1,080 research outputs found

    On the difference between proton and neutron spin-orbit splittings in nuclei

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    The latest experimental data on nuclei at 132^{132}Sn permit us for the first time to determine the spin-orbit splittings of neutrons and protons in identical orbits in this neutron-rich doubly-magic region and compare the case to that of 208^{208}Pb. Using the new results, which are now consistent for the two neutron-rich doubly magic regions, a theoretical analysis defines the isotopic dependence of the mean field spin-orbit potential and leads to a simple explicit expression for the difference between the spin-orbit splittings of neutrons and protons. The isotopic dependence is explained in the framework of different theoretical approaches.Comment: 8 pages, revte

    Cosmological evolution of warm dark matter fluctuations II: Solution from small to large scales and keV sterile neutrinos

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    We solve the cosmological evolution of warm dark matter (WDM) density fluctuations with the Volterra integral equations of paper I. In the absence of neutrinos, the anisotropic stress vanishes and the Volterra equations reduce to a single integral equation. We solve numerically this equation both for DM fermions decoupling at equilibrium and DM sterile neutrinos decoupling out of equilibrium. We give the exact analytic solution for the density fluctuations and gravitational potential at zero wavenumber. We compute the density contrast as a function of the scale factor a for a wide range of wavenumbers k. At fixed a, the density contrast grows with k for k k_c, (k_c ~ 1.6/Mpc). The density contrast depends on k and a mainly through the product k a exhibiting a self-similar behavior. Our numerical density contrast for small k gently approaches our analytic solution for k = 0. For fixed k < 1/(60 kpc), the density contrast generically grows with a while for k > 1/(60 kpc) it exhibits oscillations since the RD era which become stronger as k grows. We compute the transfer function of the density contrast for thermal fermions and for sterile neutrinos in: a) the Dodelson-Widrow (DW) model and b) in a model with sterile neutrinos produced by a scalar particle decay. The transfer function grows with k for small k and then decreases after reaching a maximum at k = k_c reflecting the time evolution of the density contrast. The integral kernels in the Volterra equations are nonlocal in time and their falloff determine the memory of the past evolution since decoupling. This falloff is faster when DM decouples at equilibrium than when it decouples out of equilibrium. Although neutrinos and photons can be neglected in the MD era, they contribute in the MD era through their memory from the RD era.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys Rev

    String Tension and the Generation of the Conformal Anomaly

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    The origin of the string conformal anomaly is studied in detail. We use a reformulated string Lagrangian which allows to consider the string tension T0T_{0} as a small perturbation. The expansion parameter is the worldsheet speed of light c, which is proportional to T0T_{0} . We examine carefully the interplay between a null (tensionless) string and a tensionful string which includes orders c2 c^{2} and higher. The conformal algebra generated by the constraints is considered. At the quantum level the normal ordering provides a central charge proportional to c2 c^{2} . Thus it is clear that quantum null strings respect conformal invariance and it is the string tension which generates the conformal anomaly.Comment: More references are included. Final version, to appear in Phys.Rev.D. 6 pages, LaTex, no figure

    On the isospin dependence of the mean spin-orbit field in nuclei

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    By the use of the latest experimental data on the spectra of 133^{133}Sb and 131^{131}Sn and on the analysis of properties of other odd nuclei adjacent to doubly magic closed shells the isospin dependence of a mean spin-orbit potential is defined. Such a dependence received the explanation in the framework of different theoretical approaches.Comment: 52 pages, Revtex, no figure

    Chaotic dynamics in preheating after inflation

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    We study chaotic dynamics in preheating after inflation in which an inflaton ϕ\phi is coupled to another scalar field χ\chi through an interaction (1/2)g2ϕ2χ2(1/2)g^2\phi^2\chi^2. We first estimate the size of the quasi-homogeneous field χ\chi at the beginning of reheating for large-field inflaton potentials V(ϕ)=V0ϕnV(\phi)=V_0\phi^n by evaluating the amplitude of the χ\chi fluctuations on scales larger than the Hubble radius at the end of inflation. Parametric excitations of the field χ\chi during preheating can give rise to chaos between two dynamical scalar fields. For the quartic potential (n=4n=4, V0=λ/4V_0=\lambda/4) chaos actually occurs for g2/λ<O(10)g^2/\lambda <{\cal O}(10) in a linear regime before which the backreaction of created particles becomes important. This analysis is supported by several different criteria for the existence of chaos. For the quadratic potential (n=2n=2) the signature of chaos is not found by the time at which the backreaction begins to work, similar to the case of the quartic potential with g2/λ1g^2/\lambda \gg 1.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Strings Near a Rindler Or Black Hole Horizon

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    Orbifold techniques are used to study bosonic, type II and heterotic strings in Rindler space at integer multiples N of the Rindler temperature, and near a black hole horizon at integer multiples of the Hawking temperature, extending earlier results of Dabholkar. It is argued that a Hagedorn transition occurs nears the horizon for all N>1.Comment: 13 pages, harvmac, (references added

    Cosmological evolution of warm dark matter fluctuations I: Efficient computational framework with Volterra integral equations

