4,598 research outputs found

    THE COVID-19 INFODEMIC ON TWITTER: Dialogic contraction within the echo chambers

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    Fake news and misinformation are a key topic when discussing social media analysis research. Special attention has been paid to how social media discourse, rather than focusing on the correct identification of sources and voices, can end up constructing trust and credibility by emphasising shared identities and positions, usually in opposition to other views. Studies on “echo chambers” look at how the views of others are systematically rejected and used instrumentally to support one’s own beliefs. Twitter discourse is often a case in point. The focus of our analysis is on the language that manifests the writer’s position, starting from the concept of engagement as defined in Martin and White’s (2005) appraisal framework. This indicates the speaker’s degree of commitment to what is being expressed and manifests the speaker’s attitudes to opening and closing the dialogic space for external views. Using a corpus of tweets and one of journalistic texts on the pandemic, we test the hypothesis that the space given to dialogic contraction on Twitter may be wider than that provided by traditional journalism. The study - based on frequency analysis, concordance analysis, and word embedding - centres on a predefined list of appraisal markers indicating contraction or expansion. We look at the relative frequency of these markers and at their role in the ongoing debate. The results show that there are specific markers that dominate Twitter discourse: adversative “but”, negative “no”/“not”, and cognitive verbs like “know” and “think”. A closer analysis of concordances of negatives and cognitive verbs shows that it is possible to identify patterns that are clear signals of explicit denials, whether in representing a position or rejecting it, and that the verbs are used as markers of ideological positioning. Twitter thus turns out to be characterised by positioning that emphasises contrasting views and denial of other positions. (302 words)

    A Trimming Estimator for the Latent-Diffusion-Observed-Adoption Model

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    Network diffusion models are applicable to many socioeconomic interactions, yet network interaction is hard to observe or measure. Whenever the diffusion process is unobserved, the number of possible realizations of the latent matrix that captures agents' diffusion statuses grows exponentially with the size of network. Due to interdependencies, the log likelihood function can not be factorized in individual components. As a consequence, exact estimation of latent diffusion models with more than one round of interaction is computationally infeasible. In the present paper, I propose a trimming estimator that enables me to establish and maximize an approximate log likelihood function that almost exactly identifies the peak of the true log likelihood function whenever no more than one third of eligible agents are subject to trimming

    Moment-Based Estimation of Diffusion and Adoption Parameters in Networks

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    According to standard econometric theory, Maximum Likelihood estimation (MLE) is the efficient estimation choice, however, it is not always a feasible one. In network diffusion models with unobserved signal propagation, MLE requires integrating out a large number of latent variables, which quickly becomes computationally infeasible even for moderate network sizes and time horizons. Limiting the model time horizon on the other hand entails loss of important information while approximation techniques entail a (small) error that. Searching for a viable alternative is thus potentially highly beneficial. This paper proposes two estimators specifically tailored to the network diffusion model of partially observed adoption and unobserved network diffusion

    Infrared variability, maser activity, and accretion of massive young stellar objects

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    Methanol and water masers indicate young stellar objects. They often exhibit flares, and a fraction shows periodic activity. Several mechanisms might explain this behavior but the lack of concurrent infrared (IR) data complicates to identify the cause. Recently, 6.7 GHz methanol maser flares were observed, triggered by accretion bursts of high-mass YSOs which confirmed the IR-pumping of these masers. This suggests that regular IR changes might lead to maser periodicity. Hence, we scrutinized space-based IR imaging of YSOs associated with periodic methanol masers. We succeeded to extract the IR light curve from NEOWISE data for the intermediate mass YSO G107.298+5.639. Thus, for the first time a relationship between the maser and IR variability could be established. While the IR light curve shows the same period of ~34.6 days as the masers, its shape is distinct from that of the maser flares. Possible reasons for the IR periodicity are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in: Proceedings IAU Symposium 336 "Astrophysical Masers: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe", Editors: A. Tarchi, M.J. Reid & P. Castangia, updated version with hyperlinks adde

    A 10-MM_{\odot} YSO with a Keplerian disk and a nonthermal radio jet

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    We previously observed the star-forming region G16.59-0.05 through interferometric observations of both thermal and maser lines, and identified a high-mass young stellar object (YSO) which is surrounded by an accretion disk and drives a nonthermal radio jet. We performed high-angular-resolution (beam FWHM ~0.15") 1.2-mm continuum and line observations towards G16.59-0.05 with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). The main dust clump, with size ~104^4 au, is resolved into four relatively compact (diameter ~2000 au) millimeter (mm) sources. The source harboring the high-mass YSO is the most prominent in molecular emission. By fitting the emission profiles of several unblended and optically thin transitions of CH3_3OCH3_3 and CH3_3OH, we derived gas temperatures inside the mm-sources in the range 42--131 K, and calculated masses of 1--5 MM_{\odot}. A well-defined Local Standard of Rest velocity (Vlsr) gradient is detected in most of the high-density molecular tracers at the position of the high-mass YSO, pinpointed by compact 22-GHz free-free emission. This gradient is oriented along a direction forming a large (~70 degree) angle with the radio jet, traced by elongated 13-GHz continuum emission. The butterfly-like shapes of the P-V plots and the linear pattern of the emission peaks of the molecular lines at high velocity confirm that this Vlsr gradient is due to rotation of the gas in the disk surrounding the high-mass YSO. The disk radius is ~500 au, and the Vlsr distribution along the major axis of the disk is well reproduced by a Keplerian profile around a central mass of 10±\pm2 MM_{\odot}. The position of the YSO is offset by >~ 0.1" from the axis of the radio jet and the dust emission peak. To explain this displacement we argue that the high-mass YSO could have moved from the center of the parental mm source owing to dynamical interaction with one or more companions.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics, Main Journa

    Momentum-driven outflow emission from an O-type YSO: Comparing the radio jet with the molecular outflow

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    Aims: We want to study the physical properties of the ionized jet emission in the vicinity of an O-type young stellar object (YSO), and estimate how efficient is the transfer of energy and momentum from small- to large-scale outflows. Methods: We conducted Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations, at both 22 and 45 GHz, of the compact and faint radio continuum emission in the high-mass star-forming region G023.01-00.41, with an angular resolution between 0.3" and 0.1", and a thermal rms of the order of 10 uJy/beam. Results: We discovered a collimated thermal (bremsstrahlung) jet emission, with a radio luminosity (L_rad) of 24 mJy kpc^2 at 45 GHz, in the inner 1000 AU from an O-type YSO. The radio thermal jet has an opening angle of 44 degrees and brings a momentum rate of 8 10^-3 M_sun yr^-1 km/s. By combining the new data with previous observations of the molecular outflow and water maser shocks, we can trace the outflow emission from its driving source through the molecular clump, across more than two order of magnitude in length (500 AU-0.2 pc). We find that the momentum-transfer efficiency, between the inner jet emission and the extended outflow of entrained ambient gas, is near unity. This result suggests that the large-scale flow is swept-up by the mechanical force of the radio jet emission, which originates in the inner 1000 AU from the high-mass YSO.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic