3 research outputs found

    The dark matter of the cancer genome: aberrations in regulatory elements, untranslated regions, splice sites, non-coding RNA and synonymous mutations

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    Cancer is a disease of the genome caused by oncogene activation and tumor suppressor gene inhibition. Deep sequencing studies including large consortia such as TCGA and ICGC identified numerous tumor‐specific mutations not only in protein‐coding sequences but also in non‐coding sequences. Although 98% of the genome is not translated into proteins, most studies have neglected the information hidden in this “dark matter” of the genome. Malignancy‐driving mutations can occur in all genetic elements outside the coding region, namely in enhancer, silencer, insulator, and promoter as well as in 5′‐UTR and 3′‐UTR. Intron or splice site mutations can alter the splicing pattern. Moreover, cancer genomes contain mutations within non‐coding RNA, such as microRNA, lncRNA, and lincRNA. A synonymous mutation changes the coding region in the DNA and RNA but not the protein sequence. Importantly, oncogenes such as TERT or miR‐21 as well as tumor suppressor genes such as TP53/p53,APC,BRCA1, or RB1 can be affected by these alterations. In summary, coding‐independent mutations can affect gene regulation from transcription, splicing, mRNA stability to translation, and hence, this largely neglected area needs functional studies to elucidate the mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis. This review will focus on the important role and novel mechanisms of these non‐coding or allegedly silent mutations in tumorigenesis

    The dark matter of the cancer genome: aberrations in regulatory elements, untranslated regions, splice sites, non-coding RNA and synonymous mutations

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    This paper deals with the use of reported speech (RS) in Spanish criminal lawsuits (querellas) and police reports (denuncias) and argues about the most suitable strategies to translate such RS into Italian. In line of principle, the written record of the statements made by the individual(s) who filed the complaint is often the result of an oral cooperation between the plaintiff and the police officer and/or their attorney, whose subjectivity is reflected on the texts in a quite different fashion in the two legal cultures. The so-called ‘verbatim assumption’ of quotations in direct speech (DS) turns out to be a fallacy in the discussed genres, insofar as the locutor (i.e. the police officer or the attorney responsible for the drafting of the document) often normalizes the original utterances of the enunciator (i.e. the plaintiff whose point of view is represented in the report) in terms of cohesion, register and sentence length. Usually, these texts are translated following a strictly ‘interlinear approach’, so much so as to result almost illegible. An adequate command  of genre conventions – both in the source and in the target language – and the abidance by the translation universals of simplification and explicitation may help the translator produce a more efficient and readable target text, consistent with the expectations of a jurist in the target culture