1,508 research outputs found

    Large Magnetoresistance and Jahn Teller effect in Sr2_2FeCoO6_6

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    Neutron diffraction measurement on the spin glass double perovskite Sr2_2FeCoO6_6 reveals site disorder as well as Co3+^{3+} intermediate spin state. In addition, multiple valence states of Fe and Co are confirmed through M\"{o}ssbauer and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The structural disorder and multiple valence lead to competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions and subsequently to a spin glass state, which is reflected in the form of an additional TT-linear contribution at low temperatures in specific heat. A clear evidence of Jahn-Teller distortion at the Co3+^{3+}-O6_6 complex is observed and incorporating the physics of Jahn-Teller effect, the presence of localized magnetic moment is shown. A large, negative and anomalous magnetoresistance of ≈\approx 63% at 14K in 12T applied field is observed for Sr2_2FeCoO6_6. The observed magnetoresistance could be explained by applying a semi-empirical fit consisting of a negative and a positive contribution and show that the negative magnetoresistance is due to spin scattering of carriers by localized magnetic moments in the spin glass phase

    Coarse Bifurcation Studies of Bubble Flow Microscopic Simulations

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    The parametric behavior of regular periodic arrays of rising bubbles is investigated with the aid of 2-dimensional BGK Lattice-Boltzmann (LB) simulators. The Recursive Projection Method is implemented and coupled to the LB simulators, accelerating their convergence towards what we term coarse steady states. Efficient stability/bifurcation analysis is performed by computing the leading eigenvalues/eigenvectors of the coarse time stepper. Our approach constitutes the basis for system-level analysis of processes modeled through microscopic simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Organic carbon in the sediments of the lower reaches of Periar River

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    Sediments are indicators of the quality of water overlying them and hence, useful in the assessment of environmental pollution. Temporal and spatial variations in sediment characteristics and organic carbon content from 9 stations in the lower reaches of Periyar River an area in Cochin Backwater, India which is polluted from different sources were studied for one year during 1981. Variations in colour and texture of sediments were brought about by changes in the grain size and state of oxidation of organic matter. The colour of the sediment varied from greyish black at stations 1 and 2, brownish at station 3, black at stations 4 to 8 and reddish at station 9. Organic carbon and sediment texture showed a direct relationship at all stations except at station 9 where organic carbon content showed an irregular pattern. Overall range of organic carbon content was between 1.19 and 29.6 mg.g super(-1). The mean organic carbon of the stations ranged between 6.8 mg.g super(-1) (station 5) and 20.8 mg.g super(-1) (station 9). On the whole temporal variations were considerable with high values at station 9 and low values at station 5. Fluctuations were more at stations 6, 7 and 8

    Satisfação do cliente em relação aos serviços hoteleiros: uma revisão sistemática e uma agenda de pesquisa

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    In the highly competitive world, the hotel industry's success depends on the quality of services they provide, which gives wow feelings and high customer satisfaction. Many researchers have tried to assess customer satisfaction towards hotel services by proposing different models. Hence, the present study attempts to identify the influencing factors for determining customer satisfaction towards hotel services by conducting a systematic literature review. During the search process, 457 articles were obtained from the Web of Science database, and after filtration, 91 articles were used for further analysis. The result revealed that the top six influential factors affecting customer satisfaction towards hotel services are empathy, assurance, reliability, responsiveness, tangibility, and green practices. If customers are satisfied, they will be motivated to revisit, spread positive word of mouth, and build loyalty. Moreover, the results identified that the USA, Malaysia, and China are the leading countries in this field. This study provides an extensive literature review, which otherwise is an unexplored area so far, which offers valuable insight for the hotel service providers to improve their services and also to the researchers and academicians to develop and propose new theories.En un mundo altamente competitivo, el éxito de la industria hotelera depende de la calidad de los servicios que brinda, lo que genera sensaciones asombrosas y una alta satisfacción del cliente. Muchos investigadores han intentado evaluar la satisfacción del cliente hacia los servicios hoteleros proponiendo diferentes modelos. Por lo tanto, el presente estudio intenta identificar los factores que influyen en la determinación de la satisfacción del cliente hacia los servicios hoteleros mediante la realización de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Durante el proceso de búsqueda, se obtuvieron 457 artículos en la base de datos Web of Science y, después de la filtración, se utilizaron 91 artículos para un análisis posterior. El resultado reveló que los seis factores principales que influyen en la satisfacción del cliente hacia los servicios hoteleros son la empatía, la garantía, la confiabilidad, la capacidad de respuesta, la tangibilidad y las prácticas sostenibles. Si los clientes están satisfechos, se motivarán a revisitar, difundir recomendaciones positivas y construir lealtad. Además, los resultados identificaron que Estados Unidos, Malasia y China son los países líderes en este campo. Este estudio proporciona una revisión integral de la literatura, un área hasta ahora poco explorada, ofreciendo ideas valiosas para que los proveedores de servicios hoteleros mejoren sus servicios, así como para que los investigadores y académicos desarrollen y propongan nuevas teorías.Num mundo altamente competitivo, o sucesso da indústria hoteleira depende da qualidade dos serviços que presta, o que proporciona sensações surpreendentes e elevada satisfação do cliente. Muitos pesquisadores têm tentado avaliar a satisfação do cliente em relação aos serviços hoteleiros propondo diferentes modelos. Assim, o presente estudo tenta identificar os fatores que influenciam a determinação da satisfação do cliente em relação aos serviços hoteleiros, através da realização de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Durante o processo de busca, foram obtidos 457 artigos na base de dados Web of Science e, após filtragem, 91 artigos foram utilizados para posterior análise. O resultado revelou que os seis principais fatores que influenciam a satisfação do cliente em relação aos serviços hoteleiros são empatia, garantia, confiabilidade, capacidade de resposta, tangibilidade e práticas sustentáveis. Se os clientes estiverem satisfeitos, serão motivados a revisitar, propagar recomendações positivas e construir lealdade. Além disso, os resultados identificaram que os Estados Unidos, Malásia e China são os países líderes nesse campo. Este estudo fornece uma revisão abrangente da literatura, uma área até então pouco explorada, oferecendo insights valiosos para os provedores de serviços hoteleiros melhorarem seus serviços, bem como para pesquisadores e acadêmicos desenvolverem e propor novas teorias
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