933 research outputs found

    Passive immunotherapy against Aβ in aged APP-transgenic mice reverses cognitive deficits and depletes parenchymal amyloid deposits in spite of increased vascular amyloid and microhemorrhage

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    BACKGROUND: Anti-Aβ immunotherapy in transgenic mice reduces both diffuse and compact amyloid deposits, improves memory function and clears early-stage phospho-tau aggregates. As most Alzheimer disease cases occur well past midlife, the current study examined adoptive transfer of anti-Aβ antibodies to 19- and 23-month old APP-transgenic mice. METHODS: We investigated the effects of weekly anti-Aβ antibody treatment on radial-arm water-maze performance, parenchymal and vascular amyloid loads, and the presence of microhemorrhage in the brain. 19-month-old mice were treated for 1, 2 or 3 months while 23-month-old mice were treated for 5 months. Only the 23-month-old mice were subject to radial-arm water-maze testing. RESULTS: After 3 months of weekly injections, this passive immunization protocol completely reversed learning and memory deficits in these mice, a benefit that was undiminished after 5 months of treatment. Dramatic reductions of diffuse Aβ immunostaining and parenchymal Congophilic amyloid deposits were observed after five months, indicating that even well-established amyloid deposits are susceptible to immunotherapy. However, cerebral amyloid angiopathy increased substantially with immunotherapy, and some deposits were associated with microhemorrhage. Reanalysis of results collected from an earlier time-course study demonstrated that these increases in vascular deposits were dependent on the duration of immunotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: The cognitive benefits of passive immunotherapy persist in spite of the presence of vascular amyloid and small hemorrhages. These data suggest that clinical trials evaluating such treatments will require precautions to minimize potential adverse events associated with microhemorrhage

    Design, Development and Evaluation of Metronidazole Benzoate Loaded Proniosomes for Topical Delivery

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    Nowadays, vesicles have become the carrier of choice in drug delivery. Vesicular drug delivery reduces the cost of therapy by improved bioavailability of medication, especially in case of poorly soluble drugs. They can incorporate both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs. Proniosomes are one of the important novel drug delivery carriers of various drug molecules. The design of the present investigation was to prepare and develop Metronidazole Benzoate loaded proniosomes with different ratios of cholesterol and non-ionic surfactants to achieve prolonged release of drug on topical administration. A total of fourteen formulations were prepared by slurry method and evaluated for angle of repose, drug content, particle size, hydration rate, encapsulation efficiency, in-vitro release studies& ex-vivo drug permeation studies. The optimized formulation of proniosome was incorporated into transdermal patch and was subjected to various evaluation studies. The in-vitro diffusion and kinetic study of the patch showed a release of 80.71% over 12hrs and fitted into zero order and non-fickian diffusion mechanism. It could be concluded that the formulationF12 having surfactant: cholesterol concentration as 1:1 was the best formulation. The SEM image as well as the FT-IR spectrum of the optimized formulation was taken

    Comparison of Safety, Efficacy & Cost Effectiveness of Foley’s Catheter & Misoprostol Induction Versus Mifepristone & Misoprostol Induction in Second Trimester Termination of Pregnancy

