3 research outputs found

    Population genetics and phylogeography of European red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)

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    Unter Verwendung verschiedener genetischer Marker (Alloenzyme, Mikrosatelliten, Sequenzen der mitochondrialen Kontrollregion) wurden populationsgenetische und phylogeographische Fragestellungen an Rothirschen (Cervus elaphus) und Rehen (Capreolus capreolus) untersucht. Insbesondere ging es dabei (1)um die Phylogeographie der sardischen Rothirsche, (2)conservation genetics der bedrohten Rothirschpopulationen von Sardinien und Mesola, Italien, (3)die Populationsstruktur natürlicher und vom Menschen durch Translokationen beeinflusster Rothirschbestände in Schottland und England, (4)die genetische Variabilität und Differenzierung der Rothirsche und Rehe in Schleswig-Holstein, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der Habitatfragmentierung und beginnender Inzuchtdepression in einigen Rothirschbeständen und (5) um einen Vergleich der Aussagefähigkeit unterschiedlicher populationsgenetischer Markersysteme

    Aquatic Resource Management and Production in Pya-Phon District in Ayeyarwady Region

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    The present paper intended to highlight aquatic resource management and production in Pya-phon District in Ayayarwady Region within the period of October 2014 to May 2016. The main aim was to access the production from aquaculture and small scale fisheries in the study area with the following objectives to study the fishing frequencies and the use of fishing gears and boats in the study area; to examine the main target fish species composition and the production; to know the family income and the price of fish species. The questionnaire survey was completed for each individual fisherman where information about nominal catch quantity, fishing effort, fishing grounds visited, type and number of gears employed seasonally. During the study period, among a total of 127 individuals of local fishermen, totally 123 individuals (96.85 %) own the fishing boats. Of them, 97 fishermen (78.86%) used engines for their fishing boats. The seasonal variation of fishing effort was 52% in wet season, 37 % in the cool season and 11% in the dry season. Totally nine different fishing gears were found to be used for the fishing of target species. The frequency of daily catchments of each fisherman was recorded as >3.0-4.5 kg of total catchments. The value changes of different recorded fish species, the highest exploitation of fishes were discussed