10 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal persistence of multiple, diverse clades and toxins of Corynebacterium diphtheriae.

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    Diphtheria is a respiratory disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Although the development of a toxin-based vaccine in the 1930s has allowed a high level of control over the disease, cases have increased in recent years. Here, we describe the genomic variation of 502 C. diphtheriae isolates across 16 countries and territories over 122 years. We generate a core gene phylogeny and determine the presence of antimicrobial resistance genes and variation within the tox gene of 291 tox+ isolates. Numerous, highly diverse clusters of C. diphtheriae are observed across the phylogeny, each containing isolates from multiple countries, regions and time of isolation. The number of antimicrobial resistance genes, as well as the breadth of antibiotic resistance, is substantially greater in the last decade than ever before. We identified and analysed 18 tox gene variants, with mutations estimated to be of medium to high structural impact

    Divergent evolution of Corynebacterium diphtheriae in India: An update from National Diphtheria Surveillance network.

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    Diphtheria is caused by a toxigenic bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheria which is being an emerging pathogen in India. Since diphtheria morbidity and mortality continues to be high in the country, the present study aimed to study the molecular epidemiology of C. diphtheriae strains from India. A total of 441 diphtheria suspected specimens collected as part of the surveillance programme between 2015 and 2020 were studied. All the isolates were confirmed as C. diphtheriae with standard biochemical tests, ELEK's test, and real-time PCR. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing for the subset of isolates showed intermediate susceptibility to penicillin and complete susceptible to erythromycin and cefotaxime. Isolates were characterized using multi locus sequence typing method. MLST analysis for the 216 C. diphtheriae isolates revealed major diversity among the sequence types. A total of 34 STs were assigned with majority of the isolates belonged to ST466 (30%). The second most common ST identified was ST405 that was present in 14% of the isolates. The international clone ST50 was also seen. The identified STs were grouped into 8 different clonal complexes (CC). The majority belongs to CC5 followed by CC466, CC574 and CC209, however a single non-toxigenic strain belongs to CC42. This epidemiological analysis revealed the emergence of novel STs and the clones with better dissemination properties. This study has also provided information on the circulating strains of C. diphtheriae among the different regions of India. The molecular data generated through surveillance system can be utilized for further actions in concern

    Optimization and Stability Testing of Four Commercially Available Dried Blood Spot Devices for Estimating Measles and Rubella IgG Antibodies.

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    Blood collection using dried blood spots (DBS) provides an easier alternative to venipuncture for sample collection, transport, and storage but requires additional processing that can cause variability in results. Whole-blood samples spotted on four DBS devices and respective paired serum samples were tested for antimeasles and antirubella IgG antibody concentrations by enzyme immunoassay. Elution protocols for DBS devices were optimized for comparability relative to serum samples using 12 adult volunteers. Stability of DBS collected on HemaSpot HF was assessed under various temperature conditions (+4, 22 to 25, and 45°C) at six time points (0, 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days) in a controlled laboratory setting using six adult volunteers. Devices were shipped and stored for 30 days at four settings with variable temperature and humidity conditions to assess the impact on antibody concentrations. Three DBS devices demonstrated comparable antibody concentrations with paired sera following optimization. Antibodies recovered from DBS were stable for at least 90 days at 4°C and for 30 days at ambient temperature (22 to 25°C) using the HemaSpot HF device. A drastic decline in antibody concentrations was observed at 45°C, resulting in quantitative and qualitative discrepancies by day 7. HemaSpot HF devices shipped to field sites and stored at ambient temperature and humidity resulted in quantitative, but not qualitative, variability. Measurement of antimeasles and antirubella IgG antibodies with DBS devices is an accurate alternative to testing serum, provided elution protocols are optimized. Stability of HemaSpot HF devices at ambient temperature enables broader use in surveys when serum processing and cold storage are not feasible. IMPORTANCE Dried blood spot (DBS) collection offers various advantages over conventional methods of blood collection, especially when collecting and transporting samples for a serosurvey. Yet use of DBS requires additional processing steps in the laboratory that can add to variability in results. We optimized a protocol to elute IgG antibodies against measles and rubella viruses in four DBS devices, demonstrating high concordance with paired venous sera for most devices. Extensive stability studies with various temperature and storage conditions in the laboratory and in the field were conducted using HemaSpot HF DBS devices prior to its use in one of the largest community-based measles and rubella serological surveys in the world

    Implementing Serosurveys in India: Experiences, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations.

