110 research outputs found

    Values of pupil teachers (B.Ed.) in changing prospective

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    Our values are principles or beliefs that serve as guidelines to help us make decisions about actions, behaviors and life choices. They reflect what we value and how we feel about the rightness or wrongness of things. As a general rule, when we act in accordance with our own values, we tend to feel good about ourselves and our action. When we act in a way that violates our values, we tend to feel badly about it. Although individuals vary in their sets of values, sometimes there is at least moderate consistency in the values of individual with in specific groups. It should be added, incidentally, the values are subject to be at least change moderately depending upon economic, social and other influences. This study is an attempt to find out the values of teachers in changing perspective. This study shows that values are changing with changing environment. Male teachers have greater preference for Theoretical values while female teachers prefer Social values but in other cases the rank order of the values are not very different.   Teaching is a socially useful work. The teacher is called nation builder and maker of society. Importance of the present study lies in the fact that improper values may lead to disastrous results for the nation. If teachers have proper and correct values of life, then they are able to guide and direct the young generation

    Superior Photo-thermionic electron Emission from Illuminated Phosphorene Surface

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    This work demonstrates that black phosphorene, a two dimensional allotrope of phosphorus, has the potential to be an efficient photo-thermionic emitter. To investigate and understand the novel aspects we use a combined approach in which ab initio quantum simulation tools are utilized along with semiclassical description for the emission process. First by using density functional theory based formalism, we study the band structure of phosphorene. From the locations of electronic bands, and band edges, we estimate the Fermi level and work function. This leads us to define a valid material specific parameter space and establish a formalism for estimating thermionic electron emission current from phosphorene. Finally we demonstrate how the emission current can be enhanced substantially under the effect of photon irradiation. We observe that photoemission flux to strongly dominate over its coexisting counterpart thermionic emission flux. Anisotropy in phosphorene structure plays important role in enhancing the flux. The approach which is valid over a much wider range of parameters is successfully tested against recently performed experiments in a different context. The results open up a new possibility for application of phosphorene based thermionic and photo-thermionic energy converters

    Scientific validation of indigenous organic formulation-<em>panchagavya </em>for sustaining rice productivity and residual effect in rice-lentil system under hot semi-arid eco-region of middle Indo-Gangetic plains

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    104-113Combined application of organic source of nutrient and inorganic fertilizers increases nutrient synchrony and reduces losses leading to sustainable productivity. With this concept in mind a field trial was conducted at Varanasi, India during 2013–14 and 2014–15, to evaluate and validate the efficiency and efficacy of panchagavya (blend of five cow products i.e. dung, ghee, curd, urine and milk) in combination with recommended doses of fertilizers (RDF) on rice yield, soil microbial population, soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC), soil enzymatic activity and their residual effects on lentil. Application of panchagavya (D4-seedling root dip + one spray at 30 days after transplanting-DAT @ 6% + application through irrigation water at 60 DAT) produced higher productive tillers/m2, number of filled spikelets/panicle, leaf area index (LAI), grain yield, soil bacterial and fungal population, SMBC and dehydrogenase activity. Application of 100% RDF significantly increased grain yield (5935 kg/ha) but 120% RDF recorded the highest straw yield (8283 kg/ha) and biological yield. Residual effect of panchagavya at D4 level resulted in higher (19.1% over control) seed yield of lentil. However, conjunctive use of 100% RDF and D4 ensured maximum net return (1194.9 $/ha).Therefore, use of indigenous product i.e. panchagavya in combination with fertilizer can be inferred to improve soil health, ascertain high productivity, profitability and sustainability in rice-lentil production, while preserving natural resource base under hot semi-arid eco-region of middle Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP)