27,272 research outputs found

    Rediscovery of Ooline, Cadellia pentastylis, near Gunnedah : notes on the habitat and ecology of this dry rainforest tree

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    Cadellia pentastylis F.Muell., (family Surianaceae), a dry rainforest tree with a conservation listing of Vulnerable at state and national levels, was first collected from the Gunnedah area by the botanical collector J.L. Boorman in 1907. We report the first record of Cadellia pentastylis from the Gunnedah area (30°58’49’’S, 150°15’15’’E) since 1907, and provide details of the community and habitat where it occurs, on the lower slopes of Black Jack Mountain. Although this population is one of the smallest in New South Wales, it is significant as it is at its southern distributional limit, and is found adjacent to semi-evergreen vine thicket, another type of dry rainforest, on the same hillslope. We list the New South Wales occurrences of this species and discuss aspects of its flowering phenology

    Infants’ perception of rhythmic patterns

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    We explored 9-month-old infants perception of auditory temporal sequences in a series of three experiments. In Experiment 1, we presented some infants with tone sequences that were expected to induce a strongly metric framework and others with a sequence that was expected to induce a weakly metric framework or no such framework. Infants detected a change in the context of the former sequences but not in the latter sequence. In Experiment 2, infants listened to a tone sequence with temporal cues to duple or triple meter. Infants detected a change in the pattern with duple meter but not in the pattern with triple meter. In Experiment 3, infants listened to a tone sequence with harmonic cues to duple or triple meter. As in Experiment 2, infants detected a change in the context of the duple meter pattern but not in the context of triple meter. These findings are consistent with processing predispositions for auditory temporal sequences that induce a metric framework, particularly those in duple meter

    Weighted multiple interpolation and the control of perturbed semigroup systems

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    In this paper the controllabillity and admissibility of perturbed semigroup systems are studied, using tools from the theory of interpolation and Carleson measures. In addition, there are new results on the perturbation of Carleson measures and on the weighted interpolation of functions and their derivatives in Hardy spaces, which are of interest in their own right

    Modelling the measured local time evolution of strongly nonlinear heat pulses in the Large Helical Device

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    In some magnetically confined plasmas, an applied pulse of rapid edge cooling can trigger either a positive or negative excursion in the core electron temperature from its steady state value. We present a new model which captures the time evolution of the transient, non-diffusive local dynamics in the core plasma. We show quantitative agreement between this model and recent spatially localized measurements (Inagaki et al 2010 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 52 075002) of the local time-evolving temperature pulse in cold pulse propagation experiments in the Large Helical Device

    Fluorescence visualization of a convective instability which modulates the spreading of volatile surface films

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    The spontaneous spreading of a thin liquid film along the surface of a deep liquid layer of higher surface tension is a ubiquitous process which provides rapid and efficient surface transport of organic or biological material. For a source of constant concentration, the leading edge of a nonvolatile, immiscible film driven to spread by gradients in surface tension is known to advance as t^3/4 in time. Recent experiments using laser shadowgraphy to detect the advancing front of spreading films indicate, however, that immiscible but volatile sources of constant concentration spread with a reduced exponent according to t^1/2. Using a novel technique whereby fluorescent lines are inscribed in water, we have detected the evolution of a thermal instability beneath the leading edge of volatile films which strongly resembles a Rayleigh-BĂ©nard roll. We propose that the increased dissipation from this rotational flow structure is likely responsible for the reduction in spreading exponent. This observation suggests a conceptual framework for coupling the effects of evaporation to the dynamics of spreading

    Diabetes in Malta : current findings and future trends

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    Diabetes is a considerable global problem. Recent projections suggest that at least 194 million people suffer from diabetes worldwide. The World Health Organization suggests this number will increase to 333 million by 2025. Approximately four million deaths each year are caused by diabetes-related complications totaling an astounding 9% of deaths worldwide. Currently, epidemiological studies indicate that 1% of the Maltese population suffer from Type I Diabetes Mellitus and 9% from Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Following global predictions, it is probable that the incidence of Type I diabetes will increase also. This article evaluates the current Maltese diabetic care system and conducts a strategic analysis of diabetic practices. Recommendations for a cost-effective standard of care, legislative support for comprehensive diabetic care, and a national policy are proposed.peer-reviewe

    Consent processes in cluster-randomised trials in residential facilities for older adults : a systematic review of reporting practices and proposed guidelines

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    Objective: To assess the quality of reported consent processes of cluster-randomised trials conducted in residential facilities for older people and to explore whether the focus on improving the general conduct and reporting of cluster-randomised trials influenced the quality of conduct and reporting of ethical processes in these trials. Design: Systematic review of cluster-randomised trials reports, published up to the end of 2010. Data sources: National Library of Medicine (Medline) via PubMed, hand-searches of BMJ, Journal of the American Medical Association, BMC Health Services Research, Age and Ageing and Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, reference search in Web of Knowledge and consultation with experts. Eligibility for selecting studies: Published cluster-randomised trials where the unit of randomisation is a part or the whole of a residential facility for older people, without language or year of publication restrictions. Results: We included 73 trials. Authors reported ethical approval in 59, obtaining individual consent in 51, and using proxies for this consent in 37, but the process to assess residents’ capacity to consent was clearly reported in only eight. We rated only six trials high for the quality of consent processes. We considered that individual informed consent could have been waived legitimately in 14 of 22 trials not reporting obtaining consent. The proportions reporting ethical approval and quality of consent processes were higher in recent trials. Conclusions: Recently published international recommendations regarding ethical conduct in cluster-randomised trials are much needed. In relation to consent processes when cognitively impaired individuals are included in these trials, we provide a six-point checklist and recommend the minimum information to be reported. Those who lack capacity in trials with complex designs should be afforded the same care in relation to consent as competent adults in trials with simpler designs
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