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    Serological surveillance for vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles and rubella, can provide direct measures of population immunity across age groups, identify gaps in immunity, and document changes in immunity over time. Rigorously conducted, representative household serosurveys provide high-quality estimates with minimal bias. However, they can be logistically challenging, expensive, and have higher refusal rates than vaccine coverage surveys. This article shares lessons learned through implementing nine measles and rubella household serosurveys in five districts in India-the challenges faced, the potential impact on results, and recommendations to facilitate the conduct of serosurveys. Specific lessons learned arose from challenges related to community mobilization owing to lack of cooperation in certain settings and populations, limitations of outdated census information, nonresponse due to refusal or unavailability during survey enumeration and enrollment, data collection issues, and specimen collection and handling issues. Although some experiences are specific to serosurveys in India, these lessons are generalizable to other household surveys, particularly vaccination coverage and serosurveys conducted in low- and middle-income settings

    Epidemiological, clinical, and public health response characteristics of a large outbreak of diphtheria among the Rohingya population in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, 2017 to 2019: A retrospective study.

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    BACKGROUND: Unrest in Myanmar in August 2017 resulted in the movement of over 700,000 Rohingya refugees to overcrowded camps in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. A large outbreak of diphtheria subsequently began in this population. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Data were collected during mass vaccination campaigns (MVCs), contact tracing activities, and from 9 Diphtheria Treatment Centers (DTCs) operated by national and international organizations. These data were used to describe the epidemiological and clinical features and the control measures to prevent transmission, during the first 2 years of the outbreak. Between November 10, 2017 and November 9, 2019, 7,064 cases were reported: 285 (4.0%) laboratory-confirmed, 3,610 (51.1%) probable, and 3,169 (44.9%) suspected cases. The crude attack rate was 51.5 cases per 10,000 person-years, and epidemic doubling time was 4.4 days (95% confidence interval [CI] 4.2-4.7) during the exponential growth phase. The median age was 10 years (range 0-85), and 3,126 (44.3%) were male. The typical symptoms were sore throat (93.5%), fever (86.0%), pseudomembrane (34.7%), and gross cervical lymphadenopathy (GCL; 30.6%). Diphtheria antitoxin (DAT) was administered to 1,062 (89.0%) out of 1,193 eligible patients, with adverse reactions following among 229 (21.6%). There were 45 deaths (case fatality ratio [CFR] 0.6%). Household contacts for 5,702 (80.7%) of 7,064 cases were successfully traced. A total of 41,452 contacts were identified, of whom 40,364 (97.4%) consented to begin chemoprophylaxis; adherence was 55.0% (N = 22,218) at 3-day follow-up. Unvaccinated household contacts were vaccinated with 3 doses (with 4-week interval), while a booster dose was administered if the primary vaccination schedule had been completed. The proportion of contacts vaccinated was 64.7% overall. Three MVC rounds were conducted, with administrative coverage varying between 88.5% and 110.4%. Pentavalent vaccine was administered to those aged 6 weeks to 6 years, while tetanus and diphtheria (Td) vaccine was administered to those aged 7 years and older. Lack of adequate diagnostic capacity to confirm cases was the main limitation, with a majority of cases unconfirmed and the proportion of true diphtheria cases unknown. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the largest reported diphtheria outbreak in refugee settings. We observed that high population density, poor living conditions, and fast growth rate were associated with explosive expansion of the outbreak during the initial exponential growth phase. Three rounds of mass vaccinations targeting those aged 6 weeks to 14 years were associated with only modestly reduced transmission, and additional public health measures were necessary to end the outbreak. This outbreak has a long-lasting tail, with Rt oscillating at around 1 for an extended period. An adequate global DAT stockpile needs to be maintained. All populations must have access to health services and routine vaccination, and this access must be maintained during humanitarian crises

    Diagnostic Accuracy of Dried Blood Spots Collected on HemaSpot HF Devices Compared to Venous Blood Specimens To Estimate Measles and Rubella Seroprevalence.

