437 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Dan Organizational Trust Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Kober Mie Setan Surabaya

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh organizational citizenship behaviour terhadap kinerja karyawan, mengetahui pengaruh organizational trust terhadap kinerja karyawan, dan mengetahui pengaruh organizational citizenship behaviour dan organizational trust terhadap kinerja karyawan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan Kober Mie Setan Surabaya dengan jumlah 78 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linear berganda dan analisis statistik deskriptif dengan alat bantu SPSS 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa organizational citizenship behaviour dan organizational trust memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan baik secara parsial maupun simultan

    The Future of Government

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    This is an abstract dealing with the government\u27s future analysis. It focuses on behavioral economics

    Wacana Lingkungan dalam Gerakan Sosial Digital

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    Tulisan ini mendiskusikan salah satu bentuk dari pergerakan sosial baru (new social movement), yaitu petisi online. Gerakan sosial ini ditandai dengan penggunaan teknologi Internet sebagai alat perjuangan yang utama. Secara khusus, penulis memilih untuk mengelaborasi situs Change.org sebagai situs yang menyediakan platform petisi online. Melalui situs tersebut, setiap orang dapat mengumpulkan tanda tangan secara digital sebanyak mungkin guna mendukung perjuangan mereka. Tanda tangan yang telah terkumpul tersebut lalu diberikan kepada pihak-pihak terkait, baik pelaku maupun pengambil kebijakan, untuk menyelesaikan persoalan publik yang mereka tuntutkan. Secara khusus penulis mengeksplorasi isu lingkungan sebagai isu yang vital dan dialami oleh hampir semua wilayah di dunia. Semiotika sosial yang digagas Halliday digunakan untuk membedah isi pengantar dari tuntutan yang mereka lakukan melalui situs Change.org. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan tiga analisis konteks situasi: medan wacana, pelibat wacana, dan sarana wacana

    A 50 Years Old Man with Cirrhosis Hepatis Dekompensata : Case Report

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    Cirrhosis hepatis (SH) is a chronic liver disease characterized by irreversible fibrosis, lobular structure and vascular disorganization, as well as regenerative nodules of hepatocytes. Cirrhosis worldwide ranks seventh leading cause of death. Approximately 25,000 people die each year from the disease. Mr. A 50-year, present with abdominal bloating, since 1 week ago. Past medical history of patients suffering from hepatitis B and 6 months ago. Family history of the patient's father died of hepatitis B. Physical examination: blood pressure: 110/80 mmHg; frequency. pulse: 72 x / min; frequency. breath: 24 x / min; Conjunctival pallor, convex belly, ascites, palmar erythema, edema of the legs, Hb 9.7 g / dL, albumin: 2.1 g / dl Globulin: 4.9 g / dl, HBsAg: positive. Patients diagnosed with decompensated cirrhosis hepatis ec Hepatitis B viral. Definitive treatment in patients with decompensated SH is a liver transplant. If not then palliative treatment to relieve symptoms and reduce morbidity

    Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan Di Kelurahan Mamboro Kecamatan Palu Utara

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    This research aims knowing the community participation in development plan meeting in Kelurahan Mamboro, subdistrict of North Palu. Ericson's theory on participations used in this study consist of participation, and participation during the period of use. This research employs qualitative design. Informants of this research are head of Mamboro subdistrict, the head of economic and Development Section, the head of Community Empowerment Institution and Community that are sampled using purposive technique. While technique of data collection of this research includes observation, in-depth interview and documentation, the technique of data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, and inference or verification. The result that community participation in development plan meeting is still low. The community seems to be active in pre-meeting. However they tend to criticize and to question the meeting that does not give any significant contribution to them. Community participation during program implementation also seems very low. They were not included in the process of implementation rather the government does all parts of the work. Community during this period takes a role only as controller of development process. Community participation during the period of use is also very low They are still lack of awareness to maintain the development result, and this type of attitude will become and obstacle for the development process

    Pengembangan Algoritma Pembelajaran Untuk Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Diagonal Recurrent Dalam Sistem Kendali Derau Akustik Secara Aktif

