20 research outputs found

    Influence of soil reaction on Sauvignon Blanc must total acids and sugar content

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    TrogodiÅ”nje istraživanje utjecaja reakcije tla na količinu Å”ećera i ukupnih kiselina u moÅ”tu sorte Sauvignon bijeli, na podlozi Berlandieri x Riparia (SO4), provedeno je na području PleÅ”ivičkog vinogorja, sjeverozapadna Hrvatska, u razdoblju 2007-2009 godine. Temeljem rezultata preliminarnih istraživanja fizikalnokemijskih svojstava i biljno hranidbenog kapaciteta tla za istraživanje su odabrane dvije lokacije: ā€žRečki gajā€œ s jako kiselom do kiselom reakcijom tla (pHKCl 3,76-4,63) i ā€žBoričkaā€œ s alkalnom reakcijom tla (pHKCl 7,24-7,35). Na svakoj lokaciji formirano je 9 pokusnih parcela u pravilnom kvadratnom rasporedu 3 x 3, a svaka od njih uključivala je 2 reda sa po 20 trsova (40 trsova po pokusnoj parceli). Kontrolni uzorci tla uzimani su svake godine na početku vegetacije sa svake parcele, dok su uzorci moÅ”ta analizirani svake godine nakon berbe. Rezultati kemijskih analiza prosječnih uzoraka tla, uzetih svake godine na početku vegetacije s pokusnih parcela na svakoj od lokacija, pokazali su da tijekom trajanja istraživanja nije bilo značajnih odstupanja u pH vrijednosti tla, kao ni koncentracijama fosfora, mangana, željeza i cinka u tlu. Također, značajna odstupanja nisu utvrđena ni u koncentracijama mobilnog aluminija u kiselim tlima, kao ni količinama ukupnih karbonata i fizioloÅ”ki aktivnog vapna u alkalnom tlu. Rezultati analize moÅ”ta ukazuju na činjenicu da postoji pozitivna korelacija između reakcije tla i količine Å”ećera te negativna korelacija između reakcije tla i količine ukupnih kiselina. Tijekom svih godina istraživanja veće količine Å”ećera u moÅ”tu utvrđene su na karbonatnom u odnosu na kisela tla, dok je kod ukupnih kiselina trend bio suprotan, odnosno veće koncentracije kiselina utvrđene su na kiselim tlima u odnosu na alkalno tlo.Investigation of influence of soil reaction on must total acids and sugar content was conducted in PleÅ”ivica wine growing region, northwestern Croatia, during 2007ā€“2009, on variety Sauvignon Blanc, on the Berlandieri x Riparia (SO4) rootstock. Based on the results of preliminary investigations of the physicochemical properties and plant nutrient capacity of the soil, two locations were selected for investigation: ā€œRečki gajā€, with very acid to acid soil reaction (pHKCl 3.76 to 4.63) and ā€œBoričkaā€ with alkaline soil reaction (pHKCl 7.24 to 7.35). At each location, nine experimental plots in a regular square arrangement 3 x 3 were formed, each of the plots included 2 rows with 20 vines (40 vines per experimental plot). Control soil samples from each plot were taken each year early in the season, while must samples were analyzed each year after the harvest. Results of chemical analysis of the control soil samples showed that there were no significant differences in soil pH, phosphorus, manganese, iron and zinc concentrations as well as mobile aluminum in acidic soils and total carbonate and physiologically active lime in alkaline soil. The results of must analysis show that there is a positive correlation between soil reaction and must sugar content and a negative correlation between soil reaction and must total acids. During all the years of research, higher amounts of sugar in the must have been determined on alkaline compared to acidic soils, while for the total acids trend was the opposite, higher concentrations of acids were found in acidic soils compared to alkaline soil