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    Fingerprick blood spotted onto filter paper offers an alternative to venous blood for use in population-based surveillance because it is comparatively inexpensive, acceptable, and easy to manage in the field. Prior studies have shown excellent agreement for immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody detection from dried blood spots (DBS) and venous blood samples. However, much of this evidence is from high-income settings or laboratories where the samples were unlikely to be exposed to extreme temperatures and humidity, factors known to degrade DBS. We report the diagnostic accuracy of DBS collected using HemaSpot HF devices against venous sera in measuring measles- and rubella-specific IgG antibodies in a household serosurvey conducted in two districts in India. Paired serum and DBS samples collected by fingerprick were collected from women aged 15 to 50 years enrolled in a serosurvey in Palghar District of Maharashtra and Kanpur Nagar District of Uttar Pradesh in India. Specimen quality and volume were assessed in the laboratory. Samples were tested for antimeasles and antirubella IgG antibodies by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Euroimmun). Sensitivity of antibody detection by DBS was greater than 98%, and specificity was 90% and 98%, for measles and rubella IgG, respectively. Antibody concentrations were strongly correlated between paired specimens with adequate volume (measles R2 = 0.94; rubella R2 = 0.89). Although correlation was poor if DBS specimens had lower volumes, impact on qualitative results was minimal. This study showed DBS collected with HemaSpot HF devices can generate highly accurate results of measles- and rubella-specific IgG compared to sera in community-based surveys when protocols are optimized for DBS specimens. IMPORTANCE Dried blood spot (DBS) collection provides an easy, practical, and acceptable alternative to venous blood collection, especially for community-based studies, provided that results from DBS are accurate. We demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity for measles- and rubella-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) with DBS collected via HemaSpot HF devices compared to serum samples. This is one of the largest community-based diagnostic accuracy studies of measles and rubella antibody testing with DBS and the first application we are aware of using HemaSpot HF device for measles and rubella serology. Results support the use of DBS in community-based serosurveillance

    Resurgence of Diphtheria in North Kerala, India, 2016: Laboratory Supported Case-Based Surveillance Outcomes

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    IntroductionAs part of national program, laboratory supported vaccine preventable diseases surveillance was initiated in Kerala in 2015. Mechanisms have been strengthened for case investigation, reporting, and data management. Specimens collected and sent to state and reference laboratories for confirmation and molecular surveillance. The major objective of this study is to understand the epidemiological information generated through surveillance system and its utilization for action.MethodsSurveillance data captured from reporting register, case investigation forms, and laboratory reports was analyzed. Cases were allotted unique ID and no personal identifying information was used for analysis. Throat swabs were collected from investigated cases as part of surveillance system. All Corynebacterium diphtheriae isolates were confirmed with standard biochemical tests, ELEK’s test, and real-time PCR. Isolates were characterized using whole genome-based multi locus sequence typing method. Case investigation forms and laboratory results were recorded electronically. Public health response by government was also reviewed.ResultsA total of 533 cases were identified in 11 districts of Kerala in 2016, of which 92% occurred in 3 districts of north Kerala; Malappuram, Kozhikode, and Kannur. Almost 79% cases occurred in >10 years age group. In <18 years age group, 62% were male while in ≥18 years, 69% were females. In <10 years age group, 31% children had received three doses of diphtheria vaccine, whereas in ≥10 years, 3% cases had received all doses. Fifteen toxigenic C. diphtheriae isolates represented 6 novel sequence types (STs) (ST-405, ST-408, ST-466, ST-468, ST-469, and ST-470). Other STs observed are ST-50, ST-295, and ST-377.ConclusionDiphtheria being an emerging pathogen, establishing quality surveillance for providing real-time information on disease occurrence and mortality is imperative. The epidemiological data thus generated was used for targeted interventions and to formulate vaccine policies. The data on molecular surveillance have given an insight on strain variation and transmission patterns

