6 research outputs found

    Constraints and Prospects of rice Production in a Climate Change Context in the Sissili Province, Burkina Faso

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    In terms of irrigated agricultural production in Burkina Faso, rice is the second most important crop after maize. This rice production is supposed to satisfy domestic demand and reduce imports, which has an impact on the country's trade balance. However, the rice sector is faced with climatic and technical productivity constraints. Indeed, the variability of temperatures and rainfall over the period 1988-2018, with its corollaries of drought and flooding episodes, has an impact on agricultural activity. The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of the dynamics of climatic parameters as well as the effectiveness of technological packages on rice productivity in Sissili Province. To this end, a methodology based on the quantitative approach was adopted. It is based on the collection, processing, and analysis of numerical data on key climatic parameters from the PĂ´ synoptic station from 1988 to 2018. These data were correlated with those available on rice production over the same period. The analyses show that Sissili Province is marked by alternating rainfall deficits and surpluses, which have an impact on rice production, the evolution of which is out of phase with the increase in planted areas. This suggests that increasing the area planted seems to be an alternative way of compensating for a possible drop in rainfall. Under these conditions, the development of lowlands and water reservoirs represents opportunities for the diversification of production systems

    Analyse des stratégies d’occupation foncière dans les bas-fonds au Burkina Faso à l’ombre de la mise en œuvre des Politiques d’Ajustement Structurel (PAS) dans le secteur agricole : Une synthèse bibliographique

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    Résumé : Le Burkina Faso, sous l’influence des Politiques d’Ajustement Structurel (PAS) financées par les institutions financières internationales telles que le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) et la Banque mondiale (BM), est contraint d’abandonner la gestion centralisée des aménagements hydro-agricoles. Cette nouvelle vision consiste à intégrer les usagers dans la chaine de gouvernance des territoires hydrauliques, puis de libéraliser le secteur de l’irrigation. Ces injonctions qui impliquent le recul de la gestion centralisée avaient pour objectifs de réduire les dépenses publiques et d’améliorer la gestion des périmètres irrigués. Le présent travail analyse la dynamique des stratégies de gouvernance et d’occupation foncière dans les territoires locaux de bas-fonds au Burkina Faso à l’ombre de la mise en œuvre des Politiques d’Ajustement Structurel (PAS) dans le secteur agricole. La méthodologie de recherche s’appuie sur une analyse de données issues de l’état de l’art à partir du modèle d’analyse de la théorie du changement. Les résultats mettent en évidence une dynamique de l’occupation et de la gouvernance foncière des territoires locaux de bas-fonds du Burkina Faso. L’application des PAS dans le secteur agricole au Burkina Faso a favorisé une transition progressive d’une gestion centralisée vers une approche libéralisée, favorisant l’investissement privé, la privatisation des terres agricoles et l’exploitation individuelle des parcelles irriguées au détriment des exploitations collectives. Les politiques d’ajustement structurel ont ainsi porté un « coup dur » à l’agriculture familiale, à l’irrigation collective au profit d’une gestion autonome et d’une appropriation foncière individuelle. Mots clés : Ajustement structurel ; agriculture ; irrigation/bas-fonds ; occupation foncière ; dynamique foncière, Burkina Faso

    Health issues of large dams: the case of Soum in the West Central Region of Burkina Faso

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    This study analyses the sanitary stakes of the watering of the Soum dam. To do so, a review of the literature on the subject of research, surveys of 165 farmers, interviews with three health agents and direct observations were carried out. The study shows that the Soum dam contributes to the improvement of farmers' health conditions. Indeed, their attendance at the HSPC (Health and Social Promotion Center) increased from 36.13% before the construction of the dam to 62% after its effective operation. As a result, the use of traditional medicine decreased by 12.9% after the installation of the dam. In addition, the classes of money invested in the purchase of medicines increased. There were three classes of annual amounts ranging from 5,000 FCFA/household to 75,000 FCFA/household before the installation of the dam. After the installation of the dam, there are four, with amounts ranging from 5,000 FCFA/household/year to 100,000 FCFA/household/year. However, the dam creates a humid environment favourable to the proliferation of mosquitoes, particularly female anopheles. As a result, 95.48% of the respondents are exposed to malaria. Also, socio-economic activities such as market gardening and the consumption of untreated water from the dam present health risks that the authorities in charge of the management of the dam must take into account by raising awareness and providing continuous support through the distribution of mosquito nets. This study also showed that the health aspect is important and must be taken into account in the same way as the economic and food aspects

    Multicountry study of SARS-CoV-2 and associated risk factors among healthcare workers in Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and South Africa