    Influence of Soil Reaction on Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium Dynamics in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Influence of soil reaction on phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium dynamics in grapevine was studied on the variety Sauvignon Blanc in 2007, in the PleÅ”ivica wine-growing region. Investigations were conducted on three vitisol subtypes: dystric cambisol (pHKCl 3.73-3.76), pseudogley (pHKCl 4.67-4.69) and rendzina on marl (pHKCl 7.21-7.27). To establish the amount and dynamics of P, K, Ca and Mg in plant material, leaf samples were taken three times during the growing period: at the flowering and veraison stages and at the end of the growing period. At all sampling times, significantly higher leaf contents of P, Ca and Mg were found on alkaline soil compared to acid soils, while differences in K levels were not statistically significant. Differences in P contents may be explained by better solubility and thereby better availability of P from Ca-phosphates compared to Al, Mn and Fe-phosphates in acid soils. In addition, the cation ratio K/(Ca+Mg) that has a significant influence on grape quality, was also determined in leaves. Compared to optimal values (0.30ā€“0.40), the least favourable ratio K/ (Ca+Mg) was recorded at flowering on acid soils (0.38ā€“0.77) and at harvest on calcareous soil (0.12ā€“0.27). Differences in the content of sugar and total acids in must indicate a positive correlation between leaf contents of P, Ca and Mg and sugar content of must, and a negative correlation between leaf contents of P, Ca and Mg and the total acid content of must

    Effect of soil pH on cation ratio in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaf

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    Reakcija tla jedan je od najznačajnijih čimbenika koji utječu na topljivost i pristupačnost hraniva biljci. Provedeno istraživanje imalo je za cilj utvrditi u kojoj mjeri reakcija tla utječe na K/(Ca+Mg) u liŔću vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L.), sorta Sauvignon bijeli (podloga SO4) na području PleÅ”ivičkog vinogorja (sjeverozapadna Hrvatska). Istraživanja su provedena u razdoblju 2009.-2011. godine na području PleÅ”ivičkog vinogorja na tlima jako kisele do kisele reakcije (lokacija Rečki gaj: pHKCl 3,54-5,01) i na tlu alkalne reakcije (lokacija Borička: pHKCl 7,01-7,41). Uzorci liŔća za praćenje dinamike kalija, kalcija i magnezija te njihovog međusobnog odnosa uzimani su tri puta tijekom vegetacije (fenofaza cvatnja, Å”ara i berba) u sve tri godine istraživanja. U sve tri godine istraživanja značajan utjecaj na K/(Ca+Mg) odnos u liŔću vinove loze imala je reakcija tla te fenofaza rasta i razvoja. Å iri odnos K/(Ca+Mg) u liŔću vinove loze, u svim godinama istraživanja utvrđen je na tlu kisele reakcije (0,29, 0,58, 0,59) u odnosu na alkalno tlo (0,20, 0,40, 0,38). NajÅ”iri kationski odnos utvrđen je u fenofazi cvatnje (0,31-1,02), a najuži u fenofazi berbe (0,15- 0,34) u svim godinama istraživanja neovisno o reakciji tla.Soil reaction is one of the most important factors that affects solubility and availability of nutrients to plants. The aim of the present research was to determine the effect of soil reaction on the K/(Ca+Mg) ratio in the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaves of the cultivar Sauvignon Blanc (rootstock SO4) in the PleÅ”ivica wine growing region (Northwest Croatia). The research was conducted in the period 2009-2011 in the PleÅ”ivica wine growing region on very acid to acid soil (location Rečki gaj: pHKCl 3,54-5,01) and on alkaline soil (location Borička: pHKCl 7,01-7,41). Leaves samples for monitoring the dynamics of potassium, calcium and magnesium and their mutual relationship, have been taken each year three times during vegetation (in the following phenological stages: flowering, veraison and harvest). A significant effect on the K/(Ca+Mg) ratio in the grapevine leaves was determined in respect to soil reaction and the phenological stage in all three years of research. The wider ratio of K/(Ca+Mg) in the leaves in all three years was determined on the acidic soil (0.29, 0.58, 0.59) in respect to alkaline soil (0.20, 0.40, 0.38). The widest cation ratio was determined in the stage of flowering (0.31-1.02) while the most limited ratio was determined in the stage of harvest (0.15-0.34) in all research years regardless soil reaction