    Sustained progress, but no room for complacency: Results of 2015 HIV estimations in India

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    Background & objectives: Evidence-based planning has been the cornerstone of India's response to HIV/AIDS. Here we describe the process, method and tools used for generating the 2015 HIV estimates and provide a summary of the main results. Methods: Spectrum software supported by the UNAIDS was used to produce HIV estimates for India as a whole and its States/Union Territories. This tool takes into consideration the size and HIV prevalence of defined population groups and programme data to estimate HIV prevalence, incidence and mortality over time as well as treatment needs. Results: India's national adult prevalence of HIV was 0.26 per cent in 2015. Of the 2.1 million people living with HIV/AIDS, the largest numbers were in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka. New HIV infections were an estimated 86,000 in 2015, reflecting a decline by around 32 per cent from 2007. The declining trend in incidence was mirrored in most States, though an increasing trend was detected in Assam, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Sikkim, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh. AIDS-related deaths were estimated to be 67,600 in 2015, reflecting a 54 per cent decline from 2007. There were variations in the rate and trend of decline across India for this indicator also. Interpretation & conclusions: While key indicators measured through Spectrum modelling confirm success of the National AIDS Control Programme, there is no room for complacency as rising incidence trends in some geographical areas and population pockets remain the cause of concern. Progress achieved so far in responding to HIV/AIDS needs to be sustained to end the HIV epidemic

    Evaluating the effect of measles and rubella mass vaccination campaigns on seroprevalence in India: a before-and-after cross-sectional household serosurvey in four districts, 2018-2020

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    BACKGROUND: India did phased measles-rubella supplementary immunisation activities (MR-SIAs; ie, mass-immunisation campaigns) targeting children aged 9 months to less than 15 years. We estimated measles-rubella seroprevalence before and after the MR-SIAs to quantify the effect on population immunity and identify remaining immunity gaps. METHODS: Between March 9, 2018 and March 19, 2020 we did community-based, cross-sectional serosurveys in four districts in India before and after MR-SIAs. 30 villages or wards were selected within each district, and one census enumeration block from each was selected as the survey cluster. Households were enumerated and 13 children in the younger age group (9 months to <5 years) and 13 children in the older ager group (5 to <15 years) were randomly selected by use of computer-generated random numbers. Serum samples were tested for IgG antibodies to measles and rubella viruses by enzyme immunoassay. FINDINGS: Specimens were collected from 2570 children before the MR-SIA and from 2619 children afterwards. The weighted MR-SIA coverage ranged from 73·7% to 90·5% in younger children and from 73·6% to 93·6% in older children. Before the MR-SIA, district-level measles seroprevalence was between 80·7% and 88·5% among younger children in all districts, and between 63·4% and 84·5% among older children. After the MR-SIA, measles seroprevalence among younger children increased to more than 90% (range 91·5 to 96·0) in all districts except Kanpur Nagar, in which it remained unchanged 80·4%. Among older children, measles seroprevalence increased to more than 90·0% (range 93·7% to 96·5%) in all districts except Hoshiarpur (88·7%). A significant increase in rubella seroprevalence was observed in all districts in both age groups, with the largest effect in Dibrugarh, where rubella seroprevalence increased from 10·6% to 96·5% among younger children. INTERPRETATION: Measles-rubella seroprevalence increased substantially after the MR-SIAs but the serosurvey also identified remaining gaps in population immunity. FUNDING: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Indian Council of Medical Research