47 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence of HIV, hepatitis b, and hepatitis c among opioid drug users on methadone treatment in the netherlands

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    Background: Injecting drug users (IDU) remain an important population at risk for blood-borne infections such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). In the Netherlands, a program is being implemented to offer annual voluntary screening for these infections to opioid drug users (ODUs) screened in methadone care. At two care sites where the program is now operating, our study aimed to estimate the seroprevalence among ODUs screened for HIV, HBV and HCV; to evaluate HBV vaccination coverage; and to assess the feasibility of monitoring seroprevalence trends by using routine annual screening data.Methods: Opioid drug users on methadone treatment are routinely offered voluntary screening for infectious diseases such as HIV, HBV and HCV. Data on uptake and outcome of anti-HIV, anti-HBc, and anti-HCV screening among ODUs receiving methadone were obtained from two regions: Amsterdam from 2004 to 2008 and Heerlen from 2003 to 2009.Findings: Annual screening uptake for HIV, HBV and HCV varied from 34 to 69%, depending on disease and screening site. Of users screened, 2.5% were HIV-positive in Amsterdam and 11% in Heerlen; 26% were HCV-positive in Amsterdam and 61% in Heerlen. Of those screened for HBV, evidence of current or previous infection (anti-HBc) was found among 33% in Amsterdam and 48% in Heerlen. In Amsterdam, 92% were fully vaccinated for HBV versus 45% in Heerlen.Conclusion: Annual screening for infectious diseases in all ODUs in methadone care is not fully implemented in the Netherlands. On average, more than half of the ODUs in methadone care in Heerlen and Amsterdam were screened for HIV, HBV and HCV. In addition, screening data indicate that HBV vaccination uptake was rather high. While the HIV prevalence among these ODUs was relatively low compared to other drug-using populations, the high HCV prevalence among this group underscores the need to expand annual screening and interventions to monitor HIV, HBV and HCV in the opioid drug-using population

    Evaluación sobre la accesibilidad y usabilidad de los recursos informativos en la web para los usuarios ciegos

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    Most information resources on the web are inaccessible to blind users. The results of a research that has evaluated the accessibility of a wide sample of information resources on the web grouped into fifteen different categories are presented. The methodology used combines the application of a semi-automated instrument (TAW) that reviews the WAI accessibility guidelines formulated by the W3C with a test of users who interacted on a selection of resources. The results of the research indicate important deficiencies in their access and usability. Most categories are more than 80% totally inaccessible for blind users because they have priority level 1 errors. In general, the level of specialization of resources entails worse levels of accessibility and usability. The barriers to access to information have a direct impact on the participation of people with disabilities in the knowledge society. The resources that are most accessible correspond in general to pages linked to public institutions in front of the generalist portals and job seekers that are the most inaccessible. The design errors detected in the study with greater frequency of occurrence and incidence in the level of accessibility are: the absence of alternative texts to various graphic elements, inclusion of untitled frames, automatic updating of the pages, absolute units in bookmarks and sheets of style and presence of marquee element

    Evaluación sobre la accesibilidad y usabilidad de los recursos informativos en la web para los usuarios ciegos

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    Most information resources on the web are inaccessible to blind users. The results of a research that has evaluated the accessibility of a wide sample of information resources on the web grouped into fifteen different categories are presented. The methodology used combines the application of a semi-automated instrument (TAW) that reviews the WAI accessibility guidelines formulated by the W3C with a test of users who interacted on a selection of resources. The results of the research indicate important deficiencies in their access and usability. Most categories are more than 80% totally inaccessible for blind users because they have priority level 1 errors. In general, the level of specialization of resources entails worse levels of accessibility and usability. The barriers to access to information have a direct impact on the participation of people with disabilities in the knowledge society. The resources that are most accessible correspond in general to pages linked to public institutions in front of the generalist portals and job seekers that are the most inaccessible. The design errors detected in the study with greater frequency of occurrence and incidence in the level of accessibility are: the absence of alternative texts to various graphic elements, inclusion of untitled frames, automatic updating of the pages, absolute units in bookmarks and sheets of style and presence of marquee element

    Supporting Healthy Futures for East Africa: Celebrating 15 years of partnership in nursing education. School of Nursing and Midwifery in East Africa, Aga Khan University, Nairobi, Kenya

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    This impact evaluation study was designed on the basis of quality and accountability. It focused on sourcing evidence regarding the impact and achievements of a 15-year investment in nursing education and workforce capacity building. The study was also designed to enhance alumni connection and establish sustainable models for monitoring and evaluation.https://ecommons.aku.edu/books/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Reducing contacts to stop SARS-CoV-2 transmission during the second pandemic wave in Brussels, Belgium, August to November 2020

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    To evaluate the effect of physical distancing and school reopening in Brussels between August and November 2020, we monitored changes in the number of reported contacts per SARS-CoV-2 case and associated SARS-CoV-2 transmission. The second COVID-19 pandemic wave in Brussels was the result of increased social contact across all ages following school reopening. Physical distancing measures including closure of bars and restaurants, and limiting close contacts, while primary and secondary schools remained open, reduced social mixing and controlled SARS-CoV-2 transmission

    Hyaluronic Acid in Synovial Fluid Prevents Neutrophil Activation in Spondyloarthritis

