11 research outputs found

    Knowledge of undergraduates in dentistry about tooth brushing techniques

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    AIM: This cross-sectional study aimed to determine whether undergraduates in dentistry identify correctly the Bass, Scrub, Modified Stillman, Chartes, Roll and Fones brushing techniques, as well as determine which techniques are more properly identified and which have a lower rate of recognition. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample consisted of undergraduates of the 9th and 10th periods over the year of 2010/02 and the 9th period of the 2011/01 year of the Dentistry course of Higher Education Institution (HEI), who answered a questionnaire on a sequence of videos about tooth brushing. The collected data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel™ spreadsheet and subsequently analyzed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: When evaluating all the techniques, the number of all hits had a percentage 61%, before a frequency of 39% errors. CONCLUSION: Even with the higher percentage of accuracy that the error, it is possible conclude that there is a need for strengthening the control and evaluation functions on recognition of tooth brushing techniques by dentistry undergraduate students of the HEI

    Efeito do tratamento periodontal em citocinas sistêmicas em pacientes com doença arterial coronariana crônica : ensaio randomizado de 3 meses

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    Introdução: Tem-se demonstrado que a periodontite é capaz de elevar os níveis sanguíneos de citocinas sistêmicas. Estas são importantes marcadores de risco das doenças cardiovasculares pois estão envolvidas na cascata de eventos cardíacos maiores. Esta relação entre doença periodontal e outras doenças sistêmicas tem sido estudado nas ultimas décadas em indivíduos sistemicamente saudáveis. Entretanto, a literatura ainda é muito escassa em indivíduos que já apresentaram algum evento cardíaco maior, o que poderia ser de grande valia na prevenção de novos eventos cardiovasculares futuros. Objetivo: O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento periodontal nos níveis séricos de citocinas em pacientes cardiopatas crônicos. Métodos: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado em hospital terciário com pacientes com doença arterial coronariana (DAC) estável e periodontite crônica grave. Foram realizados exames periodontais (seis sítios por dente em toda a boca) para registro da profundidade de sondagem (PS) e perda de inserção (PI), além de Índice de placa visível (IPV) e Índice de Sangramento Gengival (ISG). O grupo teste recebeu tratamento periodontal intensivo composto por raspagem supra e subgengival, instrução de higiene oral e consultas mensais de manutenção. O grupo controle recebeu sessão única de profilaxia com raspagem supragengival e instrução de higiene oral. Amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas no exame basal e 3 meses após tratamento periodontal para mensuração dos níveis sistêmicos das citocinas IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IFN-γ e TNF-α através da plataforma Multiplex. Resultados: Um total de 81 pacientes foi analisado após 3 meses, sendo 39 no grupo teste e 42 no grupo controle. A idade média foi de 58,4±9,2 anos no teste e de 61±8,46 anos no grupo controle. Na reavaliação o grupo teste apresentou condição periodontal significativamente melhor comparado ao grupo controle em todos os parâmetros periodontais. Ao final de 3 meses, a concentração de IL-6 no grupo teste foi significativamente menor comparado ao grupo controle (4,11±11,50 pg/mL e 11,87±30,47 pg/mL). Níveis de IL-8 no grupo apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos aos 3 meses e melhoraram ao longo do tempo no grupo teste. As concentrações reduziram de 14,18±18,20 pg/mL para 11,12±11,86 pg/mL no grupo teste e passaram de 14,25±15,57 pg/mL para 17,15±17,47 pg/mL no grupo controle. Conclusão: O tratamento periodontal foi capaz de modificar marcadores inflamatórios de pacientes com doença arterial coronariana crônica que estão em acompanhamento cardiológico no que se refere à concentração de IL-6 e IL-8. Estes achados destacam o potencial que o tratamento periodontal tem para redução do risco de eventos cardiovasculares secundários e põe em perspectiva a doença periodontal como fator de prognostico para as doenças cardiovasculares.Introduction: It has been demonstrated that periodontitis is capable of elevating blood levels os systemic cytokines. They are important risk markers for cardiovascular diseases involved in the cascade of major cardiac events. This relationship between periodontal diseases and other systemic diseases has been well studied in healthy individuals. However, studies in individuals that have experienced major cardiac events are scarce. This would be of great value in order to prevent future cardiovascular events. Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of periodontal treatment on serum levels of cytokines in chronic cardiac patients. Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial performed in a tertiary hospital with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and severe chronic periodontitis. Whole mouth periodontal examination (six sites per tooth) was performed and comprised probing depth (PD) and attachment loss, in addition to visible plaque (VPI) and gingival bleeding index (GBI). The test group received intensive periodontal treatment including supra and subgingival scaling, oral hygiene instruction and monthly maintenance visits. The control group had a single dental prophylaxis session consisiting of supragingival scaling and oral hygiene instruction. Blood samples were collected to measure systemic levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IFN-γ e TNF-α by means of Multiplex Results: A total of 81 patients was evaluated, 39 in the test and 42 in the control group. Mean age was of 58.4±9.2 years and of 61±8.46 in the test and control groups, respectively. In reevaluation, the test group presented periodontal status significantly better as compared to the control group. After 3 months, the IL-6 concentration in the test group was significantly lower than in the control group (4,11±11,50 pg/mL and 11,87±30,47 pg/mL). IL-8 levels presented statistically significant differences among groups at 3 months and also significantly improved in the test group overtime. Concentrations decreased from 14.18±18.20 pg/mL to 11.12±11.86 pg/mL in the test and from 14.25±15.57 pg/mL to 17.15±17.47 pg/mL in the control group. Conclusion: The periodontal treatment was able to modify inflammatory markers in chronic cardiac patients that are under cardiovascular care in relation to concentrations of IL-6 and IL-8. These findings highlight the potential of periodontal therapy in reducing secondary cardicac evens and puts into perspective periodontal disease as as prognostic fator for cardiovascular diseases

