39 research outputs found

    Basic Principles for Taking Extraoral Photographs

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    Moderna stomatologija zahtijeva plan terapije uključujući u to i cijelo pacijentovo lice. Fotografija predstavlja vizualnu referenciju za praćenje promjena koje nastaju tijekom rasta i razvoja, pacijentu omogućuje prikaz vlastitih promjena prije i nakon pojedinog zahvata, a terapeutu daje vizualnu građu koja se može upotrebljavati u nastavne svrhe i kao temelj za daljnja istraživanja. Temelj svake kliničke fotografije podrazumijeva znanje i primjenu tehničkih aspekata fotografije. Fotografije prije i poslije pojedinog zahvata nisu dovoljno pouzdane ako postoji distorzija pojedinih dijelova na jednoj od fotografija. U ovome radu prikazane su najvažnije značajke kod ekstraoralnih frontalnih i lateralnih fotografija koje je potrebno nadzirati ako se želi postići odgovarajuća reprodukcija, primjerice izbor leće, položaj kamere, udaljenost pacijenta i položaj glave. Učinjene su frontalne i lateralne fotografije s različitim položajem glave i kamere kako bi se vidjele razlike na konačnoj fotografiji. Upotrebom lako prepoznatljivih referentnih linija na licu moguće je standardizirati frontalne i lateralne fotografije lica, a samom standardiziranoŔću medicinske fotografije postaju vrijedan dodatak kliničkim kartonima.Modern dentistry, as a part of the complete therapy plan, includes the whole of the patientā€™s face. A photograph provides important visual reference for monitoring growth and developmental changes, providing the patient with a view of the changes and providing the therapist with credible visual material for teaching and research. The first component to consider is the technical aspect of photography. However, documentation of the treatment with pre-treatment and post-treatment photographs can be misleading if the features on one or both photographs are distorted. In this article the authors present the variables for frontal and profile facial photographs that should be understood and controlled if accurate reproduction is desired, such as: lens selection, camera position, subject distance and head position. Consequently numerous frontal and lateral photographs were taken with different head and camera positions in order to show their different contributions to the final picture. Using easily recognised facial landmarks, dental photographers can standardise frontal and lateral portraits for more consistent comparison, and by standardisation they could become valuable additions to clinical charts/records

    Usporedba dentalne i skeletne dobi kod hrvatskih ispitanika

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    This study investigated the relationships between the stages of calcification of teeth and cervical vertebral maturation. The sample consisted of 295 subjects (129 male and 166 female), mean age 13.36Ā±2.65 (range 7-18) years. Dental age was evaluated from panoramic radiographs according to the method of Demirjian. Cervical vertebral maturation was determined on lateral cephalometric radiographs using cervical vertebrae maturation stages (CVS). For assessing the relationship between cervical vertebral and dental maturation, percentage distributions of the stages of calcification for each studied tooth were calculated. Only in the first CVS stage, boys and girls were of the same age. In all other stages (CVS 2- CVS 6) girls were by 0.98 (range 0.23-1.86) younger than boys. Gender differences in the mineralization pattern were also observed. It was found that dental maturation was finished earlier in female subjects. The highest correlation coefficient between dental and skeletal maturity was found for second premolars. Mineralization pattern of second premolars could be considered as a guideline for prediction of the pubertal growth spurt. Dental maturation stages might be clinically useful as a reliable indicator of facial growth.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti odnos između stupnjeva mineralizacije zuba i stupnjeva skeletne zrelosti. Uzorak se sastojao od 295 ispitanika (129 muÅ”kih i 166 ženskih). Srednja dob za uzorak je bila 13.36Ā±2.65 (raspon 7-18) godina. Dentalna zrelost je određena metodom ortopantomograma prema Demirjianu. Skeletna zrelost vratne kralježnice određena je na laterolateralnim snimkama glave pomoću stupnjeva maturacije vratne kralježnice (cervical vertebrae maturation stages, CVS). Za određivanje odnosa između stupnjeva maturacije vratne kralježnice i zuba izračunata je postotna distribucija stupnjeva mineralizacije za svaki zub. Samo u prvom stupnju CVS dječaci i djevojčice su bili iste kronoloÅ”ke dobi. U svim ostalim stupnjevima (CVS 2-CVS 6) djevojčice su bile 0,98 (raspon 0,23-1,86) mlađe od dječaka. Pronađene su spolne razlike u dobu mineralizacije, naime, mineralizacija zuba zavrÅ”ava ranije kod ženskih ispitanika. Najveći stupanj korelacije između dentalne i skeletne dobi pronađen je kod drugih premolara. Vrijeme mineralizacije drugih premolara moglo bi pomoći u predviđanju maksimalnog zamaha pubertalnog rasta. Stupnjevi dentalne zrelosti mogli bi biti pokazatelj kraniofacijalnog rasta

    Cephalometric Evaluation of the Incisor Position in Subjects with Angle Class II/1 and II/2

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    Ovo je istraživanje poduzeto sa svrhom da se utvrde srednje vrijednosti i standardne devijacije za varijable kojima se procjenjuje položaj i inklinacija sjekutića u ispitanika s klasom II/1 i II/2 po Angleu, da se utvrdi postoje li statistički znatne razlike između ispitivanih varijabli, te da se utvrdi koje varijable pokazuju statistički najveću razliku. Uzorak se sastojao od 38 latero-lateralnih rendgenskih slika ispitanika s klasom II/1 i 35 slika ispitanika s klasom II/2. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 10 varijabli: 1 : sp-pm, 1 : m-go, 1 : 1, Is : n-ss, Ii : n-sm, 1 : n-s, Is : A-Pog, Ii : A-Pog, 1 : n-A (Ā°), 1: n-B (Ā°). Za sve su varijable određene srednje vrijednosti i standardne devijacije, a Student t-test je poslužio za ispitivanje znatnosti razlika između ispitivanih skupina. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje statistički znatne razlike između svih ispitivanih varijabli, osim varijable Ii:n-sm (mm). Glavne značajke ispitanika s klasom II/1 bile su protruzija gornjih i donjih sjekutića u odnosu prema bazalnoj kosti, te protruzija gornjih sjekutića u odnosu prema prednjoj kranijalnoj bazi, a ispitanici s klasom II/2 imaju retrudirane gornje sjekutiće i u odnosu prema bazi gornje čeljusti i u odnosu prema prednjoj kranijalnoj bazi.The aim of this study was to determine the mean values and standard deviations of variables that evaluate the inclination and position of incisors in patients with Angle Class II/1 and Class II/2; to determine the statistical significance between investigated variables among groups; and to point out the most significant variable for evaluating the difference between these Angle Classes. The sample consisted of 38 radiographs of patients with Angle Class II/1, and 35 radiographs of patients with Class II/2. The analysis comprised 10 variables: 1 : sp-pm, 1 : m-go, 1 : 1, Is : n-ss, Ii : n-sm, 1 : n-s, Is : A-Pog, Ii : A-Pog , 1 : n-A (Ā°), 1: n-B (Ā°). Means and standard deviations were determined for all variables, and Student t-test were performed to test the differences between investigated groups. It could be concluded that there is significant difference between all investigated variables between subjects with Angle Class II/1 and Class II/2 except for the variable Ii:n-sm. The main dentoalveolar characteristics of subjects with Angle Class II/1 are protrusion of upper and lower incisors in relation to their skeletal base, and protrusion of upper incisors in relation to the anterior cranial base, while Class II/2 patients exhibited retrusion of upper incisors in relation to the basal bone and to the anterior cranial base

    Horizontal Lip Position in Twelve-Year-Old Subjects with Class I and Class II/1

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    Svrha je istraživanja da se na laterolateralnim rentgenogramima s pomoću linearnih varijabli, po Burstoneu i Rickettsu, utvrdi razlika strukture mekoga tkiva, s naglaskom na položaj usana, u ispitanika s klasom II/1 i klasom I te utvrde razlike navedenih varijabli s obzirom na spol. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku 57 rentgenograma ispitanika hrvatske populacije s klasom II/1 i klasom I u dobi od dvanaest godina. Istraživanjem se pokazalo da kod klase I kod svih pet varijabli nema razlike s obzirom na spol; kod klase II/1 pronađena je razlika s obzirom na spol; raŔčlambom dječaka kod klase I i II/1 pronađena je razlika u položaju gornje i donje usne prema Rickettsu i Burstoneu; raŔčlambom djevojčica kod klase I i II/1 nije pronađena statistički znatna razlika; te na kraju usporedbom klasa I i II/1 bez obzira na spol pronađena je razlika u položaju gornje usne prema objema linijama.The aim of the study was to define the difference of the lip position on lateral cephalograms of subjects with class I and II/1 according to Ricketts and Burstone defining the differences of the variables according to sex. The sample comprised of 57 lateral cephalograms of twelve years old boys and girls. Using measured variables statistic analysis showed following conclusions: Angle class I didnā€™t show any differences between females and males; class II/1 did show the differences according to sex; analysing boys between class I and II/1 differences in position of upper and lower lip are present; analysing girls between class I and II/1 differences in position of upper and lower lip are not present; comparison between classes without sex separations showes differences in position of upper lip according to both lines

    Dentalna fotografija u ordinaciji

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    The aim of the paper was to describe the multidimensional character of alcoholism and its effects on oral health, with a review of the relation between the traumatogenic factor of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) and bruxism development. The difference between moderate drinking and the development of alcohol addiction which leads to alcoholism-related medical, social, legal and economic issues is not always clear. Alcoholism is often hidden within the private and wider social framework of a patient. Oral diseases are easy to notice in recorded alcoholics as well as in, for example, smokers. TMDs consist of a disorder of masticatory muscles and/or a disorder of temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Since the traumatogenic factor of individuals under the influence of alcohol is clearly evident, it can potentially become an initializing factor of TMJ disorder\u27s clinical signs and symptoms development. A modern approach to the etiopathogenesis is to include the multifactorial model, that is, combinations of potential factors with various individual importances. In everyday dental practice, co-morbidities of oral diseases and alcoholism are expected more often, as well as oral diseases with their etiopathogenesis partially related to alcohol use

    Soft-Start Polymerization of Fissure Sealant: Retention after Three Years

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    The aim of this study was to investigate retention of composite fissure sealant polymerized with standard and softstart technique after a three year clinical trial. One hundred teeth were divided into two groups (A&B) of teeth and sealed with composite material (Visioseal, 3M Espe) using split mouth design. Sealants were polymerized using standard (Group A) and soft-start (Group B) techniques with commercial polymerization unit (Elipar Highlight, 3M Espe). Retention rate in Group A was 72%. In 14 teeth sealant was partially or completely missing. Group B showed retention rate of 80%. Sealant was partially or completely missing in 10 teeth. Six new caries lesions in Group A (3) and B (3) were detected. Mann-Whitney test did not reveal significant differences between the polymerization techniques. After three years complete retention of sealants, regardless of the group, was 76% (76 teeth) with six new caries lesions. Soft-start polymerization showed a comparable retention rate as the standard polymerization technique