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    INTRODUCTION : Induced abortions in the second trimester accounts for 10-15% in the world. Over the past 30 years various methods are described and still efforts are going on to improve abortion technology in terms of acceptability, effectiveness, safety and technical ease of performance. The ideal method is still debatable. Second trimester abortions contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality associated with abortions. Hence it becomes necessary to find the ideal method to achieve second trimester abortions. Reducing the morbidity and mortality due to these abortions can greatly improve the quality of life for women undergoing second trimester abortions. AIM OF THE STUDY : The present study is undertaken to analyse the safety, efficacy and cost effectiveness of mechanical and pharmacological methods of induction. MATERIALS AND METHODS : This study comparing the efficacy of foley catheter &vaginal misoprostol combination with mifepristone and vaginal misoprostol as a method of second trimester abortion conducted at Government Theni Medical College Hospital,Theni. Study design: Prospective randomized comparative study. Study Place : Government Theni Medical College Hospital, Theni. Study Population : Patients requesting abortion in their second trimester at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Government Theni Medical College Hospital. Theni. Period of Study : August 2015 – July 2016. Sample Size: 100 (Randam allocation to either group). GROUP I - 50 : Foley catheter -- misoprostol group Foley’s catheter No 14 F is introduced into the cervix beyond internal os. Once it passed the internal os the balloon was then inflated with 30 ml saline..After 24 hrs Intravaginal Misoprostol 400microgram is used every four hours upto a maximum of 4 doses. GROUP II - 50 : Mifepristone – Misoprostol group. Mifepristone 200mg was given orally followed after 24 hrs by insertion of 400microgram Misoprostol in the posterior vaginal fornix every four hours upto a maximum of four doses. OUTCOME : COMPLETE: When both placenta and fetus were expelled in 48hours. INCOMPLETE: When either placenta or fetus was retained. FAILED: Neither fetus nor placenta was expelled. PARAMETERS STUDIED: 1.Induction - Abortion Interval, Complete abortion rate, Success rate, 2. Side Effect Profile. Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Fever, Headache, Rigor, Hemorrhage, Infection. 3.Total Number of Misoprostol Doses Required. 4. Need For Additional Procedures Like Curettage, Misoprostol. 5. Requirement of transfusion. 6. Cost incurred in both groups. RESULTS : Most of the patients in both group were in the age of 21-25years.The most commonest age for termination in both group was between 17-18 weeks. Induction abortion interval in Foley + Misoprostol group was 10.35 hrs and that in mifepristone + Misoprostol group was 10.68 hrs. The percentage of complete abortion in Foley + Misoprostol group was 70% and in mifepristone + misoprostol group was 90% and the percentage of incomplete abortion was 26% in Foley+misoprostol group and 10% in Mifepristone + misoprostol group. Failure is 4% in Foley + misoprostol group. The average cost in foley + misoprostol group was 673.06 and mifepristone + misoprostol group was 748.74. CONCLUSION : Floey catheter + misoprostol method can be considered as an effective alternative method to mifepristone+ misoprostol method of induction for second trimester termination of pregnancy. In developing country like india foley catheter + misoprostol method can be considered for second trimester abortion as it cost effective

    Effectiveness of Educational Intervention Package on Knowledge and Practice regarding child rearing among mothers of Infant

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    The rearing of children is especially the care, love and guidance given by a parent. It is affected by their health and nutritional status, their genetic potential as well the quality of their home environment. They often are unaware that their child rearing practices can affect their children's cognitive and language development. They fail to appreciate the importance of playing and chatting with young children. They may be unaware of age appropriate activities to do with their children. The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of educational intervention package on knowledge and practice regarding child rearing among mothers of infant. The hypothesis formulated was that there is a significant association between the educational intervention package and level of knowledge and practice regarding child rearing among mothers of infant. The review of literature included the related studies which provided a strong foundation for the study including the basis for conceptual framework and the formation of tool. The research design used for this study was pre experimental one group pre test post test design. It was carried out with 100 samples who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the samples. A self administered tool was given to the mothers to assess the pre test level of knowledge and practice regarding child rearing. Educational intervention package was given to the mothers for a period of 30-45 minutes. The post test was assessed after 5-7 days by using the same scale. The analysis revealed that the pre test level of knowledge regarding child rearing mean score was 12.25 with the standard deviation of 3.46 and the post test level of knowledge mean score was 19.79 with the standard deviation of 3.47. The pre test practice mean score was 8.40 with the standard deviation of 2.47and the post test practice mean score was 15.84 with the standard deviation of 2.48. The paired ‘t’ test value was 20.7 and 22.17 which was statistically very high significant at level of p < 0.001. The Karl Pearson correlation coefficient value of r = 0.57 at the level p < 0.01 which showed moderate correlation between post test level of knowledge and practice regarding child rearing among mothers of infant. Hence it indicates the effectiveness of educational intervention package on child rearing among mothers of infant. So the research hypothesis was accepted for the study

    Promotion of tourism and available infrastructure facilities in Thanjavur district, Tamil nadu, India

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    Thanjavur district has been choosen for the study.  The district predominantly and an agricultural region lies in the eastern part of Cauvery delta.  It is the Rice Bowl of Tamil Nadu.  It has so many Pilgrimage and historical centre.  The big Temple and the other famous temples in the district are known all over the world.  Thanjavur was the cultural capital of the country in 1790, Thanjavur gained prominence during the period of Chola Kings, who made it as their capital.  Thereafter, it was ruled by Nayaks and Maratta kings who natured art and culture.  The cultural, the architectural and the scholarly pursuits of these rulers are reflected in the great monuments like Grand Anaicut, Big Temple and Sarafoji Mahal, library etc.,  in the district.  In this study mainly for infrastructural facilities and other important tourist places are discussed in this study

