3 research outputs found
Comparativa de las estrategias metodol贸gicas utilizadas en dos escuelas inclusivas con alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA)
En Catalu帽a, el alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) escolarizado en escuelas inclusivas recibe apoyo por parte del servicio de apoyo intensivo para la escolarizaci贸n inclusiva (SIEI), bien en las aulas ordinarias, o bien en un aula espec铆fica. No obstante, para los maestros supone un reto acoger al alumnado con TEA, pues se deben desarrollar numerosas estrategias metodol贸gicas: utilizar una apertura y un cierre claros, dar ejemplos, utilizar un lenguaje concreto, presentar la informaci贸n de manera oral con apoyo visual, propiciar actividades de inter茅s y anticipar, por citar algunas. Dada su gran variedad, el objetivo del estudio es identificar qu茅 estrategias metodol贸gicas se usan con los alumnos con TEA en el aula regular, y si difieren de las usadas en el aula SIEI. Se desarroll贸 un estudio cualitativo y descriptivo a partir de la observaci贸n en las aulas y entrevistas con una muestra de dos escuelas de educaci贸n primaria. Los resultados muestran que ambas escuelas utilizan m煤ltiples estrategias, aunque algunas no se contemplan, por ejemplo, la generalizaci贸n. Adem谩s, cuando hay un aula SIEI, se tiende a situar al alumno con TEA fuera del aula regular, donde el maestro de apoyo mantiene el rol de tutor. En cambio, dentro del aula regular, el maestro de apoyo destina su tiempo al alumno con TEA de bajo funcionamiento; mientras que los alumnos con TEA de alto funcionamiento reciben apoyo por parte de los iguales. Finalmente, se observa la necesidad de desarrollar programas formativos para todo el profesorado para fomentar una mayor inclusi贸n
Collaboration between schools and museums for inclusive cultural education: Findings from the INARTdis-project
The increasing heterogeneity in our communities is a reality and a foundational element of modern societies. This article deals with different aspects of political, social and cultural participation, processes of integration and inclusion. The aim of inclusion of all marginalized groups, among others integrating migrant communities, has to be a process of involving all sides - the local communities with publicly funded cultural institutions, the marginalized groups like migrant communities and the educational institutions in the local area. Therefore, the local community and schools have to be willing to make efforts in addressing interests and needs of all people, especially migrants or persons with disabilities. This paper presents the findings of the data collection in the project INARTdis in the countries Austria, Spain, North Macedonia and Portugal. Firstly, educators from the school and extracurricular sector as well as people from the fields of culture were asked to answer the question: What is inclusive arts education and how can this be promoted through cooperation? The analysis of inclusive access to cultural institutions and arts education was conducted in 2021 using a mixed-method design. Secondly, during museum visits, results on the learners' perspectives were collected. The aim was to find out what makes it easier for visitors to access the museum? The results show that, although the institutions and their professionals assume the principles of inclusion, their implementation is complex, either due to a lack of resources or due to the organizational structure of the arts institutions. All professionals consider that arts education promotes inclusive spaces as it allows for the participation and free expression of its participants. Likewise, they consider that accessibility is not really implemented and that the implementation of activities in arts institutions should favor the participation of users. In conclusion, there is a need to train professionals in inclusive arts education, to encourage collaboration between professionals and to implement inclusive strategies to promote participation and social inclusion.This article is part of the European project 621441-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN awarded by the EACEA