2,168 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical characterization of the anti-MĂĽllerian hormone receptor type 2 (AMHR-2) in human testes

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    Purpose In males, AMH is secreted by immature Sertoli cells; following exposure to endogenous androgens, Sertoli cells undergo a process of maturation which ultimately inhibits AMH expression to undetectable levels in the serum. However, expression of AMH receptor (AMHR-2) has never been studied in human testes, and high intratubular concentrations of AMH have been reported in recent literature. We therefore assessed expression of AMHR-2 in several testicular tissue samples by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Methods The IHC method was first validated on tissue samples from healthy human testis (n = 2) and from marmoset ovary (n = 1). The same method was then used for assessment on testicular histopathology specimens from patients with mixed atrophy (MA, n = 2), spermatogenetic arrest (SA, n = 2), Sertoli cell-only syndrome (SCO, n = 1), Klinefelter syndrome (KS, n = 1), and nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT, n = 1). Tissue samples from two subjects at different pubertal stages (AndroProtect (AP), aged 5 and 14 years) with hematological malignancies were also retrieved. Results In adult men, AMHR-2 was expressed on peritubular mesenchymal cells, with patterns closely mirroring alpha-smooth muscle actin expression. Similar patterns were preserved in almost all conditions; however, in nonseminomatous germ cell tumors the tissue architecture was lost, including AMHR-2 expression. More positive and diffuse staining was observed in tissue samples from prepubertal testes. Conclusions In specimens from both healthy and affected testes, AMHR-2 expression appears weaker in adult than in prepubertal tissue sections. The persistence of AMHR-2 expression seemingly hints at a possible effect of intratesticular AMH on the tubular walls

    Aerobic growth of Rhodococcus aetherivorans BCP1 using selected naphthenic acids as the sole carbon and energy sources

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    Naphthenic acids (NAs) are an important group of toxic organic compounds naturally occurring in hydrocarbon deposits. This work shows that Rhodococcus aetherivorans BCP1 cells not only utilize a mixture of eight different NAs (8XNAs) for growth but they are also capable of marked degradation of two model NAs, cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (CHCA) and cyclopentanecarboxylic acid (CPCA) when supplied at concentrations from 50 to 500 mgL-1. The growth curves of BCP1 on 8XNAs, CHCA, and CPCA showed an initial lag phase not present in growth on glucose, which presumably was related to the toxic effects of NAs on the cell membrane permeability. BCP1 cell adaptation responses that allowed survival on NAs included changes in cell morphology, production of intracellular bodies and changes in fatty acid composition. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of BCP1 cells grown on CHCA or CPCA showed a slight reduction in the cell size, the production of EPS-like material and intracellular electron-transparent and electron-dense inclusion bodies. The electron-transparent inclusions increased in the amount and size in NA-grown BCP1 cells under nitrogen limiting conditions and contained storage lipids as suggested by cell staining with the lipophilic Nile Blue A dye. Lipidomic analyses revealed significant changes with increases of methyl-branched (MBFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) examining the fatty acid composition of NAs-growing BCP1 cells. PUFA biosynthesis is not usual in bacteria and, together with MBFA, can influence structural and functional processes with resulting effects on cell vitality. Finally, through the use of RT (Reverse Transcription)-qPCR, a gene cluster (chcpca) was found to be transcriptionally induced during the growth on CHCA and CPCA. Based on the expression and bioinformatics results, the predicted products of the chcpca gene cluster are proposed to be involved in aerobic NA degradation in R. aetherivorans BCP1. This study provides first insights into the genetic and metabolic mechanisms allowing a Rhodococcus strain to aerobically degrade NAs

    Specific and non-specific biomarkers in neuroendocrine gastroenteropancreatic tumors

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    The diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) is a challenging task: Symptoms are rarely specific, and clinical manifestations are often evident only when metastases are already present. However, several bioactive substances secreted by NETs can be included for diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive purposes. Expression of these substances differs between different NETs according to the tumor hormone production. Gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) NETs originate from the diffuse neuroendocrine system of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic islets cells: These tumors may produce many non-specific and specific substances, such as chromogranin A, insulin, gastrin, glucagon, and serotonin, which shape the clinical manifestations of the NETs. To provide an up-to-date reference concerning the different biomarkers, as well as their main limitations, we reviewed and summarized existing literature

