480 research outputs found

    Bound entanglement in the Jaynes-Cummings model

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    We study in detail entanglement properties of the Jaynes-Cummings model assuming a two-level atom (qubit) interacting with the first NN levels of an electromagnetic field mode (qudit) in a cavity. In the Jaynes-Cummings model, the number operator is the conserved quantity that allows for the exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian and thus we study states that commute with this conserved quantity and whose structure is preserved under the Jaynes-Cummings dynamics. Contrary to the common belief, we show that there are bound entangled states that satisfy the symmetries imposed by the conservation of the number of excitations when N>3N>3. Furthermore we show that \emph{the Jaynes-Cummings interaction can be used to generate bound-entanglement} between the atom and the mode.Comment: Improved abstract, references and new section on the generation of bound entanglement using the JC interactio

    Detection of entanglement in ultracold lattice gases

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    We propose the use of quantum polarization spectroscopy for detecting multi-particle entanglement of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. This method, based on a light-matter interface employing the quantum Farady effect, allows for the non destructive measurement of spin-spin correlations. We apply it to the specific example of a one dimensional spin chain and reconstruct its phase diagram using the light signal, readily measurable in experiments with ultracold atoms. Interestingly, the same technique can be extended to detect quantum many-body entanglement in such systems.Comment: Submitted to the Special Issue: "Strong correlations in Quantum Gases" in The Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Genuine quantum correlations in quantum many-body systems: a review of recent progress

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    Quantum information theory has considerably helped in the understanding of quantum many-body systems. The role of quantum correlations and in particular, bipartite entanglement, has become crucial to characterise, classify and simulate quantum many body systems. Furthermore, the scaling of entanglement has inspired modifications to numerical techniques for the simulation of many-body systems leading to the, now established, area of tensor networks. However, the notions and methods brought by quantum information do not end with bipartite entanglement. There are other forms of correlations embedded in the ground, excited and thermal states of quantum many-body systems that also need to be explored and might be utilised as potential resources for quantum technologies. The aim of this work is to review the most recent developments regarding correlations in quantum many-body systems focussing on multipartite entanglement, quantum nonlocality, quantum discord, mutual information but also other non classical measures of correlations based on quantum coherence. Moreover, we also discuss applications of quantum metrology in quantum many-body systems.Comment: Review. Close to published version. Comments are welcome! Please write an email to g.dechiara[(at)]qub.ac.u

    Probing magnetic order in ultracold lattice gases

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    A forthcoming challenge in ultracold lattice gases is the simulation of quantum magnetism. That involves both the preparation of the lattice atomic gas in the desired spin state and the probing of the state. Here we demonstrate how a probing scheme based on atom-light interfaces gives access to the order parameters of nontrivial quantum magnetic phases, allowing us to characterize univocally strongly correlated magnetic systems produced in ultracold gases. This method, which is also nondemolishing, yields spatially resolved spin correlations and can be applied to bosons or fermions. As a proof of principle, we apply this method to detect the complete phase diagram displayed by a chain of (rotationally invariant) spin-1 bosons.Comment: published versio

    Entanglement scaling at first order phase transitions

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    First order quantum phase transitions (1QPTs) are signaled, in the thermodynamic limit, by discontinuous changes in the ground state properties. These discontinuities affect expectation values of observables, including spatial correlations. When a 1QPT is crossed in the vicinity of a second order one (2QPT), due to the correlation length divergence of the latter, the corresponding ground state is modified and it becomes increasingly difficult to determine the order of the transition when the size of the system is finite. Here we show that, in such situations, it is possible to apply finite size scaling to entanglement measures, as it has recently been done for the order parameters and the energy gap, in order to recover the correct thermodynamic limit. Such a finite size scaling can unambigously discriminate between first and second order phase transitions in the vicinity of multricritical points even when the singularities displayed by entanglement measures lead to controversial results
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