10 research outputs found

    Using the USCCS for sub microsecond spacecraft clock calibration

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    The Return Data Delay technique which requires knowledge of spacecraft range is commonly used for correlating a spacecraft clock against a ground time standard when millisecond accuracy is required. An analysis is presented that allows using the user spacecraft clock calibration system (USCCS) to correlate a spacecraft clock to better than one microsecond accuracy. The basic USCCS algorithm has been simplified and it is shown to result in about one microsecond accuracy without requiring orbital information. By considering the relative motion of the user satellite, the TDRS and the earth station about the center of the earth, a correction of almost two orders of magnitude can be made. Such accuracy is required for scientific investigations that require correlating coincident radiation or particle detection with a remote laboratory

    Randomizer for High Data Rates

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    NASA as well as a number of other space agencies now recognize that the current recommended CCSDS randomizer used for telemetry (TM) is too short. When multiple applications of the PN8 Maximal Length Sequence (MLS) are required in order to fully cover a channel access data unit (CADU), spectral problems in the form of elevated spurious discretes (spurs) appear. Originally the randomizer was called a bit transition generator (BTG) precisely because it was thought that its primary value was to insure sufficient bit transitions to allow the bit/symbol synchronizer to lock and remain locked. We, NASA, have shown that the old BTG concept is a limited view of the real value of the randomizer sequence and that the randomizer also aids in signal acquisition as well as minimizing the potential for false decoder lock. Under the guidelines we considered here there are multiple maximal length sequences under GF(2) which appear attractive in this application. Although there may be mitigating reasons why another MLS sequence could be selected, one sequence in particular possesses a combination of desired properties which offsets it from the others

    International Space Station (ISS) S-Band Corona Discharge Anomaly Consultation

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    The Assembly and Contingency Radio Frequency Group (ACRFG) onboard the International Space Station (ISS) is used for command and control communications and transmits (45 dBm or 32 watts) and receives at S-band. The system is nominally pressurized with gaseous helium (He) and nitrogen (N2) at 8 pounds per square inch absolute (psia). MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (MDA) was engaged to analyze the operational characteristics of this unit in an effort to determine if the anomalous behavior was a result of a corona event. Based on this analysis, MDA did not recommend continued use of this ACRFG. The NESC was requested to provide expert support in the area of high-voltage corona and multipactoring in an S-Band RF system and to assess the probability of corona occurring in the ACRFG during the planned EVA. The NESC recommended minimal continued use of S/N 002 ACRFG until a replacement unit can be installed. Following replacement, S/N 002 will be subjected to destructive failure analysis in an effort to determine the proximate and root cause(s) of the anomalous behavior

    DAWN Mission Bus and Waveguide Venting Analysis Review

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    A concern was raised regarding the time after launch when the DAWN Mission Communications Subsystem, which contains a 100 Watt X-Band Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA) with a high voltage ((approximately 7 Kilo Volt (KV)) Electronic Power Converter (EPC), will be powered on for the first post-launch downlink. This activation is planned to be approximately one hour after launch. Orbital Sciences (the DAWN Mission spacecraft contractor) typically requires a 24-hour wait period prior to high voltage initiation for Earth-orbiting Science and GEO spacecraft. The concern relates to the issue of corona and/or radio frequency (RF) breakdown of the TWTA ((high voltage direct current (DC) and RF)), and of the microwave components (high voltage RF) in the presence of partial atmospheric pressures or outgassing constituents. In particular, generally the diplexer and circulator are susceptible to RF breakdown in the corona region due to the presence of small physical gaps ((~ 2.5 millimeter (mm)) between conductors that carry an RF voltage. The NESC concurred the DAWN Mission communication system is safe for activation