    Effect of Gender on Environmental Awareness of Post-Graduate Students

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    Aims: It was aimed in the present study to explore the effect of gender on environmental awareness of the post-graduate students. When education diversity was controlled to be science and social-science the environmental awareness was expected to be influenced by the gender of individuals. Study Design: In order to test the above objective the present study used comparative analyses in respect of the gender taking the subjects from science and social-science discipline represented from different areas. Place and Duration of Study: Place of the study was the post-graduate students selected from Karnatak and Bangalore Universities of Karnataka State, duration of the study was between February 2011 to July 2012. Methodology: The students of science discipline pursuing their 3rd semester of course in Botany, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Applied Genetics, Physics and Zoology in Karnatak and Bangalore Universities were included in the study. However, in the Bangalore University the environmental science students were added to the science discipline as the course is offered in the university. The students included for the social-science discipline were from 3rd semester courses of Economics, History, Political Science, Social Work and Sociology. On the subjects the environmental awareness test developed by Jha (1998) was administered in group and the responses were obtained by the subjects. Sample: The included total subjects for the study were 605 post-graduate students comprising from science and social-science discipline. The age range of the students was between 22 to 24 years. For the obtained data after calculating mean and SD for the groups, ‘t’ analyses was carried out to find significant difference between the groups. Results: Statistical results using the ‘t’ test revealed no significant difference between the male and the female students of both science and social-science students of Karnatak University (Dharwad Science Male mean 50.54 (SD 11.15)/Female mean 51.41 (SD 08.15), ‘t’ 0.54, p>0.05. Dharwad Social-Science Male mean 51.02 (SD 09.07)/Female mean 51.68 (SD 07.34),‘t’ 0.51, p>0.05). The study also did not find significant difference between the male and the female science students of Bangalore university. However, there was difference between the social-science students in relation to their gender, the awareness results favouring the females (Bangalore Science Male mean 49.75 (SD 11.73)/Female mean 53.97, (SD 07.37), ‘t’ 2.26, p0.05). Conclusion: It was evidenced in the present study that gender has no significant effect on environmental awareness of the post-graduate students. Out of the four comparative analyses, in three the results are in accordance with the hypothesis and in one comparative analysis it was found that the females have higher environmental awareness. This implies that gender significance study on effect of environmental awareness needs further careful verification with control of other variables

    Synthesis and Spectral Studies on Cardanol Based Polyurethanes

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    Cardanol is a renewable organic resource obtained as a byproduct from the cashew industry. The present study has been carried out with an aim to manufacture rigid polyurethanes from natural and eco – friendly sources due to the rising prices of petrochemicals and also as an environmental concern. Vegetable oil based polyurethanes promising a new generation polymers which are low cost materials in the family of polyurethanes. Cardanol based phenolic resin has been synthesized by condensing cardanol with furfural in a particular mole ratio using phthalic acid as catalyst. The progress of the reaction was monitored by determining the free furfural and free phenol content. The resin was cured by using the curing agent 4, 41 - methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate) and the catalyst dibutyltin dilaurate to produce polyurethane. Polyurethanes are an important class of polymers that have found place in many applications. The physico chemical and spectral properties of resin and polyurethane have also been studied

    Amoebic Splenic Abscess A Rare Case Report

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    Primary splenic amoebic infections are rare and more commonly seen in immunocompromised patients. Though amoebic infection is common in tropical regions or areas having poor hygienic practices. It’s the 3rd most common cause of parasitic death and has 15% prevalence in India. Review of literature has shown several species that cause splenic amoebiasis followed by Amoebiasis colitis due to feco-oral transmission. In this case, The entry of amoeba into the spleen may be explained by trauma due to the increased movement of fluid into the injured area. Once in splenic parenchyma, amoeba causes proteolytic destruction and abscess formation. Hence, it is important for pathologists to be aware of this histomorphologic appearance and diagnostic pitfalls when evaluating as its easily curable with the use of metronidazole. Peculiarity: Primary amoebic splenic abscess with colourless thickened pus showing E.coli positivit

    Effective One-Dimensional Coupling in the Highly-Frustrated Square-Lattice Itinerant Magnet CaCo2−y_{\mathrm{2}-y}As2_{2}

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    Inelastic neutron scattering measurements on the itinerant antiferromagnet (AFM) CaCo2−y_{\mathrm{2}-y}As2_{2} at a temperature of 8 K reveal two orthogonal planes of scattering perpendicular to the Co square lattice in reciprocal space, demonstrating the presence of effective one-dimensional spin interactions. These results are shown to arise from near-perfect bond frustration within the J1J_1-J2J_2 Heisenberg model on a square lattice with ferromagnetic J1J_1, and hence indicate that the extensive previous experimental and theoretical study of the J1J_1-J2J_2 Heisenberg model on local-moment square spin lattices should be expanded to include itinerant spin systems
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