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : The data sets generated for this study are available upon request from the corresponding author.BACKGROUND : Reports on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spread across Africa have varied, including among healthcare workers (HCWs). This study assessed the comparative SARS-CoV-2 burden and associated risk factors among HCWs in three African countries. METHODS : A multicentre study was conducted at regional healthcare facilities in Côte d’Ivoire (CIV), Burkina Faso (BF) and South Africa (SA) from February to May 2021. HCWs provided blood samples for SARS-CoV-2 serology and nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swabs for testing of acute infection by polymerase chain reaction and com- pleted a questionnaire. Factors associated with seropositivity were assessed with logistic regression. RESULTS : Among 719 HCWs, SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence was 34.6% (95% confidence interval 31.2 to 38.2), rang- ing from 19.2% in CIV to 45.7% in BF. A total of 20 of 523 (3.8%) were positive for acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. Female HCWs had higher odds of SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity compared with males, and nursing staff, allied health professionals, non-caregiver personnel and administration had higher odds compared with physicians. HCWs also reported infection prevention and control (IPC) gaps, including 38.7% and 29% having access to respirators and IPC training, respectively, in the last year. CONCLUSIONS : This study was a unique comparative HCW SARS-CoV-2 investigation in Africa. Seroprevalence estimates varied, highlighting distinctive population/facility-level factors affecting COVID-19 burden and the importance of established IPC programmes to protect HCWs and patients.The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Programme for Research Networks for Health Innovations in Sub-Saharan Africa (ANDEMIA), the German Federal Ministry of Health Global Health Protection Programme (ARGOS project) and the National Robert Koch Institute in Germany.https://academic.oup.com/trstmham2023Medical MicrobiologyMedical VirologySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    Dynamique spatiale et enjeux stratégiques de la riziculture au Burkina Faso

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    Cet article est une analyse critique et rétrospective des programmes de développement rizicole au Burkina Faso. Face au manque de légitimité des Etats africains, les grands projets hydro-agricoles sont apparus comme une aubaine pour mobiliser la population, notamment celle rurale, autour des questions de développement et légitimer les dirigeants politiques. Au Burkina Faso, bien que les sècheresses récurrentes justifient le recours à l’irrigation pour sécuriser la production agricole, les investissements dans les aménagements rizicoles permettent de réduire les importations alimentaires. Ces investissements dans les aménagements rizicoles cacheraient d’autres mobiles stratégiques et politiques. Dans la perspective d’analyser les stratégies liées à l’aménagement hydro-agricole, une analyse combinant la dynamique spatiale des zones d’aménagement rizicoles et les logiques d’intervention des acteurs a été réalisée en s’appuyant sur une démarche qualitative. Cette dernière a consisté en des entretiens formels et informels auprès des services en charge de l’agriculture, des producteurs et des ONG évoluant dans le domaine agricole. Ils ont été complétés par des observations in situ sur une dizaine de périmètres irriguées et une revue de littérature sur l’historique des aménagements hydro-agricoles au Burkina Faso. L’article présente d’abord comment la riziculture est passée d’une activité marginale à une activité à forte emprise spatiale et qui mobilise de nombreux acteurs et programmes de développement. Il analyse ensuite la pertinence du choix de l’irrigation et de la riziculture en particulier pour développer les espaces ruraux pauvres et en proie aux crises climatiques. Enfin, il décrypte en première lecture le caractère stratégique de l’irrigation qui reste un outil de propagande aux mains des élites politiques pour asseoir leur légitimité auprès des populations rurales. En dernière lecture il révèle que la riziculture, malgré tous les avatars qu’on lui connait, contribue à garantir et renforcer les revenus de nombreux producteurs et la souveraineté alimentaire du Burkina Faso.This article is a critical and retrospective analysis of rice farming programmes in Burkina Faso. Because of African States’ lack of legitimacy, major hydro-agricultural projects have emerged as an opportunity to mobilize the population, especially the rural population, around development issues and to legitimize political leaders. In Burkina Faso, although recurrent droughts justify recourse to irrigation to secure agricultural production, investments in rice farming make it possible to reduce food imports. These investments in rice farming would conceal other strategic and political motives. The analysis of the strategies related to hydro-agricultural farming will combine both the spatial dynamics concerning rice-farming areas and the logics of actors’ intervention, through a qualitative approach. The logics of actors’ intervention consisted of formal and informal interviews with the services in charge of agriculture, producers and NGOs working in the agricultural sector. These interviews were supplemented by in situ observations on about ten irrigated perimeters and a literature review on the history of hydro-agricultural farming in Burkina Faso. The article first presents how rice cultivation has evolved from a marginal activity to an activity with a strong spatial hold and which mobilizes many actors and development programmes. It then analyses the relevance of the choice of irrigation and rice cultivation particularly, for the development of poor rural areas that are faced with climatic hazards. Finally, it deciphers the strategic nature of irrigation, which remains a propaganda tool in the hands of political elites who use it to enhance their legitimacy in the eyes of rural populations. Lastly, it reveals that rice farming, despite all the avatars we know about it, contributes to guaranteeing and strengthening the incomes of many farmers and food sovereignty of Burkina Faso