11,229 research outputs found

    Simple threshold rules solve explore/exploit trade‐offs in a resource accumulation search task

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    How, and how well, do people switch between exploration and exploitation to search for and accumulate resources? We study the decision processes underlying such exploration/exploitation trade‐offs using a novel card selection task that captures the common situation of searching among multiple resources (e.g., jobs) that can be exploited without depleting. With experience, participants learn to switch appropriately between exploration and exploitation and approach optimal performance. We model participants' behavior on this task with random, threshold, and sampling strategies, and find that a linear decreasing threshold rule best fits participants' results. Further evidence that participants use decreasing threshold‐based strategies comes from reaction time differences between exploration and exploitation; however, participants themselves report non‐decreasing thresholds. Decreasing threshold strategies that “front‐load” exploration and switch quickly to exploitation are particularly effective in resource accumulation tasks, in contrast to optimal stopping problems like the Secretary Problem requiring longer exploration

    Pengaruh Desentralisasi Fiskal, Fiscal Stress, dan Kinerja Keuangan Daerah terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Bali

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    This study was conducted examine the effect of fiscal decentralization and fiscal stress economic growth in the province of Bali, either directly or through a local financial performance. The research data is secondary data taken from publications of Ministry of Finance, BPS and Bappeda each regency / city. The variables analyzed using path analysis to determine the direct and indirect influence of the variables the research model . The results of this analysis revealed that fiscal decentralization variable indirectly and fiscal stress variables affects economic growth significantly through regional financial performance , fiscal decentralization variables and fiscal stress directly influence economic growth , and financial performance variables significantly influence economic growth. To promote economic growth in an era where the area of fiscal decentralization, local governments are expected to increase their fiscal capacity, through the development of commodity-based economic activity, the intensification and expansion of revenue and efficient financial performance

    Inverse mass matrix via the method of localized lagrange multipliers

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    An efficient method for generating the mass matrix inverse is presented, which can be tailored to improve the accuracy of target frequency ranges and/or wave contents. The present method bypasses the use of biorthogonal construction of a kernel inverse mass matrix that requires special procedures for boundary conditions and free edges or surfaces, and constructs the free-free inverse mass matrix employing the standard FEM procedure. The various boundary conditions are realized by the method of localized Lagrange multipliers. Numerical experiments with the proposed inverse mass matrix method are carried out to validate the effectiveness proposed technique when applied to vibration analysis of bars and beams. A perfect agreement is found between the exact inverse of the mass matrix and its direct inverse computed through biorthogonal basis functions

    Hawking Radiation as Quantum Tunneling in Rindler Coordinate

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    We substantiate the Hawking radiation as quantum tunneling of fields or particles crossing the horizon by using the Rindler coordinate. The thermal spectrum detected by an accelerated particle is interpreted as quantum tunneling in the Rindler spacetime. Representing the spacetime near the horizon locally as a Rindler spacetime, we find the emission rate by tunneling, which is expressed as a contour integral and gives the correct Boltzmann factor. We apply the method to non-extremal black holes such as a Schwarzschild black hole, a non-extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole, a charged Kerr black hole, de Sitter space, and a Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter black hole.Comment: LaTex 19 pages, no figure; references added and replaced by the version accepted in JHE

    Directional tunnelling spectroscopy of a normal metal-s+gs+g-wave superconductor junction

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    We calculate the normal metal-s+gs+g-wave superconductor tunnelling spectrum for various junction orientations and for two forms of the superconducting gap, one which allows for point nodes and the other which allows for line nodes. For a junction oriented with its normal parallel to the ab plane of the tetragonal superconductor, we find that the tunnelling spectrum is strongly dependent on orientation in the plane. The spectrum contains two peaks at energies equivalent to the magnitudes of the gap function in the direction parallel to the interface normal and in the direction making a π/4\pi/4 angle with the normal. These two peaks appear in both superconductors with point nodes and line nodes, but are more prominent in the latter. For the tunnelling along the c axis, we find a sharp peak at the gap maximum in the conductance spectrum of the superconductor with line nodes, whereas with point nodes we find a peak occurring at the value of the gap function along the c axis. We discuss the relevance of our result to borocarbide systems.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Teks Anekdot dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia untuk Peserta Didik Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Semarapura

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis teks anekdot dari segi struktur dan kaidah bahasa serta efektivitas penggunaannya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia untuk peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Semarapura tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 semester ganjil. Untuk tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang dimodifikasi dari pendapat Borg & Gall dan Sugiyono. Subjek penelitian adalah pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis teks anekdot. Objek penelitian adalah struktur bahan ajar, kaidah bahasa bahan ajar, dan efektivitas penggunaan bahan ajar. Proses validasi bahan ajar dilakukan oleh tim uji ahli dan tim uji praktisi. Hasil validasi ini dijadikan dasar untuk merevisi bahan ajar. Selanjutnya, bahan ajar yang telah direvisi lalu dilakukan uji lapangan dalam dua tahap yaitu uji coba terbatas dan uji coba lebih luas. Hasil tes dari uji lapangan tidak saja digunakan untuk penentuan validitas bahan ajar, tetapi juga digunakan untuk penentuan efektivitas penggunaan bahan ajar. Data hasil validasi terhadap bahan ajar yang didapat dari uji ahli dan uji praktisi diolah dengan analisis deskriptif sedangkan data hasil kuesioner yang didapat dari uji ahli, uji praktisi, dan uji lapangan serta hasil tes diolah dengan analisis kuantitatif dan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis teks anekdot dari segi struktur mikro dan makro serta kaidah bahasa mikro dan makro sudah memenuhi standar setelah divalidasi. Selanjutnya, efektivitas penggunaan bahan ajar secara umum dapat dikategorikan baik Kata Kunci : teks anekdot, struktur bahan ajar, kaidah bahasa This study aimed at knowing the development of learning material on anecdote texts about the structure and grammar and the effectiveness of implementation in Indonesian teaching and learning for year X students of SMA Negeri 2 Semarapura in academic year 2014/2015 semester 1. This study was research development which was a modification from Borg & Gall and Sugiyono. Subject of the study was the development of learning material an anecdote texts. Object of the study was about the structure and grammar and the effectiveness of its implementation. Validation of the learning material was done by judges and practitiones. The result of the learning material validation and questionare were used to revise the learning material. The result was not only used to determine the validation but also to determine the effectiveness. The data from validation were analyzed descriptively and the data from questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively and descriptively. The result indicated that the micro and makro structure and grammar of learning material on anecdote texts were standard. The result of questionaire indicated that the structure and grammar of the learning material was categorized goo