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    Active Noise Control (ANC) system emphasizes at USAge of adaptation algorithm and adaptive control structure. In this research is presented experimental result of active noise control system at free space using Diagonal Recurrent Artificial Neural Network control structure. The objective of this research is to develop an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) algorithm for Diagonal Recurrent Artificial Neural Network control structure, named as Extended Kalman Filter Diagonal Recurrent (EKFDR) algorithm. Experimental result shows that amount of neuron in artificial neural network can be reduced by using diagonal recurrent artificial neural network, without lessening control system performance. Nonlinearity of secondary path in active noise control system can complicate control process. Experimental result shows that diagonal recurrent artificial neural network with EKFDR algorithm produced a better performance than linear controller in compensating of secondary path nonlinearity

    Aplikasi Java Dan Mysql Pada Sistem Informasi Minimarket

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    David Robby Sanjaya, Yuniarto, in paper java and mysql application at minimarket information system explain that an endless human needs combined by their daily activities, made a lot of people reluctant to do shopping at a traditional market. Minimarket or supermarket that finally became a way out for this problem, because it had a good management system for organized the items and the transactions. Regulation of items and money at minimarket or supermarket require a good software. There are a lot of programming language that can be used for create this software, one of that is Java programming language. Java in this information system be used for create an interface to user while Mysql be used to manage a databases. Java programming language, Mysql, Netbeans and iReport are tools that applied to this Minimarket information system

    Evaluasi Besar Butir Terhadap Sifat Mekanis Cuzn70/30 Setelah Mengalami Deformasi Melalui Canai Dingin

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    The research was conducted because of the many industries that use CuZn 70/30 as a raw material in industrialization. CuZn 70/30 was studied to obtain the strong mechanical properties of brass. Research CuZn 70/30 was evaluated using a process of heating of about 6150 ± 50C and then held for 90 minutes. The next process is the process of cold rolling by using a variety of reduction and then tested by using a Vickers hardness testing, tensile testing, observation of the microstructure. The result of this research is a fine microstructure (below 10 μm), hardness (HV 211.67). Tensile test also conducted to get how much resistance CuZn 70/30 to resist the pull. The cold rolling process causing the decrease the mechanical properties and also increase the plastic properties of the brass

    Studi Kinetika Adsorpsi Pb Menggunakan Arang Aktif Dari Kulit Pisang

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    - Lead metal is one of environment polluter and can cause decease or health problems in sort time. The way to solve this problem is with used the carbon active from banana peel. This research is intend to find the kinetics model that appropriate in Pb adsorption process by knowing absorption of banana peel carbon active within mass variations (1; 1,5 and 2 g) and contact time (20, 40, and 60 minutes). Kinetics analysis are based from orde zero,one, and two and find the maximum capacity of adsorption from banana peel carbon active to lead metal. Equation which using at the adsorption process are Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations. From the analysis results, optimum time is at 60 minutes.kinetics of Pb absorption with carbon active from banana peel in mass 1 and 2 gr following kinetics model orde 2, then in mass 1,5 g following kinetics model orde 0. Langmuir equation is more appropriate in this research. Pb absorption from the banana peel that appropriate to Langmuir isotherm system is indicates adsorption was occur in one layer (monolayer). Maximum adsorption capacity is showing by the bigger value from a, that is 1,4582 in mass 1 g then interaction power of Pb with the banana peel was occur in mass 2 gr which showing with the value of kL is 0,4090

    Preparasi Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (Dssc) Menggunakan Ekstrak Antosianin Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas L.)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the concentration of semi-solid electrolyte/polymer gel and determine the effect of the dye absorption technique on TiO2 paste the resulting DSSC efficiency. The results obtained by XRD characterization of TiO2 crystal phase is anatase and rutile TiO2 with a crystal size of 30.27 nm. Based of testing the light absorption of dye extract of purple sweet potato is known that the spectrum of the dye can absorb light at 533 nm wavelength maximum. The result of the conversion of sunlight into electrical energy obtained the highest value is at the highest PEG concentration at 0.1 M is 0,38% for TiO2 paste is mixed directly with the dye and 0,23% for TiO2 paste soaking in the dye for 24 hours using an electrolyte semi-solid/gel polymer with an area of 1 cm2