1,613 research outputs found

    Recovery of Chromium from Stainless Steel dust

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    This investigation deals with the recovery of chromium as sodium chromate of 99.5% purity from stainless steel dust containing 7.72% chromium obtained from stainless steel processing plants. The stainless steel dust mostly contained iron in oxide form along with chromium, nickel (1.7 1%) and manganese (3.5 5%). The steel dust was roas-ted with soda ash followed by water leaching to recover the major constituent chromium. It was found that the roasting at 1073 K in 90 minutes resulted in maximum (95%) chromium recovery. Kinetics of sodium chromate formation followed topochemical model involving chemical reactions at the surface with activation energy of 22 kJmol" 1 . TG/DTA, XRD phase identification and SEM-EDX confirmed the exper-imental observation and the mode of reaction

    Selecting patients with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy for ICDs

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    Supply and demand for cereals in Nepal, 2010–2030:

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    This paper attempts to estimate the future supply and demand for cereals in Nepal. While there has been considerable research in the past examining the agricultural sector in Nepal, to the best of our knowledge there has been no analysis of the supply-demand scenario for food grains in the country. The analysis undertaken in this paper attempts to bridge this gap in the literature by estimating supply and demand models for the three most important cereals in Nepal's food basket: rice, wheat, and maize. The supply projections have been carried out on the basis of a single-crop production function model using data for the period 1995–2008. For estimating the demand function and projecting future demand, data from the Nepal Living Standards Survey II (NLSS II), undertaken in the year 2003/04, are used.cereal supply, cereal demand,

    On the Power of Multi-Objects

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    In the standard ``single-object\u27\u27 model of shared-memory computing, it is assumed that a process accesses at most one shared object in each of its steps. In this paper, we consider a more powerful variant---the ``multi-object\u27\u27 model---in which each process may access *any* finite number of shared objects atomically in each of its steps. We present results that relate the synchronization power of a type in the multi-object model to its synchronization power in the single-object model. Although the types fetch&add and swap have the same synchronization power in the single-object model, Afek, Merritt, and Taubenfeld showed that their synchronization powers differ in the multi-object model. We prove that this divergence phenomenon is exhibited {\em only\/} by types at levels 1 and 2; all higher level types have the same unbounded synchronization power in the multi-object model stated above. This paper identifies all possible relationships between a type\u27s synchronization power in the single-object model and its synchronization power in the multi-object model

    E-Commerce and Equivalence: Defining the Proper Scope of Internet Patents--Foreword

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    The diverse expression of views provided in the following papers provides a rich foundation for consideration of the issues surrounding the scope of Internet-type patents. On behalf of the Symposium writers and sponsors we invite you to continue consideration of the legal rules and policy implications surrounding this interesting and important subject

    Negotiating Feminine Identities in Manju Kapur's Difficult Daughters

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    This research delves into the exploration of women’s identities within a society dominated by men as depicted in Manju Kapur’s known novel, Difficult Daughters. Grounded in theory, the study examines how Kapur’s female characters navigate the complexities of a male dominated world while grappling with layers of identity formation. By adopting a perspective, the analysis sheds light on the challenges faced by these protagonists as they strive to transcend expectations and traditional gender roles. The narrative lens of this novel serves as a reflection of societal norms that restrict women’s aspirations and autonomy. Through examination of the text this research uncovers the dualities faced by the characters that are simultaneously constrained by ingrained gender norms and driven by their desire, for personal fulfilment. Their journey unfolds as a negotiation between conforming to expectations and pursuing their individuality. By analysing character dynamics, narrative arcs and social contexts this study showcases how the protagonists, in Kapur’s novel grapple with issues related to marriage, education and self-determination. Drawing upon theory it reveals how these characters confront challenges push against normative boundaries and strive to carve out their own space within a patriarchal society. The analysis delves into the relationships of the characters whether it be with their families, society or, within themselves. It closely examines the challenges that these women encounter as they try to balance their dreams and desires with the expectations imposed upon them by society

    A Study of Cultural Hybridity and Liminality in the Works of Hala Alyan

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    The concept of Liminality emerged from the anthropological works of Arnold Van Gennep and Victor Turner. Liminality refers to the "threshold". The liminal stage is a transitional or in-between phase of different characters and situations. In the era of postcolonialism, liminality has been applied in the context of culture. Concept of hybridity was at first used in the field of science and later in postcolonial scenario, it got associated with the mixing of cultures. Liminality theory has put a significant impact on postcolonial studies because it provides a framework for understanding the complex experiences of people who have been displaced and dislocated. In the postcolonial context, liminality and cultural hybridity are often experienced by people who have migrated from one place to another. The migrants face the challenge of adapting to a new culture while also maintaining their own cultural identity. They may also find themselves caught in a liminal state, in between two cultures, feeling like they don't fully belong to either one. On the other hand, they may feel that they belong to both cultures in equal measure and form a new hybrid culture which is mixture of the culture of their homeland and native state. The Palestinian American writer Hala Alyan’s novels and poems are full of such characters and situations which explore the themes of liminality and cultural hybridity.&nbsp

    The role of fungi in biodeterioration of sandstone with reference to Mahadev temple, Bastar, Chhatisgarh

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    Fungal ability in production of pigments and organic acids have crucial role in discoloration and degradation of different types of stone in cultural heritage objects. Additionally, stone objects may support novel communities of microorganisms that are active in biodeterioration process. This investigation focuses on mycological analysis of microbial biofilm from Mahadev temple, made of sandstone, and which was heavily colonized by fungi. The 22 fungal flora including filamentous micro fungi with specific distribution on sandstone substrate was isolated. During the investigation period it was observed that Aspergillus Scalrotium was found as dominant. The identified micro fungi cause discoloration, as well as mechanical exfoliation of building stone material that was analyzed through mechanical hyphae penetration and production of dark pigments and organic acids
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