    Efeito do tratamento periodontal em citocinas sistêmicas em pacientes com doença arterial coronariana crônica : ensaio randomizado de 3 meses

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    Introdução: Tem-se demonstrado que a periodontite é capaz de elevar os níveis sanguíneos de citocinas sistêmicas. Estas são importantes marcadores de risco das doenças cardiovasculares pois estão envolvidas na cascata de eventos cardíacos maiores. Esta relação entre doença periodontal e outras doenças sistêmicas tem sido estudado nas ultimas décadas em indivíduos sistemicamente saudáveis. Entretanto, a literatura ainda é muito escassa em indivíduos que já apresentaram algum evento cardíaco maior, o que poderia ser de grande valia na prevenção de novos eventos cardiovasculares futuros. Objetivo: O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento periodontal nos níveis séricos de citocinas em pacientes cardiopatas crônicos. Métodos: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado em hospital terciário com pacientes com doença arterial coronariana (DAC) estável e periodontite crônica grave. Foram realizados exames periodontais (seis sítios por dente em toda a boca) para registro da profundidade de sondagem (PS) e perda de inserção (PI), além de Índice de placa visível (IPV) e Índice de Sangramento Gengival (ISG). O grupo teste recebeu tratamento periodontal intensivo composto por raspagem supra e subgengival, instrução de higiene oral e consultas mensais de manutenção. O grupo controle recebeu sessão única de profilaxia com raspagem supragengival e instrução de higiene oral. Amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas no exame basal e 3 meses após tratamento periodontal para mensuração dos níveis sistêmicos das citocinas IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IFN-γ e TNF-α através da plataforma Multiplex. Resultados: Um total de 81 pacientes foi analisado após 3 meses, sendo 39 no grupo teste e 42 no grupo controle. A idade média foi de 58,4±9,2 anos no teste e de 61±8,46 anos no grupo controle. Na reavaliação o grupo teste apresentou condição periodontal significativamente melhor comparado ao grupo controle em todos os parâmetros periodontais. Ao final de 3 meses, a concentração de IL-6 no grupo teste foi significativamente menor comparado ao grupo controle (4,11±11,50 pg/mL e 11,87±30,47 pg/mL). Níveis de IL-8 no grupo apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos aos 3 meses e melhoraram ao longo do tempo no grupo teste. As concentrações reduziram de 14,18±18,20 pg/mL para 11,12±11,86 pg/mL no grupo teste e passaram de 14,25±15,57 pg/mL para 17,15±17,47 pg/mL no grupo controle. Conclusão: O tratamento periodontal foi capaz de modificar marcadores inflamatórios de pacientes com doença arterial coronariana crônica que estão em acompanhamento cardiológico no que se refere à concentração de IL-6 e IL-8. Estes achados destacam o potencial que o tratamento periodontal tem para redução do risco de eventos cardiovasculares secundários e põe em perspectiva a doença periodontal como fator de prognostico para as doenças cardiovasculares.Introduction: It has been demonstrated that periodontitis is capable of elevating blood levels os systemic cytokines. They are important risk markers for cardiovascular diseases involved in the cascade of major cardiac events. This relationship between periodontal diseases and other systemic diseases has been well studied in healthy individuals. However, studies in individuals that have experienced major cardiac events are scarce. This would be of great value in order to prevent future cardiovascular events. Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of periodontal treatment on serum levels of cytokines in chronic cardiac patients. Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial performed in a tertiary hospital with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and severe chronic periodontitis. Whole mouth periodontal examination (six sites per tooth) was performed and comprised probing depth (PD) and attachment loss, in addition to visible plaque (VPI) and gingival bleeding index (GBI). The test group received intensive periodontal treatment including supra and subgingival scaling, oral hygiene instruction and monthly maintenance visits. The control group had a single dental prophylaxis session consisiting of supragingival scaling and oral hygiene instruction. Blood samples were collected to measure systemic levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IFN-γ e TNF-α by means of Multiplex Results: A total of 81 patients was evaluated, 39 in the test and 42 in the control group. Mean age was of 58.4±9.2 years and of 61±8.46 in the test and control groups, respectively. In reevaluation, the test group presented periodontal status significantly better as compared to the control group. After 3 months, the IL-6 concentration in the test group was significantly lower than in the control group (4,11±11,50 pg/mL and 11,87±30,47 pg/mL). IL-8 levels presented statistically significant differences among groups at 3 months and also significantly improved in the test group overtime. Concentrations decreased from 14.18±18.20 pg/mL to 11.12±11.86 pg/mL in the test and from 14.25±15.57 pg/mL to 17.15±17.47 pg/mL in the control group. Conclusion: The periodontal treatment was able to modify inflammatory markers in chronic cardiac patients that are under cardiovascular care in relation to concentrations of IL-6 and IL-8. These findings highlight the potential of periodontal therapy in reducing secondary cardicac evens and puts into perspective periodontal disease as as prognostic fator for cardiovascular diseases

