9 research outputs found

    A differential expression of pyrethroid resistance genes in the malaria vector Anopheles funestus across Uganda is associated with patterns of gene flow.

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    BACKGROUND: Insecticide resistance is challenging the effectiveness of insecticide-based control interventions to reduce malaria burden in Africa. Understanding the molecular basis of insecticides resistance and patterns of gene flow in major malaria vectors such as Anopheles funestus are important steps for designing effective resistance management strategies. Here, we investigated the association between patterns of genetic structure and expression profiles of genes involved in the pyrethroid resistance in An. funestus across Uganda and neighboring Kenya. METHODS: Blood-fed mosquitoes An. funestus were collected across the four localities in Uganda and neighboring Kenya. A Microarray-based genome-wide transcription analysis was performed to identify the set of genes associated with permethrin resistance. 17 microsatellites markers were genotyped and used to establish patterns of genetic differentiation. RESULTS: Microarray-based genome-wide transcription profiling of pyrethroid resistance in four locations across Uganda (Arua, Bulambuli, Lira, and Tororo) and Kenya (Kisumu) revealed that resistance was mainly driven by metabolic resistance. The most commonly up-regulated genes in pyrethroid resistance mosquitoes include cytochrome P450s (CYP9K1, CYP6M7, CYP4H18, CYP4H17, CYP4C36). However, expression levels of key genes vary geographically such as the P450 CYP6M7 [Fold-change (FC) = 115.8 (Arua) vs 24.05 (Tororo) and 16.9 (Kisumu)]. In addition, several genes from other families were also over-expressed including Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), carboxylesterases, trypsin, glycogenin, and nucleotide binding protein which probably contribute to insecticide resistance across Uganda and Kenya. Genotyping of 17 microsatellite loci in the five locations provided evidence that a geographical shift in the resistance mechanisms could be associated with patterns of population structure throughout East Africa. Genetic and population structure analyses indicated significant genetic differentiation between Arua and other localities (FST>0.03) and revealed a barrier to gene flow between Arua and other areas, possibly associated with Rift Valley. CONCLUSION: The correlation between patterns of genetic structure and variation in gene expression could be used to inform future interventions especially as new insecticides are gradually introduced

    Exploring the molecular mechanisms of increased intensity of pyrethroid resistance in Central African population of a major malaria vector Anopheles coluzzii

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    Molecular mechanisms driving the escalation of pyrethroid resistance in the major malaria mosquitoes of Central Africa remain largely uncharacterized, hindering effective management strategies. Here, resistance intensity and the molecular mechanisms driving it were investigated in a population of Anopheles coluzzii from northern Cameroon. High levels of pyrethroid and organochloride resistance were observed in An. coluzzii population, with no mortality for 1× permethrin; only 11% and 33% mortalities for 5× and 10× permethrin diagnostic concentrations, and <2% mortalities for deltamethrin and DDT, respectively. Moderate bendiocarb resistance (88% mortality) and full susceptibility to malathion were observed. Synergist bioassays with piperonyl butoxide recovered permethrin susceptibility, with mortalities increasing to 53.39%, and 87.30% for 5× and 10× permethrin, respectively, implicating P450 monooxygenases. Synergist bioassays with diethyl maleate (DEM) recovered permethrin and DDT susceptibilities (mortalities increasing to 34.75% and 14.88%, respectively), implicating glutathione S-transferases. RNA-seq-based genome-wide transcriptional analyses supported by quantitative PCR identified glutathione S-transferase, GSTe2 (RNA-seqFC = 2.93 and qRT-PCRFC = 8.4, p < 0.0043) and CYP450, CYP6Z2 (RNA-seqFC = 2.39 and qRT-PCRFC = 11.7, p < 0.0177) as the most overexpressed detoxification genes in the pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes, compared to mosquitoes of the susceptible Ngousso colony. Other overexpressed genes include P450s, CYP6M2 (FC = 1.68, p < 0.0114), CYP4G16 (FC = 2.02, p < 0.0005), and CYP4G17 (FC = 1.86, p < 0.0276). While high frequency of the 1014F kdr mutation (50%) and low frequencies of 1014S (6.61%) and 1575Y (10.29%) were observed, no ace-1 mutation was detected in bendiocarb-resistant populations, suggesting the preeminent role of metabolic mechanism. Overexpression of metabolic resistance genes (including GSTe2 and CYP6Z2 known to confer resistance to multiple insecticides) in An. coluzzii from the Sudan Savannah of Cameroon highlights the need for alternative management strategies to reduce malaria burden in northern Cameroo