59 research outputs found

    Angiography of Arterial Bed of the Uterine in Age Aspect

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    Purpose: To study the characteristics of uterine intraorgan vessels architectonics at different age periods and functionality.Materials and Methods: The investigation was performed in 120 uterus preparations of the 16-80 years women without pathology of the internal sexual organs. Used rentgenoanatomic and morphometric methods.Results: In elderly and senile age stretches of the uterine arteries intraorganic appear tortuous, contraction and expansion, uneven contours. Arteriouterine index in each age group is much larger in parous women than nulliparous. The morphological asymmetry of the arterial bed of the uterus in women giving birth is defined as differences in diameter, right and left uterine artery, and the index arteriouterine right and left halves of the uterus.Summary: The changes of the uterine wall vascularization associated with aging as well as the functional reconstruction of blood vessels in parous women

    Labor potential of the rural territories : state and development

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    In view of the existing disproportions between the sizes of rural territories and the large number of inhabitants of these territories, the assessment of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor potential (LP) becomes more up-to-date than ever. The problem of LP evaluation is related to ensuring the food security of the country and determining the professional and qualification features of the population to produce the basic agricultural products. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for calculating the cumulative index of labor potential development (CILPD) of the rural dwellers. The following methods are used in the article: abstract logic, document analysis, economics and statistics. The main outcome of the research is the clustering of Russian regions on the basis of the auctorial computation methodology of the rural population CILPD. The authors performed ranking of the territorial entities of the Russian Federation (RF) in the three types of clusters: those with high value of CILPD, those with mid-value of CILPD, and those with low value of CILPD. Computation of the rural population CILPD were made in respect to all Federal Districts and territorial entities of the RF. The results of the ILPD computations make it possible to identify the problematic regions with the low LP development level and to examine the negative trends on the basis of a number of indicators, which can represent the grounds for targeted steps for moderation and elimination of negative trends in the sphere of LP development of the rural population.peer-reviewe

    The role of connexin40 in developing atrial conduction

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    AbstractConnexin40 (Cx40) is the main connexin expressed in the murine atria and ventricular conduction system. We assess here the developmental role of Cx40 in atrial conduction of the mouse. Cx40 deficiency significantly prolonged activation times in embryonic day 10.5, 12.5 and 14.5 atria during spontaneous activation; the severity decreased with increasing age. In a majority of Cx40 deficient mice the impulse originated from an ectopic focus in the right atrial appendage; in such a case the activation time was even longer due to prolonged activation. Cx40 has thus an important physiological role in the developing atria

    Diagnostically significant dysplastic feature identification as a tool for managing connective tissue risks in sports medicine

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    Aim: to identificate the diagnostically significant signs of connective tissue dysplasia, detection of which will allow adequate sports activity selection, injury prevention and effective rehabilitation.Materials and methods: clinical-somatometric examination of 117 persons aged 18 to 49 years (35.14 ± 5.63 years) with recurrent musculoskeletal injuries occurred during habitual physical training was carried out. Corresponding subgroups were formed by age and gender. Ranked by significance clinic-morphological dysplastic features, identified by T.I. Kadurina and L.N. Abbakumova (2008), were used to assess the mesenchymal tissue state. The control group, comparable to the main group by age and sex, was represented by 36 healthy young people.Results: persons with a predisposition to musculoskeletal injuries have a high dysplastic sign incidence. It was proved that clinically significant of them are moderate to high degree myopia, gothic palate, excessively soft auricles, “crunch” during movements in the temporomandibular joint, pathological spine kyphosis, joint hypermobility, chest deformities, O- and X-shaped legs and varicose lower limbs. Clinically significant markers of connective tissue dysplasia were found to be modified with age and to have characteristic gender features.Conclusions: the study results have particular importance for injury-free physical activity and medical-biological support for sports activities

    Formation of future specialists’ communicative competence in language disciplines through modeling in game of professional situations

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    The relevance of the research problem driven by the necessity of formation of future specialists’ communicative competence as a component of professional competence with the aim of further professional mobility of graduates. The purpose of the article is to justify the possibility and necessity of formation of the required competencies in language disciplines at the University through the simulation of professional situations in practical classes. Leading method to the study of this problem is empirical, allowing to reveal the modeling capabilities in the game of professional situations and the use of games as forms of work in the classroom. Different variants of the experimental materials are developed and tested: game situations on a professional theme, tests, assignments, exercises, questions, reference work, selection of texts on pedagogy and education in our country and in the country of the target language. The article can be useful in practical work, to the teachers of language courses, not only at the universities, but also at schools, colleges, as well as interesting to all who are connected with professional pedagogical activity. © 2016 Sturikova et al

