351 research outputs found

    Higher comparison maps for the spectrum of a tensor triangulated category

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    For each object in a tensor triangulated category, we construct a natural continuous map from the object's support---a closed subset of the category's triangular spectrum---to the Zariski spectrum of a certain commutative ring of endomorphisms. When applied to the unit object this recovers a construction of P. Balmer. These maps provide an iterative approach for understanding the spectrum of a tensor triangulated category by starting with the comparison map for the unit object and iteratively analyzing the fibers of this map via "higher" comparison maps. We illustrate this approach for the stable homotopy category of finite spectra. In fact, the same underlying construction produces a whole collection of new comparison maps, including maps associated to (and defined on) each closed subset of the triangular spectrum. These latter maps provide an alternative strategy for analyzing the spectrum by iteratively building a filtration of closed subsets by pulling back filtrations of affine schemes.Comment: 31 page

    A note on triangulated monads and categories of module spectra

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    Consider a monad on an idempotent complete triangulated category with the property that its Eilenberg-Moore category of modules inherits a triangulation. We show that any other triangulated adjunction realizing this monad is 'essentially monadic', i.e. becomes monadic after performing the two evident necessary operations of taking the Verdier quotient by the kernel of the right adjoint and idempotent completion. In this sense, the monad itself is 'intrinsically monadic'. It follows that for any highly structured ring spectrum, its category of homotopy (a.k.a. naive) modules is triangulated if and only if it is equivalent to its category of highly structured (a.k.a. strict) modules.Comment: 5 page

    The spectrum of the equivariant stable homotopy category of a finite group

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    We study the spectrum of prime ideals in the tensor-triangulated category of compact equivariant spectra over a finite group. We completely describe this spectrum as a set for all finite groups. We also make significant progress in determining its topology and obtain a complete answer for groups of square-free order. For general finite groups, we describe the topology up to an unresolved indeterminacy, which we reduce to the case of p-groups. We then translate the remaining unresolved question into a new chromatic blue-shift phenomenon for Tate cohomology. Finally, we draw conclusions on the classification of thick tensor ideals.Comment: 34 pages, to appear in Invent. Mat

    A characterization of finite \'etale morphisms in tensor triangular geometry

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    We provide a characterization of finite \'etale morphisms in tensor triangular geometry. They are precisely those functors which have a conservative right adjoint, satisfy Grothendieck--Neeman duality, and for which the relative dualizing object is trivial (via a canonically-defined map).Comment: 21 page

    Grothendieck-Neeman duality and the Wirthm\"uller isomorphism

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    We clarify the relationship between Grothendieck duality \`a la Neeman and the Wirthm\"uller isomorphism \`a la Fausk-Hu-May. We exhibit an interesting pattern of symmetry in the existence of adjoint functors between compactly generated tensor-triangulated categories, which leads to a surprising trichotomy: There exist either exactly three adjoints, exactly five, or infinitely many. We highlight the importance of so-called relative dualizing objects and explain how they give rise to dualities on canonical subcategories. This yields a duality theory rich enough to capture the main features of Grothendieck duality in algebraic geometry, of generalized Pontryagin-Matlis duality \`a la Dwyer-Greenlees-Iyengar in the theory of ring spectra, and of Brown-Comenetz duality \`a la Neeman in stable homotopy theory.Comment: 36 pages. Minor revision due to referee's comments. Added Examples 3.27, 4.8 & 4.9. To appear in Compositio Mat

    Stratification in tensor triangular geometry with applications to spectral Mackey functors

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    We systematically develop a theory of stratification in the context of tensor triangular geometry and apply it to classify the localizing tensor-ideals of certain categories of spectral GG-Mackey functors for all finite groups GG. Our theory of stratification is based on the approach of Stevenson which uses the Balmer-Favi notion of big support for tensor-triangulated categories whose Balmer spectrum is weakly noetherian. We clarify the role of the local-to-global principle and establish that the Balmer-Favi notion of support provides the universal approach to weakly noetherian stratification. This provides a uniform new perspective on existing classifications in the literature and clarifies the relation with the theory of Benson-Iyengar-Krause. Our systematic development of this approach to stratification, involving a reduction to local categories and the ability to pass through finite \'{e}tale extensions, may be of independent interest. Moreover, we strengthen the relationship between stratification and the telescope conjecture. The starting point for our equivariant applications is the recent computation by Patchkoria-Sanders-Wimmer of the Balmer spectrum of the category of derived Mackey functors, which was found to capture precisely the height 00 and height \infty chromatic layers of the spectrum of the equivariant stable homotopy category. We similarly study the Balmer spectrum of the category of E(n)E(n)-local spectral Mackey functors noting that it bijects onto the height n\le n chromatic layers of the spectrum of the equivariant stable homotopy category; conjecturally the topologies coincide. Despite our incomplete knowledge of the topology of the Balmer spectrum, we are able to completely classify the localizing tensor-ideals of these categories of spectral Mackey functors.Comment: 61 pages, minor expository change

    Stratification and the comparison between homological and tensor triangular support

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    We compare the homological support and tensor triangular support for `big' objects in a rigidly-compactly generated tensor triangulated category. We prove that the comparison map from the homological spectrum to the tensor triangular spectrum is a bijection and that the two notions of support coincide whenever the category is stratified, extending work of Balmer. Moreover, we clarify the relations between salient properties of support functions and exhibit counter-examples highlighting the differences between homological and tensor triangular support.Comment: 18 pages, comments welcom