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    Spondyloarthritis (SpA) patients suffer from joint inflammation resulting in tissue damage, characterized by the presence of numerous neutrophils in the synovium and synovial fluid (SF). As it is yet unclear to what extent neutrophils contribute to the pathogenesis of SpA, we set out to study SF neutrophils in more detail. We analyzed the functionality of SF neutrophils of 20 SpA patients and 7 disease controls, determining ROS production and degranulation in response to various stimuli. In addition, the effect of SF on neutrophil function was determined. Surprisingly, our data show that SF neutrophils in SpA patients have an inactive phenotype, despite the presence of many neutrophil-activating stimuli such as GM-CSF and TNF in SF. This was not due to exhaustion as SF neutrophils readily responded to stimulation. Therefore, this finding suggests that one or more inhibitors of neutrophil activation may be present in SF. Indeed, when blood neutrophils from healthy donors were activated in the presence of increasing concentrations of SF from SpA patients, degranulation and ROS production were dose-dependently inhibited. This effect was independent of diagnosis, gender, age, and medication in the patients from which the SF was isolated. Treatment of SF with the enzyme hyaluronidase strongly reduced the inhibitory effect of SF on neutrophil activation, indicating that hyaluronic acid that is present in SF may be an important factor in preventing SF neutrophil activation. This finding provides novel insights into the role of soluble factors in SF regulating neutrophil function and may lead to the development of novel therapeutics targeting neutrophil activation via hyaluronic acid or associated pathways

    High-resolution bathymetries and shorelines for the Great Lakes of the White Nile basin

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    This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.HRBS-GLWNB 2020 presents the first open-source and high-resolution bathymetry, shoreline, and water level data for Lakes Victoria, Albert, Edward, and George in East Africa. For each Lake, these data have three primary products collected for this project. The bathymetric datasets were created from approximately 18 million acoustic soundings. Over 8,200 km of shorelines are delineated across the three lakes from high-resolution satellite systems and uncrewed aerial vehicles. Finally, these data are tied together by creating lake surface elevation models collected from GPS and altimeter measures. The data repository includes additional derived products, including surface areas, water volumes, shoreline lengths, lake elevation levels, and geodetic information. These data can be used to make allocation decisions regarding the freshwater resources within Africa, manage food resources on which many tens of millions of people rely, and help preserve the region’s endemic biodiversity. Finally, as these data are tied to globally consistent geodetic models, they can be used in future global and regional climate change models.ECU Open Access Publishing Support Fun

    Crucial factors preceding compulsory psychiatric admission

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    BACKGROUND: Compulsory admissions have a strong effect on psychiatric patients and represent a deprivation of personal liberty. Although the rate of such admissions is tending to rise in several Western countries, there is little qualitative research on the mental health-care process preceding compulsory admission. The objective of the study was to identify crucial factors in the mental health-care process preceding compulsory admission of adult psychiatric patients. METHODS: This retrospective, qualitative multiple-case study was based on the patient records of patients with severe mental illness, mainly schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Twenty two patient records were analyzed. Patients' demographic and clinical characteristics were heterogeneous. All were treated by Flexible Assertive Community Treatment teams (FACT teams) at two mental health institutions in the greater Rotterdam area in the Netherlands and had a compulsory admission in a predefined inclusion period. The data were analyzed according to the Prevention and Recovery System for Monitoring and Analysis (PRISMA) method, assessing acts, events, conditions, and circumstances, failing protective barriers and protective recovery factors. RESULTS: The most important patient factors in the process preceding compulsory admission were psychosis, aggression, lack of insight, care avoidance, and unauthorized reduction or cessation of medication. Neither were health-care professionals as assertive as they could be in managing early signs of relapse and care avoidance of these particular patients. CONCLUSION: The health-care process preceding compulsory admission is complex, being influenced by acts, events, conditions and circumstances, failing barriers, and protective factors. The most crucial factors are patients' lack of insight and cessation of medication, and health-care professionals' lack of assertiveness

    Crucial factors preceding compulsory psychiatric admission

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    BACKGROUND: Compulsory admissions have a strong effect on psychiatric patients and represent a deprivation of personal liberty. Although the rate of such admissions is tending to rise in several Western countries, there is little qualitative research on the mental health-care process preceding compulsory admission. The objective of the study was to identify crucial factors in the mental health-care process preceding compulsory admission of adult psychiatric patients. METHODS: This retrospective, qualitative multiple-case study was based on the patient records of patients with severe mental illness, mainly schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Twenty two patient records were analyzed. Patients' demographic and clinical characteristics were heterogeneous. All were treated by Flexible Assertive Community Treatment teams (FACT teams) at two mental health institutions in the greater Rotterdam area in the Netherlands and had a compulsory admission in a predefined inclusion period. The data were analyzed according to the Prevention and Recovery System for Monitoring and Analysis (PRISMA) method, assessing acts, events, conditions, and circumstances, failing protective barriers and protective recovery factors. RESULTS: The most important patient factors in the process preceding compulsory admission were psychosis, aggression, lack of insight, care avoidance, and unauthorized reduction or cessation of medication. Neither were health-care professionals as assertive as they could be in managing early signs of relapse and care avoidance of these particular patients. CONCLUSION: The health-care process preceding compulsory admission is complex, being influenced by acts, events, conditions and circumstances, failing barriers, and protective factors. The most crucial factors are patients' lack of insight and cessation of medication, and health-care professionals' lack of assertiveness