727 research outputs found

    The effects of changing angle and height of toilet seat on movements and ground reaction forces in the feet during sit-to-stand

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    The study aimed to examine the effects of changes in the angle and height on movements and ground reaction forces in the feet. Subjects were instructed to sit and stand on different angles and heights; 0° (43 cm), 10° (51 cm), and 15° (58 cm). The motion required in this study is similar to that of standing up from sitting on a chair. The Tumble Forms Wedges (10° [8 cm], 15° [15 cm]) were placed on the toilet seat to create angles and heights at 0° (43 cm), 10° (51 cm), and 15° (58 cm). The side-to-side travel distances when the subjects stood up from sitting were 103.70 ± 12.46 at 0° (43 cm), 96.99 ± 12.11 at 10° (51 cm), and 99.12± 12.00 at 15° (58 cm). The forward and backward travel distances when the subjects stood up from sitting were 235.93± 10.60 at 0° (43 cm), 194.17± 8.07 at 10° (51 cm), and 181.63± 8.66 at 15° (58 cm). The ground reaction forces when the subjects stood up from sitting were 1.09± 0.02 at 0° (43 cm), 1.08± 0.22 at 10° (51 cm), and 1.07± 0.21 at 15° (58 cm). Increases in the angle and height of the toilet seat affected forward-and-backward swaying during standing up, but did not affect the ground reaction force and side-to-side swaying

    Effects of silver impurity on the structural, electrical, and optical properties of ZnO nanowires

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    1, 3, and 5 wt.% silver-doped ZnO (SZO) nanowires (NWs) are grown by hot-walled pulsed laser deposition. After silver-doping process, SZO NWs show some change behaviors, including structural, electrical, and optical properties. In case of structural property, the primary growth plane of SZO NWs is switched from (002) to (103) plane, and the electrical properties of SZO NWs are variously measured to be about 4.26 × 106, 1.34 × 106, and 3.04 × 105 Ω for 1, 3, and 5 SZO NWs, respectively. In other words, the electrical properties of SZO NWs depend on different Ag ratios resulting in controlling the carrier concentration. Finally, the optical properties of SZO NWs are investigated to confirm p-type semiconductor by observing the exciton bound to a neutral acceptor (A0X). Also, Ag presence in ZnO NWs is directly detected by both X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy. These results imply that Ag doping facilitates the possibility of changing the properties in ZnO NWs by the atomic substitution of Ag with Zn in the lattice

    Efficient Conversion of Acetate to 3-Hydroxypropionic Acid by Engineered Escherichia coli

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    Acetate, which is an abundant carbon source, is a potential feedstock for microbial processes that produce diverse value-added chemicals. In this study, we produced 3-hydroxypropionic acid (3-HP) from acetate with engineered Escherichia coli. For the efficient conversion of acetate to 3-HP, we initially introduced heterologous mcr (encoding malonyl-CoA reductase) from Chloroflexus aurantiacus. Then, the acetate assimilating pathway and glyoxylate shunt pathway were activated by overexpressing acs (encoding acetyl-CoA synthetase) and deleting iclR (encoding the glyoxylate shunt pathway repressor). Because a key precursor malonyl-CoA is also consumed for fatty acid synthesis, we decreased carbon flux to fatty acid synthesis by adding cerulenin. Subsequently, we found that inhibiting fatty acid synthesis dramatically improved 3-HP production (3.00 g/L of 3-HP from 8.98 g/L of acetate). The results indicated that acetate can be used as a promising carbon source for microbial processes and that 3-HP can be produced from acetate with a high yield (44.6% of the theoretical maximum yield).11Ysciescopu

    E-p-methoxycinnamic acid production in hairy root cultures of Scrophularia buergeriana Miquel

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    E-p-methoxycinnamic acid (MCA) is one of the main active constituents of Scrophularia buergeriana Miquel and has hepatoprotective, anti-amnestic, and neuroprotective activities. For studying in vitro production of MCA, we established a hairy root culture of S. buergeriana by infecting leaf explants with Agrobacterium rhizogenes R1000, and tested the growth and MCA production of these cultures using different strengths of media and concentrations of auxins. Hairy roots grown in half-strength MS medium showed the highest levels of growth (10.3 g/l) as well as MCA production (0.83 mg/100 g dry weight). Hairy root culture with the treatment of 0.5 mg/l IBA produced the highest amount of dry weight (11.8 g/l) and MCA (1.26 mg/100 g dry weight) production. These results demonstrate that the hairy root culture of S. buergeriana is a valuable alternative approach for the production of MCA.

    Computer use at work is associated with self-reported depressive and anxiety disorder

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    Adjusted OR* of DAD considering the combined effect of computer use and occupational group, education, and job status. (DOC 61 kb

    Intracellular consequences of SOS1 deficiency during salt stress

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    A mutation of AtSOS1 (Salt Overly Sensitive 1), a plasma membrane Na+/H+-antiporter in Arabidopsis thaliana, leads to a salt-sensitive phenotype accompanied by the death of root cells under salt stress. Intracellular events and changes in gene expression were compared during a non-lethal salt stress between the wild type and a representative SOS1 mutant, atsos1-1, by confocal microscopy using ion-specific fluorophores and by quantitative RT-PCR. In addition to the higher accumulation of sodium ions, atsos1-1 showed inhibition of endocytosis, abnormalities in vacuolar shape and function, and changes in intracellular pH compared to the wild type in root tip cells under stress. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed a dramatically faster and higher induction of root-specific Ca2+ transporters, including several CAXs and CNGCs, and the drastic down-regulation of genes involved in pH-homeostasis and membrane potential maintenance. Differential regulation of genes for functions in intracellular protein trafficking in atsos1-1 was also observed. The results suggested roles of the SOS1 protein, in addition to its function as a Na+/H+ antiporter, whose disruption affected membrane traffic and vacuolar functions possibly by controlling pH homeostasis in root cells

    Genome structures and transcriptomes signify niche adaptation for the multiple-ion-tolerant extremophyte Schrenkiella parvula

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    Schrenkiella parvula (formerly Thellungiella parvula), a close relative of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and Brassica crop species, thrives on the shores of Lake Tuz, Turkey, where soils accumulate high concentrations of multiple-ion salts. Despite the stark differences in adaptations to extreme salt stresses, the genomes of S. parvula and Arabidopsis show extensive synteny. S. parvula completes its life cycle in the presence of Na+, K+, Mg2+, Li+, and borate at soil concentrations lethal to Arabidopsis. Genome structural variations, including tandem duplications and translocations of genes, interrupt the colinearity observed throughout the S. parvula and Arabidopsis genomes. Structural variations distinguish homologous gene pairs characterized by divergent promoter sequences and basal-level expression strengths. Comparative RNA sequencing reveals the enrichment of ion-transport functions among genes with higher expression in S. parvula, while pathogen defense-related genes show higher expression in Arabidopsis. Key stress-related ion transporter genes in S. parvula showed increased copy number, higher transcript dosage, and evidence for subfunctionalization. This extremophyte offers a framework to identify the requisite adjustments of genomic architecture and expression control for a set of genes found in most plants in a way to support distinct niche adaptation and lifestyles. © 2014 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved