14 research outputs found

    Loxosceles: Acil tıp kliniğince nekrozsuz tam iyileştirilen olgu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    Loxosceles ısırığında görülen en sık bulgu ısırık yerinde progresif ülsere dermonekrozdur. Sphingomyelinase D zehirdeki asıl dermonekrotik faktördür. Zehir küçük kapillerlerde doku nekrozu başlangıcı olan hızlı koagülasyon ve oklüzyona neden olarak etkisini gösterir. 28 yaşında kadın hasta, sabah ayakkabısını giymeye çalışırken kahverengi bir örümcek tarafından ısırılmasından 3-4 saat sonra kliniğimize başvurdu. Sağ ikinci parmak iç proksimalinde lokal minimal inflamasyondan başka bulgusu yoktu. Ertesi gün gelen hastada ayak bileğine kadar orta derecede ödem, ısırık yerinden başlayarak proksimale ilerleyen sınırları net olmayan palpasyonla ısı artışı ve geniş kırmızı-mor cilt lezyonu mevcuttu. Hospitalizasyonun ilk günü CBCde RDW 15,50, lökosit 11,20, nötrofil %79,80, lenfosit %11,30, CRP 16, ABKda CPK 455, LDH 78, se- dimantasyon, PT, PTZ, kan gazı parametreleri normal sınırlarda idi. Ayak düz filmi çekildi. Ayak stabilizasyon ve elevasyonu sağlandı. Loxosceles zehirlenmesi öntanısıyla Acil Tıp adına 5 gün hospitalize edildi. Hospitalizasyonda sıvı replasmanı, antibiyotik, kortikosteroid, antiinflamatuar ile konservatif tedavi başlandı. Dördüncü hafta hafif pigmente cilt bulgusu dışında doku nekrozuna ait komplikasyon gelişmeksizin iyileşme sağlandı. Böcek sokmaları ile ilk anlarda belirgin bir şikayet ve bulgu olmaması klinisyeni yanıltmamalıdır. Bu hastaların izlemi ve kontrole çağrılmasının ciddi komplikasyonlar ve atlanabi- lecek olgularda önemi açıktır. (JAEM 2013; 12: 101-4)The most common finding of Loxosceles biting is a progresive ulcerous dermanecrosis. The responsible dermonecrotic factor found in the venom is Sphingomyelinase D. Poison effects are indicated by coagulation and occlusion which are the initial triggers of tissue necrosis in small capillaries. A 28 year old female patient was admitted after being bitten by a brown spider 3-4 hours earlier while putting on her shoes in the morning. There was a finding wit t a local inflammation on the medial proximal part of the right second toe. The following day, there was a medium grade edema reaching to the ankle, a large lesion colored in red-purple with undetermined borders and increased temperature on palpation. On the first day of hospitalization, RDW was 15.50, WBC was 11.20, neutrophil was 79.80%, lymphocyte was 11.30% on CBC, CRP was16, CPK was 455, LDH was 78 whereas the parameters of sedimentation, PT, PTT, blood gas were in normal ranges. An x-ray of the foot was taken. Stabilization and elevation of the extremity were provided. She was hospitalized due to Loxosceles poisoning in the Emergency Department for 5 days. The conservative treatment with fluid, antibiotics, corticosteroid, antiinflamatory drugs were initiated. The foot healed with a minimal pigmented dermal finding without any complication of tissue necrosis on the fourth week. The patient without any significant initial complaints and findings in insect bites should not confuse the clinician. The importance of observation of these patients is clear for control of probable complications and misdiagnosis cases. (JAEM 2013; 12: 101-4

    Systematical and faunistical investigation on the spiders (Araneae) of the Eastern Black Sea region

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    YÖK Tez ID: 1769952006 ve 2007 yıllarının Mayıs-Temmuz dönemlerinde gerçekleştirilen arazi çalışmalarında, Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde 33 istasyondan aspiratör, atrap ve vurma şemsiyesi ile örümcek örnekleri toplanmıştır. Toplanan 881 örnekle, bölgede 24 familya ve 74 cinse mensup 102 türün varlığı tespit edilmiştir. Türler faunistik, ekolojik ve sistematik açıdan incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada bölgede çam, kayın ve dişbudak ormanları, çay ve fındık bahçeleri, tarlalar, ev-barakalar, sahil şeridi, sulak alanlar, yol kenarları ve kayalık alan gibi farklı habitatlar incelenmiştir. Çalışma alanından kayıt edilen taksonların tanımları yapılmış, ayrıca teşhis anahtarı hazırlanmıştır. Taksonlardan Sosticus, Neottiura, Trematocephalus, Cresmatoneta, Ostearius ve Cercidia cinsleri ile 12 tür Türkiye için yeni kayıttır. Yeni kayıt edilen türler şunlardır: Zora spinimana, Sosticus loricatus, Theridion varians, Dipoena melanogaster, Neottiura bimaculata, Trematocephalus cristatus, Cresmatoneta mutinensis, Ostearius melanopygius, Achaearanea riparia, Cercidia promigens, Pirata latitans, Aulonia albimana.In the period from May to July in 2006 and 2007, spider specimens were collected by the aspirator, sweeping net and beeting umbrella from 33 work stations located in the Eastern Blacksea Region. A total of 881 specimens were obtained and a total of 102 species belong to 74 genera and 24 families. The species were evaluated from the faunistic, systematics and ecology viewpoint. In this study, the habitat such as pine, beech and ash tree forests, tea and hazel-nut gardens, fields, house and barracks, coast, marshy areas, road margins, rocky areas in the study region were investigated. The descriptions of the taxa recorded from the region and identification keys were prepared. Among the taxa, Sosticus, Neottiura, Trematocephalus, Cresmatoneta, Ostearius, Cercidia and 12 species are new records for the areneo-fauna of Turkey. The newly recorded species are as follow: Zora spinimana, Sosticus loricatus, Theridion varians, Dipoena melanogaster, Neottiura bimaculata, Trematocephalus cristatus, Cresmatoneta mutinensis, Ostearius melanopygius, Achaearanea riparia, Cercidia promigens, Pirata latitans, Aulonia albimana

    Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi örümceklerinin (Araneae) sistematik ve faunistik açıdan incelenmesi

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi79325

    A new species of the genus Hersiliola Thorell, 1870 from Turkey (Araneae: Hersiliidae)

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    WOS: 000300756000011A new species of Hersiliola Thorell, 1870 is described from Antalya Province, Turkey. Differences between the new species and related species are discussed.KKU-BABKirikkale University [09-36-2009]We wish to thank Kirikkale University Scientific and Technological Research Laboratories (KUBTAL) for SEM facilities. This work was supported in part by the KKU-BAB grant 09-36-2009

    A contribution to the Knowledge of Turkish Jumping Spider Fauna (Araneae: Salticidae)

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    WOS: 000305777800015Seven jumping spider species, Aelurillus gershomi PROSZYN'SKI, 2000, Aelurillus luctuosus (LUCAS, 1846), Chalcoscirtus infimus (SIMON, 1868), Chalcoscirtus tanasevichi MARUSIK, 1991, Euophrys pseudogambosa STRAND, 1915, Pseudicius picaceus (SMON, 1868) and Sitticus avocator (O. P.-CAMBRIDGE, 1885) are reported for first time from Turkey

    Spider fauna of the Argyopiformia group of the nort-east blacksea region (Superfamily: Argyopiformia, Araneae)

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    In this research, spiders of the Argyopiformia (web-spinning) group that collected from different localities in the North-east Blacksea Region between 1994 and 1998 were investigated. A total of 283 specimens (159 adults and 124 immatures) belong to the Superfamily Argyopiformia (Theridiidae, Nesticidae, Linyphiidae, Araneidae, Metidae, and Tetragnathidae) were examined and identified at species level. In the research region, a total of 41 species and 27 genera belong to above families were found. Hand aspirator, sweeping net and Japanese beating umbrella were used in the collection. The specimens were preserved in the Zoology Research Laboratory of Kırıkkale University

    Venomous spiders of Turkey (Araneae)

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    Over 50.000 species have been described on the world. Among them about 100 species are dangerous for human. Members of Latrodectus and Loxosceles share the habitats of human beings. Chemically, spider venom is heterogeneous, and contains poly peptide, poly amine, nucleic acid, free amino acid, monoamine, neurotoxin, enzyme and inorganic elements. In enzymes, proteases, hyaluronidase, sphingo-myelinase, phospholipase and isomerase form necrosis. Venom is neurotoxic, and it causes paralysis. In Turkey, some species of Latrodectus, Steatoda, Loxosceles, Cheiracanthium, Segestria, Agelena, Tegenaria, Araneus and Argiope are venomous. The specimens that collected from different habitats and localities of Turkey were examined under stereo microscope. They were identified as species level, and the venom organs of some spiders were investigated morphologically with the light and electron microscop

    Comparative cheliceral morphology of the solifuge species Biton zederbaueri (Werner) and Gluviopsilla discolor (Kraepelin) through scanning electron microscopy (Arachnida: Solifugae: Daesiidae)

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    KOC, Halil/0000-0003-0429-2824;WOS: 000293426600014A detailed comparative morphology of the male chelicerae of Biton zederbaueri (Werner) and Gluviopsilla discolor (Kraepelin) is presented using stereo microscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The morphology of the cheliceral teeth, setae, flagella and some other organs such as the stridulatory organ that are used for description and identification are described and illustrated. The flagella are membranous, but their shapes arc different in both species. The stridulatory organs are similar in both daesiids, being reniform and with seven ridges. On the chelicerae, numerous long-thin, short-thin and short-thick setae are characteristic for both species

    Koneman’xxs Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic MicrobiologyKoneman Renkli Atlas ve Tanısal Mikrobiyoloji Kitabı Türkçe Baskısı

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