636 research outputs found

    Local limit approximations for Markov population processes

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    The paper is concerned with the equilibrium distribution Πn\Pi_n of the nn-th element in a sequence of continuous-time density dependent Markov processes on the integers. Under a (2+\a)-th moment condition on the jump distributions, we establish a bound of order O(n^{-(\a+1)/2}\sqrt{\log n}) on the difference between the point probabilities of Πn\Pi_n and those of a translated Poisson distribution with the same variance. Except for the factor logn\sqrt{\log n}, the result is as good as could be obtained in the simpler setting of sums of independent integer-valued random variables. Our arguments are based on the Stein-Chen method and coupling.Comment: 19 page

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Berbagai Bahan Sumber Karbohidrat terhadap Kualitas Silase Pucuk Tebu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kualitas silase pucuk tebu yang terbaik, berdasarkan parameter warna, bau, pH, tekstur dan total jamur dengan suplementasi berbagai sumber karbohidrat sebagai bahan additif. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Nutrisi Ruminansia, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Andalas dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan adalah 4 macam sumber karbohidratyang digunakan sebagai bahan additif yaitu : (A)dedak , (B) tepung jagung , (C) tepung sagu dan (D) tepung tapioka dengan 5 ulangan setiap perlakuan. Supplementasi bahan-bahan tersebut adalah 10 % dari bahan kering pucuk tebu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemakaian berbagai bahan sumber karbohidrat (dedak, jagung, sagu, dan tapioka) tersebut dengan penambahan 10 % dari bahan kering pucuk tebu, memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata (P0.05).Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan B (penggunaan additif tepung jagung) memberikan hasil silase yang terbaik dibandingkan dengan sumber karbohidrat lainnya

    Translated Poisson approximation to equilibrium distributions of Markov population processes

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    The paper is concerned with the equilibrium distributions of continuous-time density dependent Markov processes on the integers. These distributions are known typically to be approximately normal, and the approximation error, as measured in Kolmogorov distance, is of the smallest order that is compatible with their having integer support. Here, an approximation in the much stronger total variation norm is established, without any loss in the asymptotic order of accuracy; the approximating distribution is a translated Poisson distribution having the same variance and (almost) the same mean. Our arguments are based on the Stein-Chen method and Dynkin's formula.Comment: 18 page

    Characterization of the ATPase and unwinding activities of the yeast DEAD-box protein Has1p and the analysis of the roles of the conserved motifs

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    The yeast DEAD-box protein Has1p is required for the maturation of 18S rRNA, the biogenesis of 40S r-subunits and for the processing of 27S pre-rRNAs during 60S r-subunit biogenesis. We purified recombinant Has1p and characterized its biochemical activities. We show that Has1p is an RNA-dependent ATPase in vitro and that it is able to unwind RNA/DNA duplexes in an ATP-dependent manner. We also report a mutational analysis of the conserved residues in motif I (86AKTGSGKT93), motif III (228SAT230) and motif VI (375HRVGRTARG383). The in vivo lethal K92A substitution in motif I abolishes ATPase activity in vitro. The mutations S228A and T230A partially dissociate ATPase and helicase activities, and they have cold-sensitive and lethal growth phenotypes, respectively. The H375E substitution in motif VI significantly decreased helicase but not ATPase activity and was lethal in vivo. These results suggest that both ATPase and unwinding activities are required in vivo. Has1p possesses a Walker A-like motif downstream of motif VI (383GTKGKGKS390). K389A substitution in this motif significantly increases the Has1p activity in vitro, which indicates it potentially plays a role as a negative regulator. Finally, rRNAs and poly(A) RNA serve as the best stimulators of the ATPase activity of Has1p among the tested RNA

    Characterization of the ATPase and unwinding activities of the yeast DEAD-box protein Has1p and the analysis of the roles of the conserved motifs

