24 research outputs found

    VPS29 Is Not an Active Metallo-Phosphatase but Is a Rigid Scaffold Required for Retromer Interaction with Accessory Proteins

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    VPS29 is a key component of the cargo-binding core complex of retromer, a protein assembly with diverse roles in transport of receptors within the endosomal system. VPS29 has a fold related to metal-binding phosphatases and mediates interactions between retromer and other regulatory proteins. In this study we examine the functional interactions of mammalian VPS29, using X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. We find that although VPS29 can coordinate metal ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ in both the putative active site and at other locations, the affinity for metals is low, and lack of activity in phosphatase assays using a putative peptide substrate support the conclusion that VPS29 is not a functional metalloenzyme. There is evidence that structural elements of VPS29 critical for binding the retromer subunit VPS35 may undergo both metal-dependent and independent conformational changes regulating complex formation, however studies using ITC and NMR residual dipolar coupling (RDC) measurements show that this is not the case. Finally, NMR chemical shift mapping indicates that VPS29 is able to associate with SNX1 via a conserved hydrophobic surface, but with a low affinity that suggests additional interactions will be required to stabilise the complex in vivo. Our conclusion is that VPS29 is a metal ion-independent, rigid scaffolding domain, which is essential but not sufficient for incorporation of retromer into functional endosomal transport assemblies

    Knowledge and Attitude of Nursing Students toward Electroconvulsive Therapy

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    Background: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is one of the commonly used treatment modalities for patients with severe mental disorders. However, acceptance of ECT by the patient and relatives often depends on how the health-care professionals themselves present the treatment modality to the patients and their relatives. There is a lack of information about the knowledge and attitude toward ECT among health professionals. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge about and attitude toward ECT among nursing students. Methodology: Knowledge of and attitudes toward ECT among nursing students were assessed using ECT knowledge and attitude questionnaires. Results: The study included 183 nursing students. Majority (n = 62; 60.8%) of the participants obtained information about ECT from media (movies, television, print media, etc.). None of the students had full knowledge about ECT. Although a significant proportion of students had knowledge about the ECT procedure and consent procedure, majority of them had poor knowledge about the effectiveness, mechanism of action, indications, and side effects of ECT. Negative attitudes were also highly prevalent, with more than two-thirds of the participants having negative attitudes toward ECT on more than half of the attitude items of the scale. Total knowledge score positively correlated with total attitude score, suggesting that higher knowledge was associated with more positive attitude. Conclusions: Although nursing students have knowledge about basic ECT procedure and consent, they lack knowledge about the effectiveness, mechanism of action, indications, and side effects of ECT. Negative attitude toward ECT is also highly prevalent among nursing students. Accordingly, there is a need to improve the knowledge and address the negative attitude of nursing students, which may ultimately lead to better acceptance of the treatment

    Metallic Stents for Proximal Tracheal Stenosis: Is It Worth the Risk?

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    Objective. To demonstrate the risk associated with blocked proximal tracheal stents when a patient presents with acute respiratory distress, with blockage of stent and what is the best management we can offer without damage to the stent and its associated complications. Case Report. A 22-yr-old, male patient, presented in severe respiratory distress. He had history of corrosive poisoning for which he was tracheotomised. A stainless steel wire mesh stent was placed in the trachea, from the subglottis, to just above the carina. One month later, he presented with a critically compromised airway with severe respiratory distress. Emergency tracheostomy was done and the metallic stent had to be cut open, in order to provide an airway. Conclusion. Management of blocked proximal stents with patient in respiratory distress remains a challenge. Formation of granulation tissue is common and fibreoptic bronchoscopic assisted intubation may not always be possible. A regular follow up of all patients with stents is essential. Placement of stents within a few centimetres of cricotracheal junction should not be encouraged for long term indications

    Classification and Validation of Spatio-Temporal Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Land Surface Temperature of Multitemporal Images

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    Land transfiguration is caused by natural as well as phylogenesis-driving forces, and its consequences for the regional environment are a significant issue in understanding the relationship between society and the environment. Land use/land cover plays a crucial part in the determination, preparation, and execution of administrative approaches to fulfilling basic human needs in the present day. In this study, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Tirupati, A.P., India, is considered as a study area to explain the Land use/land cover (LULC) classification, Land Surface Temperature (LST), and the inverse correlation between LST and the NDVI of Temporal Landsat satellite images at intervals of 5 years from 2000 to 2020. We performed easy and thoroughgoing classifications based on vegetation phenology, using an extended LULC field database, a time series of LANDSAT satellite imagery, and a pixel-based classifier. In total, five land-use and land-cover types have been identified: dense vegetation, vegetation, built-up, barren land, and water. Over the period of inquiry, there were notable increases in the area of built-up land, dense vegetation, and vegetation, whereas there was a marked decrease in water bodies and barren land. The diverse effects of land transformation on the natural environment have been assessed using Land Surface Temperature (LST) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The used technique achieved very good levels of accuracy (90–97%) and a strong kappa coefficient (0.89–0.96), with low commission and omission errors. The variation of the land surface temperature was studied using the Mono-Window algorithm. Change detection, and the transition of the natural land cover to man-made land use, were statistically computed for the study area. Results exposed that there had been significant variations in the land use and cover during the tagged eras. In general, two land use and land cover change patterns were confirmed in the study zone: (i) compatible growth of the zone in built-up areas, barren land, plantations, and shrubs; and (ii) continual diminishment in agriculture and water; maximum urban development took place between 2000 to 2020. The results showed drastic changes in urbanization and decrements in vegetation that had environmental consequences