    Knowledge of undergraduates in dentistry about tooth brushing techniques

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    AIM: This cross-sectional study aimed to determine whether undergraduates in dentistry identify correctly the Bass, Scrub, Modified Stillman, Chartes, Roll and Fones brushing techniques, as well as determine which techniques are more properly identified and which have a lower rate of recognition. MATERIAL'AND'METHODS: The sample consisted of undergraduates of the 9th and 10th periods over the year of 2010/02 and the 9th period of the 2011/01 year of the Dentistry course of Higher Education Institution (HEI), who answered a questionnaire on a sequence of videos about tooth brushing. The collected data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel™ spreadsheet and subsequently analyzed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: When evaluating all the techniques, the number of all hits had a percentage 61%, before a frequency of 39% errors. CONCLUSION: Even with the higher percentage of accuracy that the error, it is possible conclude that there is a need for strengthening the control and evaluation functions on recognition of tooth brushing techniques by dentistry undergraduate students of the HEI

    Knowledge of undergraduates in dentistry about tooth brushing techniques

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    AIM: This cross-sectional study aimed to determine whether undergraduates in dentistry identify correctly the Bass, Scrub, Modified Stillman, Chartes, Roll and Fones brushing techniques, as well as determine which techniques are more properly identified and which have a lower rate of recognition. MATERIAL'AND'METHODS: The sample consisted of undergraduates of the 9th and 10th periods over the year of 2010/02 and the 9th period of the 2011/01 year of the Dentistry course of Higher Education Institution (HEI), who answered a questionnaire on a sequence of videos about tooth brushing. The collected data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel™ spreadsheet and subsequently analyzed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: When evaluating all the techniques, the number of all hits had a percentage 61%, before a frequency of 39% errors. CONCLUSION: Even with the higher percentage of accuracy that the error, it is possible conclude that there is a need for strengthening the control and evaluation functions on recognition of tooth brushing techniques by dentistry undergraduate students of the HEI