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    We study the complete cosmological evolution of dark matter (DM) density fluctuations for DM particles that decoupled being ultrarelativistic during the radiation dominated era which is the case of keV scale warm DM (WDM). The new framework presented here can be applied to other types of DM and in particular we extend it to cold DM (CDM). The collisionless and linearized Boltzmann-Vlasov equations (B-V) for WDM and neutrinos in the presence of photons and coupled to the linearized Einstein equations are studied in detail in the presence of anisotropic stress with the Newtonian potential generically different from the spatial curvature perturbations. We recast this full system of B-V equations for DM and neutrinos into a system of coupled Volterra integral equations. These Volterra-type equations are valid both in the radiation dominated (RD) and matter dominated (MD) eras during which the WDM particles are ultrarelativistic and then nonrelativistic. This generalizes the so-called Gilbert integral equation only valid for nonrelativistic particles in the MD era. We succeed to reduce the system of four Volterra integral equations for the density and anisotropic stress fluctuations of DM and neutrinos into a system of only two coupled Volterra equations. The kernels and inhomogeneities in these equations are explicitly given functions. Combining the Boltzmann-Vlasov equations and the linearized Einstein equations constrain the initial conditions on the distribution functions and gravitational potentials. In the absence of neutrinos the anisotropic stress vanishes and the Volterra-type equations reduce to a single integral equation. These Volterra integral equations provide a useful and precise framework to compute the primordial WDM fluctuations over a wide range of scales including small scales up to k ~ 1/5 kpc.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Phys Rev

    Constraints on dark matter particles from theory, galaxy observations and N-body simulations

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    Mass bounds on dark matter (DM) candidates are obtained for particles decoupling in or out of equilibrium with {\bf arbitrary} isotropic and homogeneous distribution functions. A coarse grained Liouville invariant primordial phase space density D \mathcal D is introduced. Combining its value with recent photometric and kinematic data on dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies in the Milky Way (dShps), the DM density today and NN-body simulations, yields upper and lower bounds on the mass, primordial phase space densities and velocity dispersion of the DM candidates. The mass of the DM particles is bound in the few keV range. If chemical freeze out occurs before thermal decoupling, light bosonic particles can Bose-condense. Such Bose-Einstein {\it condensate} is studied as a dark matter candidate. Depending on the relation between the critical(TcT_c)and decoupling(TdT_d)temperatures, a BEC light relic could act as CDM but the decoupling scale must be {\it higher} than the electroweak scale. The condensate tightens the upper bound on the particle's mass. Non-equilibrium scenarios that describe particle production and partial thermalization, sterile neutrinos produced out of equilibrium and other DM models are analyzed in detail obtaining bounds on their mass, primordial phase space density and velocity dispersion. Light thermal relics with mfewkeV m \sim \mathrm{few} \mathrm{keV} and sterile neutrinos lead to a primordial phase space density compatible with {\bf cored} dShps and disfavor cusped satellites. Light Bose condensed DM candidates yield phase space densities consistent with {\bf cores} and if TcTd T_c\gg T_d also with cusps. Phase space density bounds from N-body simulations suggest a potential tension for WIMPS with m100GeV,Td10MeV m \sim 100 \mathrm{GeV},T_d \sim 10 \mathrm{MeV} .Comment: 27 pages 8 figures. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Maternal Serum Meteorin Levels and the Risk of Preeclampsia

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    BACKGROUND: Meteorin (METRN) is a recently described neutrophic factor with angiogenic properties. This is a nested case-control study in a longitudinal cohort study that describes the serum profile of METRN during different periods of gestation in healthy and preeclamptic pregnant women. Moreover, we explore the possible application of METRN as a biomarker. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Serum METRN was measured by ELISA in a longitudinal prospective cohort study in 37 healthy pregnant women, 16 mild preeclamptic women, and 20 healthy non-pregnant women during the menstrual cycle with the aim of assessing serum METRN levels and its correlations with other metabolic parameters. Immunostaining for METRN protein was performed in placenta. A multivariate logistic regression model was proposed and a classifier model was formulated for predicting preeclampsia in early and middle pregnancy. The performance in classification was evaluated using measures such as sensitivity, specificity, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. In healthy pregnant women, serum METRN levels were significantly elevated in early pregnancy compared to middle and late pregnancy. METRN levels are significantly lower only in early pregnancy in preeclamptic women when compared to healthy pregnant women. Decision trees that did not include METRN levels in the first trimester had a reduced sensitivity of 56% in the detection of preeclamptic women, compared to a sensitivity of 69% when METRN was included. CONCLUSIONS: The joint measurements of circulating METRN levels in the first trimester and systolic blood pressure and weight in the second trimester significantly increase the probabilities of predicting preeclampsia

    CMB quadrupole suppression: II. The early fast roll stage

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    Within the effective field theory of inflation, an initialization of the classical dynamics of the inflaton with approximate equipartition between the kinetic and potential energy of the inflaton leads to a brief fast roll stage that precedes the slow roll regime. The fast roll stage leads to an attractive potential in the wave equations for the mode functions of curvature and tensor perturbations. The evolution of the inflationary perturbations is equivalent to the scattering by this potential and a useful dictionary between the scattering data and observables is established.Implementing methods from scattering theory we prove that this attractive potential leads to a suppression of the quadrupole moment for CMB and B-mode angular power spectra. The scale of the potential is determined by the Hubble parameter during slow roll. Within the effective field theory of inflation at the grand unification (GUT) energy scale we find that if inflation lasts a total number of efolds N_{tot} ~ 59, there is a 10-20% suppression of the CMB quadrupole and about 2-4% suppression of the tensor quadrupole. The suppression of higher multipoles is smaller, falling off as 1/l^2. The suppression is much smaller for N_{tot} > 59, therefore if the observable suppression originates in the fast roll stage, there is the upper bound N_{tot} ~ 59.Comment: Some comments and references adde