3 research outputs found

    The Third Workshop on Population of the RDBES Data Model (WKRDB-POP3)

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    The aims of this workshop were to explain the data model developed for the commercial fisheries Regional Database and Estimation System (RDBES), assist in populating it with real data for the second test data call for the RDBES, and encourage participants to take part in ongoing testing of the RDBES data submission system. This report documents the progress that participants have done to prepare their institutes for future use of the RDBES system. Some issues with data conversion have been identified and are documented in this report. None of the identified issues are thought to be serious impediments to moving forward with the RDBES development according to the roadmap decided by the Steering Committee of the Regional Fisheries Database in 2020. The RDBES Core Group (the group of people developing the RDBES data model) and ICES Data Centre will look at the results of this workshop and either respond to individual questions or adapt the data model and documentation as required. The workshop concluded and reported before the deadline of the test data call. For a complete test of the data model, all participants were encouraged to complete the data call. A report on the degree of completion of the data call may be expected from WGRDBESGOV which convenes after the data call deadline

    Monitoring of activity of marble trout and rainbow trout using telemetry in the river Kanomljica

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    Namen pričujočega magistrskega dela je bil preučevanje aktivnosti gojenih soških postrvi (Salmo marmoratus) in šarenk (Oncorhynchus mykiss) po izpustitvi v naravno okolje. V raziskavi smo preučili aktivnost, diurnalne preference in rabo habitata soških postrvi in šarenk, s ciljem pridobitve vpogleda v njune medsebojne interakcije. Šarenka je alohtona vrsta, ki izvira iz Severne Amerike, zato bi lahko za avtohtono soško postrv predstavljala določeno motnjo. Aktivnost rib smo spremljali z uporabo telemetrije. Ribam smo v telesno votlino vstavili radijske oddajnike, nato pa smo z antenami lovili signale, ki so bili za vsako ribo edinstveni. Ribam se je sledilo poleti 2017 v reki Kanomljici. Na ta način smo pri vsakem spremljanju lahko določili pozicijo posameznih rib, katerim smo določili časovno in prostorsko koordinato. V postopku analize podatkov smo izračunali razdalje med dobljenimi pozicijami, s čimer smo pridobili vpogled v njihovo plavalno aktivnost, diurnalne preference in rabo habitata. Rezultati so pokazali, da v plavalni aktivnosti ni prišlo do statistično značilnih razlik med preučevanima vrstama pri nobenem od zastavljenih parametrov. Do razlik prav tako ni prišlo pri diurnalnih preferencah, pri rabi habitata pa smo zabeležili, da se šarenke več zadržujejo v tolmunih, soške postrvi pa v brzicah in laminarnem toku. Kljub temu, da je šarenka alohtona vrsta in se prehranjuje na enak način kot soška postrv, na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov nismo zabeležili negativnega vpliva šarenk na soško postrv, a smo spoznali, da so interakcije med ribami lahko preveč subtilne za uporabljeno metodo.The overarching conundrum of this master thesis was to study the movement behaviour and activity of hatchery reared marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after their release into natural habitat of the river Kanomljica. Since rainbow trout is a non-native species, originating from North America, it might present a certain amount of disturbance for the native marble trout. We investigated the general activity of fish, their diurnal preferences and habitat use and investigate potential differences between marble trout and rainbow trout regarding these parameters and determine if rainbow trout has negative impact on native marble trout. Fish were monitored using telemetry. Field work has been done in the late summer of 2017. Telemetry technology provided spatiotemporal stamps, which served as a basis of all the subsequent calculations. In the process of data analysis, we calculated distances between spatiotemporal stamps and analysed the swimming activity, diurnal preferences and habitat use of fish. Our results showed no differences in general activity between species and no differences in diurnal preferences. However, our results did show statistically significant differences between species in habitat use with marble trout residing mostly in rapids and laminar flow and rainbow trout residing mostly in pools. Our results did not show major negative impact of rainbow trout to the native marble trout. However, we imply that fish interactions might be too subtle for detection with our method of choice