    Chemical composition of sour cherry cv. Marasca fruit in climatic two different years

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    ViÅ”nja maraska (Prunus cerasus var. Marasca) jedna je od najznačajnijih voćnih vrsta Dalmacije, joÅ” od 16 stoljeća od kada datira i proizvodnja poznatog likera Maraschino. Areal rasprostranjenosti maraske ograničen je uglavnom na dio područja sjeverne i srednje Dalmacije od Zadra do Makarske, gdje klima i tlo omogućuju postizanje visoke kvalitete ploda i specifične arome. Provedena istraživanja imala su za cilj utvrditi fizikalno-kemijske parametre (ukupnu suhu tvar, vodotopivu suhu tvar, ukupnu kiselost, udio mesa i koÅ”tica), ukupne polifenole i antocijane te antioksidativni kapacitet u plodu viÅ”nje maraske u dvije klimatski različite godine (2012 i 2013), na plantaži ā€žVlačineā€œ (Zadar). Značajno veće vrijednosti ukupne suhe tvari, ukupnih polifenola i antioksidativnog kapaciteta utvrđene su u 2012., dok su veće vrijednosti ukupnih kiselina i antocijana utvrđene u 2013. godini, Å”to se može dovesti u svezu s većim količinama oborina i nižim temperaturama u fazi zriobe plodova u 2013. godini. Značajno niže vrijednosti antocijana u 2012. u odnosu na 2013. godinu mogu se objasniti ekstremno visokim temperaturama u fazi zriobe u 2012. godini, koje prema literaturnim navodima mogu smanjiti količinu antocijana i do 90 %. U obje godine istraživanja utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između ukupnih polifenola i antocijana, Å”to potvrđuje činjenicu da su antocijani dominantni polifenolni spojevi u plodu maraske.Sour cherry cv. Marasca (Prunus cerasus cv. Marasca) is one of the most important fruit species of Dalmatia ever since 16th century. Production of the famous liqueur Maraschino began at that time. The areal of the prevalence of marasca is limited mainly to the part of the north and central Dalmatia, from Zadar to Makarska, where the climate and soil allow the achievement of high fruit quality and specific aroma. The investigations were aimed to determine the physico-chemical parameters (total dry matter, water soluble dry matter, total acids and percentage of flesh and endocarp in fruit) and biologically active compounds (total polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidant capacity) of the marasca cherry fruit in the climatic two different years (2012 and 2013) on the ā€žVlačineā€ (Zadar) plantation. Significantly higher values of total dry matter, total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity were determined in 2012, while in 2013 higher values of total acids and anthocyanins were determined. That can be brought into connection with significantly higher amount of precipitation and lower temperatures in the phase of fruit ripening in 2013. In both years of investigation a positive correlation between the total polyphenols and anthocyanins was determine which confirms the fact that the anthocyanins are dominant polyphenolic compounds in the marasca fruit. Significantly lower values of anthocyanins in 2012. compared to 2013. can be explained by the extremely high temperatures in the stage of maturity in 2012. which, according to the literature, can reduce the amount of anthocyanins up to 90

    Humus content in soils intended for establishment of permanent plantations in Croatia

