
Cephalometric Evaluation of the Incisor Position in Subjects with Angle Class II/1 and II/2


Ovo je istraživanje poduzeto sa svrhom da se utvrde srednje vrijednosti i standardne devijacije za varijable kojima se procjenjuje položaj i inklinacija sjekutića u ispitanika s klasom II/1 i II/2 po Angleu, da se utvrdi postoje li statistički znatne razlike između ispitivanih varijabli, te da se utvrdi koje varijable pokazuju statistički najveću razliku. Uzorak se sastojao od 38 latero-lateralnih rendgenskih slika ispitanika s klasom II/1 i 35 slika ispitanika s klasom II/2. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 10 varijabli: 1 : sp-pm, 1 : m-go, 1 : 1, Is : n-ss, Ii : n-sm, 1 : n-s, Is : A-Pog, Ii : A-Pog, 1 : n-A (°), 1: n-B (°). Za sve su varijable određene srednje vrijednosti i standardne devijacije, a Student t-test je poslužio za ispitivanje znatnosti razlika između ispitivanih skupina. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje statistički znatne razlike između svih ispitivanih varijabli, osim varijable Ii:n-sm (mm). Glavne značajke ispitanika s klasom II/1 bile su protruzija gornjih i donjih sjekutića u odnosu prema bazalnoj kosti, te protruzija gornjih sjekutića u odnosu prema prednjoj kranijalnoj bazi, a ispitanici s klasom II/2 imaju retrudirane gornje sjekutiće i u odnosu prema bazi gornje čeljusti i u odnosu prema prednjoj kranijalnoj bazi.The aim of this study was to determine the mean values and standard deviations of variables that evaluate the inclination and position of incisors in patients with Angle Class II/1 and Class II/2; to determine the statistical significance between investigated variables among groups; and to point out the most significant variable for evaluating the difference between these Angle Classes. The sample consisted of 38 radiographs of patients with Angle Class II/1, and 35 radiographs of patients with Class II/2. The analysis comprised 10 variables: 1 : sp-pm, 1 : m-go, 1 : 1, Is : n-ss, Ii : n-sm, 1 : n-s, Is : A-Pog, Ii : A-Pog , 1 : n-A (°), 1: n-B (°). Means and standard deviations were determined for all variables, and Student t-test were performed to test the differences between investigated groups. It could be concluded that there is significant difference between all investigated variables between subjects with Angle Class II/1 and Class II/2 except for the variable Ii:n-sm. The main dentoalveolar characteristics of subjects with Angle Class II/1 are protrusion of upper and lower incisors in relation to their skeletal base, and protrusion of upper incisors in relation to the anterior cranial base, while Class II/2 patients exhibited retrusion of upper incisors in relation to the basal bone and to the anterior cranial base

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