633 research outputs found


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    The dynamic nature of the information age necessitates a rapid reaction of the environment and change. It is inevitable that sports clubs, which are very sensitive to the environment and are most affected by it, become the most important candidates of organizational learning in the information management process in today's competitive environment.     Today, successful organizations are steadily creating information, spreading this knowledge across the organization and transforming that knowledge into new technologies, products, services, activities or processes. In terms of Sportive Businesses, competition is becoming more and more widespread, consumer awareness is increasing, people are looking for qualified people in all their lives, not just the goods or services they buy, but they are careful to use different choice. There is a need for sports entrepreneurship to grow in today's intense competitive environment and to expand their knowledge areas, to continual improvement and development, to do organizational learning and knowledge management, and to do learning organization stage so that they can keep themselves up to date and increase their competitiveness.  Article visualizations

    “In Sundry Languages”: Pleasure and Disorientation through Multilingual Melange

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    After the 1990’s, the changes in the football world had helped to develop and to grow the economy of football rapidly. The development of digital broadcasting led to build a bigger commercial structure. With the effect of those changes, commercial incomes, sponsor revenues, stadium and facilities incomes, and betting incomes have increased over time. This rapid change also brings several problems. UEFA has published UEFA criteria in order to protect football’s sustainability and viability in a long term. Depending on license criteria that is published by UEFA, it has used a road map for football clubs, regarding of corporate structure of UEFA to work, that identified the general rules like in a company structure and management that should be all the necessary factors of production in a systematic and effective way in order to transform football clubs to a corporate organization and make them sustainable. With this out of the common guide explains readers how to run a club in today’s demanding, high competitive and high-tech environment and, establish its brand, and bring in the revenue required to ensure long-term success. Those who manage and lead clubs will find that they can improve a successful business plan of their club mission and have the instruments to develop and sustain organizations that are feasible and financially wealthy and that satisfy the needs of footballer and those who support them.   Article visualizations


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    After the 1990’s, the changes in the football world had helped to develop and to grow the economy of football rapidly. The development of digital broadcasting led to build a bigger commercial structure. With the effect of those changes, commercial incomes, sponsor revenues, stadium and facilities incomes, and betting incomes have increased over time. This rapid change also brings several problems. UEFA has published their criteria in order to protect football’s sustainability and viability in a long term. Depending on license criteria that is published by UEFA, it has used a road map for football clubs, regarding of corporate structure of UEFA to work, that identified the general rules like in a company structure and management that should be all the necessary factors of production in a systematic and effective way in order to transform football clubs to a corporate organization and make them sustainable. Football clubs are determinedly founded and play an important role in the improvement of the football player. However, few resources are available for those responsible for organizing, developing, and managing club sports. With this out of the common guide explains readers how to run a club in today’s demanding, high competitive and high-tech environment and, establish its brand, and bring in the revenue required to ensure long-term success. Those who manage and lead clubs will find that they can improve a successful business plan of their club mission and have the instruments to develop and sustain organizations that are feasible and financially wealthy and that satisfy the needs of footballer and those who support them.   Article visualizations

    Process Management in Football Youth Development Program

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    In our age, businesses are accepted as living organisms. Businesses that are aware of this change have begun to transition from a result-oriented work system to process management, closely following customer expectations in order to exist in the future as well. The largest expense that sports clubs incur involves transfer spending, because the most talented footballer, who would influence team success, is recruited from outside the club. Today, many sports clubs are incorporated and need to create their own economic resources that would not only ensure their survival but also their success and continuity. This resource can be achieved by means of the footballers who participate in the youth development programs conducted by the club’ football academy. The standards of football are on the rise, and so are the expectations of all those involved, with qualified footballers demanding astronomical wages. Sport clubs need to increase their profits by using the resources that are being developed in their respective football academies. If a given footballer attains a high standard by performing well during training and making it to the first string team, the club has to save on the transfer budget. The aim of this study is to determine how club football schools and academies manage in accordance with process management within the system approach. This study incorporated the qualitative research method and case study technique. Data was collected with the help of the interview technique and examined using content analysis. In this research, it was found that youth development programs should be managed by employing three main processes: covering education in sports schools, practicing with competitor teams, and transitioning to professionalism. If these processes are applied across football academies, it would lead to the emergence of economically qualified footballers. Youth Development Programs, as a part of the system of process management within the framework of organizational structures of sports clubs, will prove to be an ideal form of structuring

    Actor and technology : appropriating digital media into the creative process

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    Réfléchissant à l'utilisation croissante de la technologie sur la scène contemporaine, ce mémoire-création a pour but d'analyser l'incorporation des technologies numériques dans le jeu de l'acteur-créateur. La recherche est divisée en trois parties examinant les aspects historiques, théoriques et pratiques, ce qui permet un regard plus global sur le sujet. D'abord, le mémoire présente les histoires parallèles de la technologie sur scène et du jeu d'acteur au XXe siècle. Il est constaté que leurs chemins sont restés assez indépendants au début du siècle, se croisant de plus en plus lors des années 1960s et 1970s. Vers la fin du XXe siècle, par contre, les recherches sur le jeu d'acteur ont diminué, alors que l'intérêt est resté fort pour les laboratoires technologiques. Suite à cet aperçu historique, le mémoire examine le travail d'un praticien et théoricien américain, David Saltz, qui explore l'utilisation de technologies variées sur scène. Saltz a suggéré une taxonomie de 12 rôles technologiques pour classifier les différentes utilisations des technologies au théâtre, ce qui aide à mieux cerner les recherches portant sur la technologie. La taxonomie de ce mémoire a été utilisée pour encadrer une exploration pratique en utilisant un seul élément technologique : la projection. Adoptant une approche basée sur un théâtre corporel - notamment par les techniques du masque neutre et du mime - le laboratoire a exploré le rôle des costumes interactifs par le biais des projections. Les résultats du travail pratique ont été présentés lors d'une conférence-démonstration, dans un contexte de répétition pour mettre l'accent sur le processus de création. Les techniques présentées portèrent sur l'installation de l'équipement, sur la sélection des projections, ainsi que sur le mouvement de l'acteur. Le mémoire-création conclut en reliant les trois parties de la recherche, suggérant d'autres possibilités d'exploration et affirmant l'intérêt de relier les recherches du jeu d'acteur avec celles de la technologie.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Technologies numériques, acteur-créateur, jeu d'acteur, projections, costumes interactifs, masque neutre, mime, interdisciplinarité, intermédialit


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    Sporting functional areas in industry require a multidimensional perspective. Developments and technological breakthroughs in today's world's sports organizations have made it imperative to take asymmetric variables into account, along with symmetrical ones. Because the form opponent and struggle will take will mean the absolute defeat of one-dimensional system of thinking. The goal of this research is to identify the role and functions of leaders in the frame of the level of the reach of the sports industry in the world. This research has been examined in accordance with qualitative research methods, phenomenological design and the descriptive approach. Sports management within the sport industry will need leaders who can make the right decisions through an effective judgment process, which requires multidimensional thinking, uncertainty and rapid reaction in unexpected situations. The leadership qualities and reasoning techniques and methods that have to be possessed in order to find solutions to institutional problems have increased in terms of significance by using the reasoning ability of the leading personnel who take roles in all the functional areas and all levels of sports organizations.  Article visualizations

    Witnessing the Growth of a Collective Animal

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