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    Humus ima specifičnu, viÅ”estruko pozitivnu ulogu u fizikalnim, kemijskim i mikrobioloÅ”kim značajkama tla. Doprinosi formiranju stabilnih agregata, strukturi tla, aeraciji, poboljÅ”anju ritma infiltracije i povećanju kapaciteta skladiÅ”tenja vode. Kao skladiÅ”te za biljna hraniva ujedno je izvor plodnosti tla. Također, služi kao pufer protiv brzih promjena reakcije tla (pH) i djeluje kao izvor energije za mikroorganizme u tlu. Uvažavajući gore iznijeto, kao i činjenicu da trajni nasadi (voćnjaci i vinogradi) na istoj povrÅ”ini ostaju dugi niz godina te da je potrebno žurno formirati tratinu u međurednom prostoru, poznavanje razine humusa u tlima namijenjenim za podizanje voćnjaka i vinograda je od izuzetne važnosti. Temeljem analiza cca četiri tisuće uzoraka tla (računajući oranični sloj 0-30 cm i podoranični sloj 30-60 cm) iz 16 županija Republike Hrvatske, utvrđena je količina humusa. Uzorci tla uzeti su u periodu od 2000. do 2006. godine , tj. u vrijeme kad se krenulo u znatnije podizanje voćnjaka i vinograda, popraćeno poticajima za podizanje trajnih nasada (BiÅ”ko i sur., 2005a.; BiÅ”ko i sur. 2005b.). Količina humusa određena je metodom po Tjurinu (Å korić i Seretić 1966.). U konačnici, izračunate su i prosječne vrijednosti (% humusa) oraničnog i podoraničnog sloja tla Å”to čini ukupno 2.038 uzoraka i predstavlja isto toliko proizvodnih povrÅ”ina sa kojih su uzeti prosječni uzorci. Prosječne vrijednosti količine humusa po pojedinoj županiji kretale su se od 1,53 % u Virovitičko-podravskoj do 3,32 % u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji. U ostalim županijama utvrđene su sljedeće prosječne vrijednosti humusa: Koprivničko-križevačka 1,54 %, PožeÅ”ko-slavonska 1,62 %, Vukovarsko-srijemska 1,63 %, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska 1,78 %, Brodsko-posavska 1,80 %, Zadarska i Međimurska 2,01 %, Sisačko-moslavačka 2,13 %, Istarska 2,15 %, Zagrebačka 2,22 %, Krapinsko-zagorska 2,23 %, Karlovačka 2,44 %, Å ibensko-kninska 2,74 % i Ličko-senjska 2,89 %. Utvrđene vrijednosti uspoređene su s IzvjeŔćem Europskog ureda za istraživanje tala (Br. 15) Europske Komisije: ā€žOrganic Matter in the Soils of Southern Europeā€, Zdruli i sur., 2004.Humus has a specific, multiple positive influence on physical, chemical and microbiological soil characteristics. It contributes to the formation of stable aggregates, soil structure and aeration, improvement of infiltration rhythm and to an increase of water storage capacity. Being a storage for plant nutrients, it is a source of fertility at the same time. Furthermore, it is also a buffer against rapid changes in soil reaction (pH) and acts as an energy source for microorganisms in the soil. Taking into consideration aforementioned, as well as the fact that permanent plantations (orchards and vineyards) stay in the same area for a longer time, the need for urgent growth of grass between rows, understanding levels of humus in soils intended for establishment of orchards and vineyards is of utmost importance. Based on the analysis of approximately four thousand soil samples (including topsoil 0-30 cm and subsoil 30-60 cm) from 16 counties in the Republic of Croatia, humus content was determined. Soil samples were taken in the period between 2000 and 2006, in the time of planting major orchards and vineyards, accompanied by incentives for setting us permanent plantations (BiÅ”ko et al., 2005a; BiÅ”ko et al. 2005b). Humus content was determined by Tjurin method (Å korić i Sertić, 1966). Finally, mean values (% humus) of topsoil and subsoil were calculated which accounts for 2.038 samples, representing the same number of plots from which samples were taken. Mean values of humus content per each county ranged between 1.53% in Virovitičko-podravska County and 3.32% in Primorsko-goranska County. For other counties the following mean values of humus content were determined: Koprivničko-križevačka 1.54%, PožeÅ”ko-slavonska 1.62%, Vukovarsko-srijemska 1.63%, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska 1.78%, Brodsko-posavska 1.80%, Zadarska and Međimurska 2.01%, Sisačko-moslavačka 2.13%, Istarska 2.15%, Zagrebačka 2.22%, Krapinsko-zagorska 2.23%, Karlovačka 2.44%, Å ibensko-kninska 2.74% and Ličko-senjska 2.89%. Identified values were compared with the Report of the European Office for Soil Research (No 15) of the European Commission: ā€œOrganic Matter in the Soils of Southern Europe, Zdruli, et al. 2004