    Radioanatomy of Arterial Pots of a Uterus in Age Aspect

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    Purpose: To study age features of architectonics of intraorganic uterus vesseles.Materials and Methods: 120 preparations of a uterus of women from 16 till 80 years with the help рентгеноанатомического and морфометрического research methods are investigated.Results: Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of arterial pots of a uterus in age aspect are received.Summary: The taped features of vascularization of covers of a uterus are bound both to age changes, and with functional rearrangement of arterial pots at giving birth women

    Medical Students’ Reactive Anxiety as a Quality Criterion for Distance Learning during the SARS-COV-2 Pandemic

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    Background: Numerous studies have shown an effect of rapidly spreading SARS-COV-2 on combined anxiety-depressive disorders and maladjustment syndrome occurrences. Objective: To determine the primary medical students’ reactive anxiety level and the final scores of their educational progress in distance learning during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. Materials and Methods: The study involved 824 students at medical universities in Saratov and Moscow. The assessment of the reactive anxiety level was carried out according to the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, STAI; the average score of students' academic performance was calculated according to the data of the technological platform "1C: Enterprise" version 8.4.1. The survey was completed during distance learning in May 2020. The quality of distance learning was compared to a similar score for 2019, when students were trained in a traditional way. Statistical analysis was conducted using Statistica 6.0. Results: It was shown the presence of moderately severe disorders among the primary medical students according to the average score of reactive anxiety (43.28 ± 12.85), that expressed more in females s (p0.05) but the practical skills suffered much especially in time trend (p<0.05). Novelty: It was found that a high level of the reactive anxiety negatively affects the students' adaptive capabilities and the education quality. The specificity of programs at different faculties can determine the state of the students' psychological status. Findings:Timely transition to online classes during pandemics helps to preserve the students' mental well-being and the quality of the educational process. The duration of distance learning for a practical course should not exceed 25% of the whole course. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-SPER-07 Full Text: PD

    Possible prospects for using modern magnesium preparations for increasing stress resistance during COVID-19 pandemic

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    The relevance of the issue of increasing stress resistance is due to a significant deterioration in the mental health of the population caused by the special conditions of the disease control and prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, the decisive role in the severity of clinico-physiological manifestations of maladjustment to stress is assigned to magnesium ion

    Achilles tendon rupture prevention in physical activity and sports: predisposition factors

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    Objective: to summarize all clinically significant factors determining the Achilles tendon predisposition to rupture.Materials and methods: the basis of this scientific-analytical review was the analysis of data from the electronic portals PubMed-NCBI, Google Academy, and “Scientific electronic e-Library.ru”.Results: the presented literature review indicates that injuries and ruptures of the Achilles tendon can be provoked by numerous factors, among which genetic predisposition, individual anatomico-morphological features of the tendon complex structure, initial connective tissue failure, pathological changes in the Achilles tendon structure itself, foot and ankle deformities are of great importance. Men are more susceptible to this injury. Tendon injuries are most common either in 30–40 years, or in the period from 60 to 80 years. Professional athletes and people who lead sedentary lifestyles and do not exercise properly are at risk of Achilles tendon ruptures. Concomitant metabolic disorders and use of some medications also play an important role in the predisposition to this injury. Local corticosteroid injections pose a particular tendon rupture risk. The combination of several established factors significantly increases the likelihood of this emergency.Conclusions: early detection of predisposition to Achilles tendon rupture will allow timely development of effective measures for its prevention in physical training and sports

    The respiratory exercise significance in the olfaction restoration in the postcovid period

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    One of the pathognomonic COVID‑19 signs, occurring in 85‑98% of patients, is olfactory dysfunction, developing in the absence of pronounced inflammation and edema of the nasal mucosa. A promising medicine direction that helps restore microcirculation, increase blood oxygenation, improve metabolism and regenerate olfactory epithelial cells is the Nadi Shodhana breathing exercise technique.Objective: To assess the possibilities of using the pranayama technique as a method of restorative olfactory treatment in the post‑covid period.Materials and methods: 79 persons aged 22 to 68 years with olfactory disturbances occurring at COVID‑19 and persisting in the post‑covid period were examined. As a restorative treatment for olfactory disorders, the patients of the main group were offered a course of Nadi Shodhana breathing exercises, which is an alternate nostril breathing. Breathing training consisted of three such cycles performed three times a day at the same time for 15 days. The possibility of using the pranayama technique was assessed according to the visual analog scale. The control group consisted of 74 patients with olfactory disorders after COVID‑19 comparable in sex and age with the main group.Results: Olfactory disorders are characteristic of post‑COVID patients. Using Nadi Shodhana breathing exercise course can significantly reduce the olfactory dysfunction level in this patient category. It was showen that the pranayama technique is more effective in people under 40 years of age. It was also established that the olfaction restoration largely depends on the duration of the dysfunction period.Conclusion: The study results make it possible to recommend the using breathing exercises in patients underwent COVID‑19 to restore olfaction in the post‑COVID period