    Serum concentrations of dihydrotestosterone are associated with symptoms of hypogonadism in biochemically eugonadal men

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    Purpose Symptoms of hypogonadism are often reported by subjects with normal serum testosterone (T) levels. We aimed to assess the association between clinical symptoms in andrological outpatients and sex steroids levels. Methods This is a retrospective cross-sectional cohort study in an Academic clinic and research unit. International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF, EF domain) and Aging Males Symptoms scale (AMS) questionnaires were completed by 635 and 574 men, respectively (mean age: 47.3 ± 13.9 and 47.4 ± 13.8 years, p = 0.829), free of interfering medications with complaints possibly related to hypogonadism. Results Serum total/free T as well as dihydro-T (DHT) was associated with IIEF-EF and AMS scores in the overall population using univariate analyses. Multivariate approaches revealed DHT concentrations in subjects with normal T levels (n = 416, Total T > 12 nmol/L) to be significant predictors of AMS scores. A 0.1 nmol/l serum DHT increase within the eugonadal range was associated with a 4.67% decrease in odds of having worse symptoms (p = 0.011). In men with biochemical hypogonadism (Total T < 12 nmol/L), total and free T rather than DHT were associated with AMS results. This association was not found for IIEF-EF scores. Indirect effects of age and BMI were seen for relations with hormone concentrations but not questionnaire scores. Conclusion DHT can be associated with symptoms of hypogonadism in biochemically eugonadal men. Serum DHT measurement might be helpful once the diagnosis of hypogonadism has been ruled out but should not be routinely included in the primary diagnostic process

    The Inferto-Sex Syndrome (ISS): sexual dysfunction in fertility care setting and assisted reproduction

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    Purpose Infertility represents a peculiar social burden affecting more than 15% of couples, provoking it a real threat to the general quality of life and to the sexual health. The medicalization (diagnosis, therapy and follow up) of the lack of fertility is frequently a challenge in term of personal and couple's involvement. In particular, while the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) has allowed many infertile couples to achieve pregnancy, the therapeutic process faced by the couple bears a strong psychological stress that can affect the couple's quality of life, relationship and sexuality. Despite infertility affects both female and male sexual health, only recently the interest in the effects of ART on the couple's sexuality has grown, especially for women. Methods A literature research on the sexual dysfunction in fertility care and particularly in ART setting was performed. Results Literature largely found that intimacy and sexuality appear specifically impaired by intrusiveness of treatments and medical prescriptions. Moreover, there is a close relationship between emotional, psychological and sexual aspects, which can be integrated in the new concept of Inferto-Sex Syndrome (ISS) that can impair the ART treatment outcomes. Evidence demonstrates that the assessment of sexual function is necessary in couples undergoing diagnosis of infertility and ART. Conclusion A close relationship between infertility and sexuality, both in the female and male partners, was detected. ART treatments may heavily impact on the couple's psychosexual health. A couple-centred program for the integrated management of psychological and sexual dysfunction should be considered in the context of ART programs

    Adverse reactions to oncologic drugs: spontaneous reporting and signal detection

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    Oncology is one of the areas of medicine with the most active research being conducted on new drugs. New pharmacological entities frequently enter the clinical arena, and therefore, the safety profile of anticancer products deserves continuous monitoring. However, only very severe and (unusual) suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are usually reported, since cancer patients develop ADRs very frequently and some practical selectivity must be used. Notably, a recent study was able to identify 76 serious ADRs reported in updated drug labels of oncologic drugs and 50% of them (n = 38) were potentially fatal. Of these, 49 and 58%, respectively, were not described in initial drug labels. The aims of this article are to provide an overview about spontaneous reporting of ADRs of oncologic drugs and to discuss the available methods to analyze the safety of anticancer drugs using databases of spontaneous ADR reporting

    Efficacy of methylergometrine during the early puerperium: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine if oral methylergometrine administration during the first 10 d following spontaneous vaginal delivery has any beneficial effect on the increase of hemoglobin levels. METHODS: This was a parallel group double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted at single center university hospital in Italy. Participants were puerperal women, who delivered singleton gestation with spontaneous vaginal delivery at term. Participants were randomized into a 1:1 ratio to receive either 0.125 mg methylergometrine per os twice a day or placebo for 10 d. Hemoglobin levels were recorded on the day of delivery and after 10 d. The primary outcome was the variation in hemoglobin levels between the first and the 10th day of treatment. RESULTS: From December 2012 to October 2015, 220 agreed to take part in the study, underwent randomization, and were enrolled and followed-up. Of the randomized women, 110 (50%) were randomized to the methylergometrine group and 110 (50%) to the placebo group. No women were excluded after randomization or lost to follow-up (100%). We found no significant difference in the median variation of hemoglobin levels between the intervention and the placebo group Conclusions: The use of 10 d oral methylergometrine in puerperal women was not associated with any benefit in the variation of hemoglobin levels from delivery to 10 d after delivery. Key Message Methylergometrine in puerperal women was not associated with any benefit

    Diabetes in the Time of COVID-19: A Twitter-Based Sentiment Analysis

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    Since December 31, 2019 and as of May 31, 2020, 6 028 135 cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been reported, including 368 944 deaths.1 A Chinese longitudinal study showed that the COVID-19 outbreak had a significant psychological impact on the general population, with symptoms comparable to those of post-traumatic stress disease.2 Diabetes represents a fully-fledged risk factor for poorer prognosis of COVID-19

    Qualitative Analysis of Causal Anisotropic Viscous Fluid Cosmological Models

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    The truncated Israel-Stewart theory of irreversible thermodynamics is used to describe the bulk viscous pressure and the anisotropic stress in a class of spatially homogeneous viscous fluid cosmological models. The governing system of differential equations is written in terms of dimensionless variables and a set of dimensionless equations of state is utilized to complete the system. The resulting dynamical system is then analyzed using standard geometric techniques. It is found that the presence of anisotropic stress plays a dominant role in the evolution of the anisotropic models. In particular, in the case of the Bianchi type I models it is found that anisotropic stress leads to models that violate the weak energy condition and to the creation of a periodic orbit in some instances. The stability of the isotropic singular points is analyzed in the case with zero heat conduction; it is found that there are ranges of parameter values such that there exists an attracting isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model. In the case of zero anisotropic stress but with non-zero heat conduction the stability of the singular points is found to be the same as in the corresponding case with zero heat conduction; hence the presence of heat conduction does not apparently affect the global dynamics of the model.Comment: 35 pages, REVTeX, 3 Encapsulated PostScript Figure

    Association between elevated TGA-IgA titers and older age at diagnosis with absence of HBV seroconversion in celiac children

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    Patients with celiac disease can have a low rate of protective hepatitis B (HBV) antibody titers after vaccination. We aimed to evaluate the HBV seroconversion in celiac disease (CD) children at the time of diagnosis as well as to identify the presence of possible predictive factors. Celiac disease children were prospectively enrolled and tested for antibodies against the S protein of HBV (HBsAg) at time of diagnosis between January 2009 and February 2020. Based on the serologic response to the vaccine, "responders" and "non-responders" were identified. Statistical analysis has been performed through R statistical software (3.5.1 version, R core Team) Of 96 CD children evaluated, 41.7% (n = 40) showed non-protective or absent antibody titers against HBV. Elevated IgA-antibodies against transglutaminase 2 (TGA-IgA) values and older age at diagnosis were associated with an absent seroconversion to HBV vaccine, while presenting symptoms were not significant. An elevated prevalence of absent seroconversion to HBV vaccine exists in this cohort of CD patients at the time of disease diagnosis. Elevated TGA-IgA titers and older age at diagnosis seem to negatively predict seroconversion. Further studies are needed to identify the real profile of "non-responders", aiming to organize surveillance and eventual revaccination strategy
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