    The Content of Mg, K and Ca Ions in Vine Leaf under Foliar Application of Magnesium on Calcareous Soils

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    Chlorosis frequently occurs in vine production on calcareous soils, which is usually attributed to high calcium concentrations in soil. If symptoms appear on older leaves, it is taken that chlorosis is caused by a deficit of Mg2+ ions. A method of preventing chlorosis is foliar application of magnesium; however, uncontrolled application can lead to imbalance with potassium and calcium ions. The research objective was to find out whether foliar application of magnesium could solve the problem of chlorosis, and whether magnesium affects ion interactions with potassium and calcium. The fertilizing trial was set up in vineyards, on anthropogenized rigosols, with different contents of available lime in soil (< 20, 25 and 30 % CaO). Fertilizer was applied three times during the growing period, in a total amount of 2500 g Mg/ha. According to the results, foliar application of magnesium can solve the problem of chlorosis only on soils with a lower lime content (< 20 % CaO). Magnesium concentrations in dry leaf ranged from 0.25 % (beginning of growing period) to 0.64 % (post harvest), which is in agreement with literature data. On soils with a high lime content, negative correlation was determined between Mg and K ions in the leaf (r = -0.78). Although correlation between Mg and Ca in plant was positive (r = +0.61 to +0.90) during whole grape vine vegetative period, determined high ratios between Ca and Mg, especially during summer (12.4), indicated that Ca was dominant ion in plant disturbing K and Mg physiological roles


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinak živoga mikoriznog cjepiva na dinamiku opskrbljenosti biljnim hranivima vinove loze. Pokus je proveden na kultivaru GraÅ”evina (Vitis vinifera L.), cijepljenome na podlozi SO4 u uvjetima Vinogorja Kutjevo. Uzgojni oblik je Guyot, s opterećenjem od 10 pupova. U neposrednu blizinu korijenova sustava inokulirano je 20 ml mikorizne suspenzije koja sadrži oko 2000 propagacijskih jedinica živoga mikoriznog micelija. Istraživanje je provedeno u dvama klimatski vrlo različitim godinama. Prvu godinu istraživanja (2014.) karakterizirale su obilne oborine i manje sunčanih dana, Å”to je rezultiralo kasnijom tehnoloÅ”kom zreloŔću grožđa od 34 dana u odnosu na 2015. godinu, koja je u periodu dozrijevanja grožđa bila iznadprosječno topla i suha. U obje godine istraživanja, u uvjetima slabe opskrbljenosti tla organskom tvari, fosforom i kalijem, mikorizna simbioza utjecala je na veći sadržaj fosfora i kalija u suhoj tvari list kultivara GraÅ”evine. U godini s viÅ”e oborina i manje topline utvrđen je veći sadržaj duÅ”ika u listovima trsova s mikoriznom simbiozom. U suhim i toplim uvjetima tijekom cijeloga perioda dozrijevanja grožđa povećan je sadržaj kalcija, a opravdano veći sadržaj cinka, mangana i željeza utvrđen je u periodu neposredno prije tehnoloÅ”ke zrelosti grožđa. Nije utvrđen pozitivan utjecaj mikorize na urod, sadržaj Å”ećera i ukupnu kiselost.The aim of the study was to determine the effect of a live mycorrhizal vaccine on the dynamics of grapevineā€™s plant nutrient supply. The experiment was performed on the GraÅ”evina variety (Vitis vinifera L.), grafted on an SO4 rootstock in the conditions of the Kutjevo Vineyards. The training system was Guyot, with a 10ā€bud load. In the root systemā€™s immediate vicinity, 20 ml of mycorrhizal suspension containing approximately 2,000 propagation units of a live mycorrhizal mycelium were inoculated. From the viticultural aspect, the research was conducted in two climatically very different years. The first research year (2014) was characterized by an abundant precipitation and less sunny days, resulting in a later technological grape maturity, amounting to 34 days when compared to the year 2015, which was extraordinarily warm and arid during the grape ripening period. In both research years, in the conditions of the soilā€™s low supply with the organic matter, phosphorus, and potassium, a mycorrhizal symbiosis influenced the higher content of phosphorus and potassium in the GraÅ”evinaā€™s dry leaf matter. In a year experiencing more precipitation and less heat, a higher nitrogen content was found in the vine leaves manifesting a mycorrhizal symbiosis. In the dry and warm conditions, the calcium content was increased during the entire period of grape ripening, and a justifiably higher content of zinc, manganese, and iron was found in the period immediately preceding a technological grape ripeness. A positive influence of mycorrhiza on the yield, sugar content, and total acidity was not determined