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    The yeast DEAD-box protein Has1p is required for the maturation of 18S rRNA, the biogenesis of 40S r-subunits and for the processing of 27S pre-rRNAs during 60S r-subunit biogenesis. We purified recombinant Has1p and characterized its biochemical activities. We show that Has1p is an RNA-dependent ATPase in vitro and that it is able to unwind RNA/DNA duplexes in an ATP-dependent manner. We also report a mutational analysis of the conserved residues in motif I ((86)AKTGSGKT(93)), motif III ((228)SAT(230)) and motif VI ((375)HRVGRTARG(383)). The in vivo lethal K92A substitution in motif I abolishes ATPase activity in vitro. The mutations S228A and T230A partially dissociate ATPase and helicase activities, and they have cold-sensitive and lethal growth phenotypes, respectively. The H375E substitution in motif VI significantly decreased helicase but not ATPase activity and was lethal in vivo. These results suggest that both ATPase and unwinding activities are required in vivo. Has1p possesses a Walker A-like motif downstream of motif VI ((383)GTKGKGKS(390)). K389A substitution in this motif significantly increases the Has1p activity in vitro, which indicates it potentially plays a role as a negative regulator. Finally, rRNAs and poly(A) RNA serve as the best stimulators of the ATPase activity of Has1p among the tested RNAs

    A Solution for Little Hierarchy Problem and b --> s gamma

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    We show that all the parameters which destabilize the weak scale can be taken around the weak scale in the MSSM without conflicting with the SM Higgs mass bound set by LEP experiment. The essential point is that if the lightest CP-even Higgs h in the MSSM has only a small coupling to Z boson, g_{ZZh}, LEP cannot generate the Higgs sufficiently. In the scenario, the SM Higgs mass bound constrains the mass of the heaviest CP-even Higgs H which has the SM like g_{ZZH} coupling. However, it is easier to make the heaviest Higgs heavy by the effect of off-diagonal elements of the mass matrix of the CP-even Higgs because the larger eigenvalue of 2 times 2 matrix becomes larger by introducing off-diagonal elements. Thus, the smaller stop masses can be consistent with the LEP constraints. Moreover, the two excesses observed at LEP Higgs search can naturally be explained as the signals of the MSSM Higgs h and H in this scenario. One of the most interesting results in the scenario is that all the Higgs in the MSSM have the weak scale masses. For example, the charged Higgs mass should be around 130 GeV. This looks inconsistent with the lower bound obtained by the b --> s gamma process as m_{H^\pm}>350GeV. However, we show that the amplitude induced by the charged Higgs can naturally be compensated by that of the chargino if we take the mass parameters by which the little hierarchy problem can be solved. The point is that the both amplitudes have the same order of magnitudes when all the fields in the both loops have the same order of masses.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, input parameter slightly changed, figures replaced, references correcte

    Impaired Caveolae Function and Upregulation of Alternative Endocytic Pathways Induced by Experimental Modulation of Intersectin-1s Expression in Mouse Lung Endothelium

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    Intersectin-1s (ITSN-1s), a protein containing five SH3 (A-E) domains, regulates via the SH3A the function of dynamin-2 (dyn2) at the endocytic site. ITSN-1s expression was modulated in mouse lung endothelium by liposome delivery of either a plasmid cDNA encoding myc-SH3A or a specific siRNA targeting ITSN-1 gene. The lung vasculature of SH3A-transduced and ITSN-1s- deficient mice was perfused with gold albumin (Au-BSA) to analyze by electron microscopy the morphological intermediates and pathways involved in transendothelial transport or with dinitrophenylated (DNP)-BSA to quantify by ELISA its transport. Acute modulation of ITSN-1s expression decreased the number of caveolae, impaired their transport, and opened the interendothelial junctions, while upregulating compensatory nonconventional endocytic/transcytotic structures. Chronic inhibition of ITSN-1s further increased the occurrence of nonconventional intermediates and partially restored the junctional integrity. These findings indicate that ITSN-1s expression is required for caveolae function and efficient transendothelial transport. Moreover, our results demonstrate that ECs are highly adapted to perform their transport function while maintaining lung homeostasis