    Timekeeping for the Space Technology 5 (ST-5) Mission

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    Space Technology 5, or better known as ST-5, is a space technology development mission in the New Millennium Program (NMP) and NASA s first experiment in the design of miniaturized satellite constellations. The mission will design, integrate and launch multiple spacecraft into an orbit high above the Earth s protective magnetic field known as the magnetosphere. Each spacecraft incorporates innovative technology and constellation concepts which will be instrumental in future space science missions. A total of three ST-5 spacecraft will be launched as secondary payloads into a highly elliptical geo-synchronous transfer orbit, and will operate as a 3-element constellation for a minimum duration of 90 days. In order to correlate the time of science measurements with orbit position relative to the Earth, orbit position in space (with respect to other objects in space) and/or with events measured on Earth or other spacecraft, accurate knowledge of spacecraft and ground time is needed. Ground time as used in the USA (known as Universal Time Coordinated or UTC) is maintained by the U.S. Naval Observatory. Spacecraft time is maintained onboard within the Command and Data Handling (C&DH) system. The science requirements for ST-5 are that spacecraft time and ground time be correlatable to each other, with some degree of accuracy. Accurate knowledge of UTC time on a spacecraft is required so that science measurements can be correlated with orbit position relative to the Earth, orbit position in space and with events measured on Earth or other spacecraft. The most crucial parameter is not the clock oscillator frequency, but more importantly, how the clock oscillator frequency varies with time or temperature (clock oscillator drift). Even with an incorrect clock oscillator frequency, if there were no drift, the frequency could be assessed by comparing the spacecraft clock to a ground clock during a few correlation events. Once the frequency is accurately known, it is easy enough to make a regular adjustment to the spacecraft clock or to calculate the correct ground time for a given spacecraft clock time. The oscillator frequency, however, is temperature dependent, drifts with age and is affected by radiation; hence, repeated correlation measurements are required

    Low Resolution Picture Transmission (LRPT) Demonstration System

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    Low-Resolution Picture Transmission (LRPT) is a proposed standard for direct broadcast transmission of satellite weather images. This standard is a joint effort by the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and NOAA. As a digital transmission scheme, its purpose is to replace the current analog Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) system for use in the Meteorological Operational (METOP) satellites. GSFC has been tasked to build an LRPT Demonstration System (LDS). Its main objective is to develop or demonstrate the feasibility of a low-cost receiver utilizing a PC as the primary processing component and determine the performance of the protocol in the simulated Radio Frequency (RF) environment. The approach would consist of two phases

    NASA-GSFC Nano-Satellite Technology Development

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    The scientific understanding of key physical processes between the Sun and Earth require simultaneous measurements from many vantage points in space. Nano-satellite technologies will enable a class of constellation missions for the NASA Space Science Sun-Earth Connections theme. These technologies will also be of great benefit to other NASA science enterprises. Each nano-satellite will weigh a maximum of 10 kg including the propellant mass. Provisions for orbital maneuvers as well as attitude control, multiple sensors and instruments, and full autonomy will yield a highly capable miniaturized satellite. All onboard electronics will survive a total radiation dose rate of 100 krads over a two year mission lifetime. Nano-satellites developed for in-situ measurements will be spin-stabilized, and carry a complement of particles and fields instruments. Nano-satellites developed for remote measurements will be three-axis-stabilized, and carry a complement of imaging and radio wave instruments. Autonomy both onboard the nano-satellites and at the ground stations will minimize the mission operational costs for tracking and managing a constellation. Partnerships with private industry and academic institutions will be utilized for the development, manufacturing, and testing of the nano-satellites. Key technologies under development will be described, which include: advanced, miniaturized chemical propulsion; miniaturized sensors; highly integrated, compact electronics; autonomous onboard and ground operations; miniaturized onboard methods of orbit determination; onboard RF communications capable of transmitting data to the ground from far distances; lightweight, efficient solar array panels; lightweight, high output battery cells; a miniaturized heat transport system; lightweight yet strong composite materials for the nano-satellite and deployer-ship structures; and simple, reusable ground systems

    Spectroscopic signatures of localization with interacting photons in superconducting qubits

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    Summarization: Quantized eigenenergies and their associated wave functions provide extensive information for predicting the physics of quantum many-body systems. Using a chain of nine superconducting qubits, we implement a technique for resolving the energy levels of interacting photons. We benchmark this method by capturing the main features of the intricate energy spectrum predicted for two-dimensional electrons in a magnetic field—the Hofstadter butterfly. We introduce disorder to study the statistics of the energy levels of the system as it undergoes the transition from a thermalized to a localized phase. Our work introduces a many-body spectroscopy technique to study quantum phases of matter. © 2017, American Association for the Advancement of Science.Παρουσιάστηκε στο: Scienc