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    Opisi i izvjeÅ”taji različitih događanja 2015. godine. Opisani događaji su predstavljanje projekta ā€žKomparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme ā€“ KOMPASā€œ; izložba Danka JakÅ”ića u Galeriji AZ, izložba Učiteljice i učitelji u Hrvatskoj 1849. Ģ¶ 2009. na Učiteljskome fakultetu, 3. Međimurski filoloÅ”ki dani; Istraživanja paradigmi djetinjstva, odgoja i obrazovanja ā€“ UFZG 2015 , Peta godiÅ”nja skupÅ”tina Hrvatske udruge istraživača dječje književnosti, SIEF 2015. Utopias, Realities, Heritages: Ethnographies for the 21st Century. 12th Congress of the SociĆ©tĆ© Internationale dā€™Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF), Hrvatske nagrade za dječju knjigu u 2014. godini (Croatian Childrenā€™s Books Awards in 2014).Descriptions and reports on various events held in 2015. The described events are predstavljanje projekta ā€žKomparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme ā€“ KOMPASā€œ; izložba Danka JakÅ”ića u Galeriji AZ, izložba Učiteljice i učitelji u Hrvatskoj 1849. Ģ¶ 2009. na Učiteljskome fakultetu, 3. Međimurski filoloÅ”ki dani; Istraživanja paradigmi djetinjstva, odgoja i obrazovanja ā€“ UFZG 2015 , Peta godiÅ”nja skupÅ”tina Hrvatske udruge istraživača dječje književnosti, SIEF 2015. Utopias, Realities, Heritages: Ethnographies for the 21st Century. 12th Congress of the SociĆ©tĆ© Internationale dā€™Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF), Hrvatske nagrade za dječju knjigu u 2014. godini (Croatian Childrenā€™s Books Awards in 2014)

    Lung ultrasonography for early detection of extravascular lung water overload in intensive care patients early afer surgery: a preliminary study

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    Aim. To investigate whether lung ultrasound can be used to detect extravascular lung water overload in the intensive care unit early afer surgery. Methods. Tis prospective study involved 60 patients without known cardiac or pulmonary diseases admitted to the intensive care unit at our Hospital afer elective abdominal or vascular surgery. PaO2/FiO2 ratio, and appearance of B-lines were determined upon admission to the intensive care unit and at 6, 12, and 24 h later. Fluid overload was defned as the presence of Blines ā‰¤7 mm. Tissue oxygenation impairment was defned as a PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 200. Results. Fluid overload was detected in 42 patients (70%). Te dense B-lines predicted fuid overload around the same time as drop of PaO2/FiO2 ratio (p = 0.115). Appearance of dense B lines correlated strongly with PaO2/FiO2 ratio (p < 0.001). Conclusion. Our preliminary results suggest that lung ultrasonography may be a promising non-invasive method for early detection of extravascular lung water overload in spontaneous breathing intensive care patients soon afer surgery. Our fndings should be verifed in larger studies