BFT. BB represented the lower amount of hydroxycinnamic acids, whereas BF4 showed quite higher sulforaphane content (+95%) than other cultivars. The high content of phenolic acids, vitamin C and antioxidant compounds make these broccoli landraces, still little known, an important natural source of dietary antioxidant

    In vitro study of uptake and synthesis of creatine and its precursors by cerebellar granule cells and astrocytes suggests some hypotheses on the physiopathology of the inherited disorders of creatine metabolism

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The discovery of the inherited disorders of creatine (Cr) synthesis and transport in the last few years disclosed the importance of blood Cr supply for the normal functioning of the brain. These putatively rare diseases share a common pathogenetic mechanism (the depletion of brain Cr) and similar phenotypes characterized by mental retardation, language disturbances, seizures and movement disorders. In the effort to improve our knowledge on the mechanisms regulating Cr pool inside the nervous tissue, Cr transport and synthesis and related gene transcripts were explored in primary cultures of rat cerebellar granule cells and astrocytes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cr uptake and synthesis were explored in vitro by incubating monotypic primary cultures of rat type I astrocytes and cerebellar granule cells with: a) D<sub>3</sub>-Creatine (D<sub>3</sub>Cr) and D3Cr plus β-guanidinopropionate (GPA, an inhibitor of Cr transporter), and b) labelled precursors of Guanidinoacetate (GAA) and Cr (Arginine, Arg; Glycine, Gly). Intracellular D3Cr and labelled GAA and Cr were assessed by ESI-MS/MS. Creatine transporter (<it>CT1</it>), L-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (<it>AGAT</it>), and S-adenosylmethionine:guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase (<it>GAMT</it>) gene expression was assessed in the same cells by real time PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>D3Cr signal was extremely high in cells incubated with this isotope (labelled/unlabelled Cr ratio reached about 10 and 122, respectively in cerebellar granule cells and astrocytes) and was reduced by GPA. Labelled Arg and Gly were taken up by the cells and incorporated in GAA, whose concentration paralleled that of these precursors both in the extracellular medium and inside the cells (astrocytes). In contrast, the increase of labelled Cr was relatively much more limited since labelled Cr after precursors' supplementation did not exceed 2,7% (cerebellar granule cells) and 21% (astrocytes) of unlabelled Cr. Finally, <it>AGAT, GAMT </it>and <it>SLC6A8 </it>were expressed in both kind of cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results confirm that both neurons and astrocytes have the capability to synthesize and uptake Cr, and suggest that at least in vitro intracellular Cr can increase to a much greater extent through uptake than through <it>de novo </it>synthesis. Our results are compatible with the clinical observations that when the Cr transporter is defective, intracellular Cr is absent despite the brain should be able to synthesize it. Further research is needed to fully understand to what extent our results reflect the in vivo situation.</p

    Gliadin-Mediated Proliferation and Innate Immune Activation in Celiac Disease Are Due to Alterations in Vesicular Trafficking

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    Background and Objectives: Damage to intestinal mucosa in celiac disease (CD) is mediated both by inflammation due to adaptive and innate immune responses, with IL-15 as a major mediator of the innate immune response, and by proliferation of crypt enterocytes as an early alteration of CD mucosa causing crypts hyperplasia. We have previously shown that gliadin peptide P31-43 induces proliferation of cell lines and celiac enterocytes by delaying degradation of the active epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) due to delayed maturation of endocytic vesicles. IL-15 is increased in the intestine of patients affected by CD and has pleiotropic activity that ultimately results in immunoregulatory cross-talk between cells belonging to the innate and adaptive branches of the immune response. Aims of this study were to investigate the role of P31-43 in the induction of cellular proliferation and innate immune activation. Methods/Principal Findings: Cell proliferation was evaluated by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation both in CaCo-2 cells and in biopsies from active CD cases and controls. We used real-time PCR to evaluate IL-15 mRNA levels and FACS as well as ELISA and Western Blot (WB) analysis to measure protein levels and distribution in CaCo-2 cells. Gliadin and P31-43 induce a proliferation of both CaCo-2 cells and CD crypt enterocytes that is dependent on both EGFR and IL-15 activity. In CaCo-2 cells, P31-43 increased IL-15 levels on the cell surface by altering intracellular trafficking. The increased IL-15 protein was bound to IL15 receptor (IL-15R) alpha, did not require new protein synthesis and functioned as a growth factor. Conclusion: In this study, we have shown that P31-43 induces both increase of the trans-presented IL-15/IL5R alpha complex on cell surfaces by altering the trafficking of the vesicular compartments as well as proliferation of crypt enterocytes with consequent remodelling of CD mucosa due to a cooperation of IL-15 and EGFR

