2 research outputs found

    A novel role for the tumor suppressor gene itf2 in tumorigenesis and chemotherapy response

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    Despite often leading to platinum resistance, platinum-based chemotherapy continues to be the standard treatment for many epithelial tumors. In this study we analyzed and validated the cytogenetic alterations that arise after treatment in four lung and ovarian paired cisplatin-sensitive/resistant cell lines by 1-million microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) and qRT-PCR methodologies. RNA-sequencing, functional transfection assays, and gene-pathway activity analysis were used to identify genes with a potential role in the development of this malignancy. The results were further explored in 55 lung and ovarian primary tumors and control samples, and in two extensive in silico databases. Long-term cell exposure to platinum induces the frequent deletion of ITF2 gene. Its expression re-sensitized tumor cells to platinum and recovered the levels of Wnt/β-catenin transcriptional activity. ITF2 expression was also frequently downregulated in epithelial tumors, predicting a worse overall survival. We also identified an inverse correlation between ITF2 and HOXD9 expression, revealing that Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with lower expression of HOXD9 had a better overall survival rate. We defined the implication of ITF2 as a molecular mechanism behind the development of cisplatin resistance probably through the activation of the Wnt-signaling pathway. This data highlights the possible role of ITF2 and HOXD9 as novel therapeutic targets for platinum resistant tumors.This research was funded by the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria-Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PI15/00186 and PI18/00050, CP19/00063, and CM19/00100 for HR and by MINECO, RTC-2016-5314-1 to I.I.C; by the MINECO, SAF2016-75531-R, by the CAM B2017/BMD-3724 and by the AECC GCB14142311CRES to P.S; and the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund FIS (FEDER/FSE, Una Manera de Hacer Europa)

    Clinical validation of a novel quantitative assay for the detection of MGMT methylation in glioblastoma patients

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    Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliationsBackground The promoter hypermethylation of the methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase gene is a frequently used biomarker in daily clinical practice as it is associated with a favorable prognosis in glioblastoma patients treated with temozolamide. Due to the absence of adequately standardized techniques, international harmonization of the MGMT methylation biomarker is still an unmet clinical need for the diagnosis and treatment of glioblastoma patients. Results In this study we carried out a clinical validation of a quantitative assay for MGMT methylation detection by comparing a novel quantitative MSP using double-probe (dp_qMSP) with the conventional MSP in 100 FFPE glioblastoma samples. We performed both technologies and established the best cutoff for the identification of positive-methylated samples using the quantitative data obtained from dp_qMSP. Kaplan–Meier curves and ROC time dependent curves were employed for the comparison of both methodologies. Conclusions We obtained similar results using both assays in the same cohort of patients, in terms of progression free survival and overall survival according to Kaplan–Meier curves. In addition, the results of ROC(t) curves showed that dp_qMSP increases the area under curve time-dependent in comparison with MSP for predicting progression free survival and overall survival over time. We concluded that dp_qMSP is an alternative methodology compatible with the results obtained with the conventional MSP. Our assay will improve the therapeutic management of glioblastoma patients, being a more sensitive and competitive alternative methodology that ensures the standardization of the MGMT-biomarker making it reliable and suitable for clinical useThis study was supported by the “Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria-Instituto de Salud Carlos III” PI18/00050, DTS20/00029 and the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund FIS FEDER/FSE, Una Manera de Hacer Europ