    Head to head comparison of 2D vs real time 3D dipyridamole stress echocardiography

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    Real-time three-dimensional (RT-3D) echocardiography has entered the clinical practice but true incremental value over standard two-dimensional echocardiography (2D) remains uncertain when applied to stress echo. The aim of the present study is to establish the additional value of RT-3D stress echo over standard 2D stress echocardiography. We evaluated 23 consecutive patients (age = 65 ± 10 years, 16 men) referred for dipyridamole stress echocardiography with Sonos 7500 (Philips Medical Systems, Palo, Alto, CA) equipped with a phased – array 1.6–2.5 MHz probe with second harmonic capability for 2D imaging and a 2–4 MHz matrix-phased array transducer producing 60 × 70 volumetric pyramidal data containing the entire left ventricle for RT-3D imaging. In all patients, images were digitally stored in 2D and 3D for baseline and peak stress with a delay between acquisitions of less than 60 seconds. Wall motion analysis was interpreted on-line for 2D and off-line for RT-3D by joint reading of two expert stress ecocardiographist. Segmental image quality was scored from 1 = excellent to 5 = uninterpretable. Interpretable images were obtained in all patients. Acquisition time for 2D images was 67 ± 21 sec vs 40 ± 22 sec for RT-3D (p = 0.5). Wall motion analysis time was 2.8 ± 0.5 min for 2D and 13 ± 7 min for 3D (p = 0.0001). Segmental image quality score was 1.4 ± 0.5 for 2D and 2.6 ± 0.7 for 3D (p = 0.0001). Positive test results was found in 5/23 patients. 2D and RT-3D were in agreement in 3 out of these 5 positive exams. Overall stress result (positive vs negative) concordance was 91% (Kappa = 0.80) between 2D and RT-3D. During dipyridamole stress echocardiography RT-3D imaging is highly feasible and shows a high concordance rate with standard 2D stress echo. 2D images take longer time to acquire and RT-3D is more time-consuming to analyze. At present, there is no clear clinical advantage justifying routine RT-3D stress echocardiography use

    Gliadin Peptide P31-43 Localises to Endocytic Vesicles and Interferes with Their Maturation

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    BACKGROUND: Celiac Disease (CD) is both a frequent disease (1:100) and an interesting model of a disease induced by food. It consists in an immunogenic reaction to wheat gluten and glutenins that has been found to arise in a specific genetic background; however, this reaction is still only partially understood. Activation of innate immunity by gliadin peptides is an important component of the early events of the disease. In particular the so-called "toxic" A-gliadin peptide P31-43 induces several pleiotropic effects including Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)-dependent actin remodelling and proliferation in cultured cell lines and in enterocytes from CD patients. These effects are mediated by delayed EGFR degradation and prolonged EGFR activation in endocytic vesicles. In the present study we investigated the effects of gliadin peptides on the trafficking and maturation of endocytic vesicles. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Both P31-43 and the control P57-68 peptide labelled with fluorochromes were found to enter CaCo-2 cells and interact with the endocytic compartment in pulse and chase, time-lapse, experiments. P31-43 was localised to vesicles carrying early endocytic markers at time points when P57-68-carrying vesicles mature into late endosomes. In time-lapse experiments the trafficking of P31-43-labelled vesicles was delayed, regardless of the cargo they were carrying. Furthermore in celiac enterocytes, from cultured duodenal biopsies, P31-43 trafficking is delayed in early endocytic vesicles. A sequence similarity search revealed that P31-43 is strikingly similar to Hrs, a key molecule regulating endocytic maturation. A-gliadin peptide P31-43 interfered with Hrs correct localisation to early endosomes as revealed by western blot and immunofluorescence microscopy. CONCLUSIONS: P31-43 and P57-68 enter cells by endocytosis. Only P31-43 localises at the endocytic membranes and delays vesicle trafficking by interfering with Hrs-mediated maturation to late endosomes in cells and intestinal biopsies. Consequently, in P31-43-treated cells, Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) activation is extended. This finding may explain the role played by gliadin peptides in inducing proliferation and other effects in enterocytes from CD biopsies
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