52 research outputs found

    Instability of vortex array and transitions to turbulent states in rotating helium II

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    We consider superfluid helium inside a container which rotates at constant angular velocity and investigate numerically the stability of the array of quantized vortices in the presence of an imposed axial counterflow. This problem was studied experimentally by Swanson {\it et al.}, who reported evidence of instabilities at increasing axial flow but were not able to explain their nature. We find that Kelvin waves on individual vortices become unstable and grow in amplitude, until the amplitude of the waves becomes large enough that vortex reconnections take place and the vortex array is destabilized. The eventual nonlinear saturation of the instability consists of a turbulent tangle of quantized vortices which is strongly polarized. The computed results compare well with the experiments. Finally we suggest a theoretical explanation for the second instability which was observed at higher values of the axial flow

    Particles-vortex interactions and flow visualization in He4

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    Recent experiments have demonstrated a remarkable progress in implementing and use of the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and particle tracking techniques for the study of turbulence in He4. However, an interpretation of the experimental data in the superfluid phase requires understanding how the motion of tracer particles is affected by the two components, the viscous normal fluid and the inviscid superfluid. Of a particular importance is the problem of particle interactions with quantized vortex lines which may not only strongly affect the particle motion, but, under certain conditions, may even trap particles on quantized vortex cores. The article reviews recent theoretical, numerical, and experimental results in this rapidly developing area of research, putting critically together recent results, and solving apparent inconsistencies. Also discussed is a closely related technique of detection of quantized vortices negative ion bubbles in He4.Comment: To appear in the J Low Temperature Physic

    Quantum turbulence in 4He, oscillating grids, and where do we go next?

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    Experimental approaches to the study of quantum turbulence (QT) in superfluid 4He in the low temperature limit, where the normal fluid density is effectively zero, are considered. A succinct general introduction covers liquid 4He, superfluidity, critical velocities for the onset of dissipation, quantized vortex lines and QT. The QT can be created mechanically by the oscillation of wires or grids above characteristic critical velocities. The interesting dynamics of the oscillating grid are discussed. It exhibits an enhanced effective mass due to backflow, as expected from classical hydrodynamics. It is found that the critical velocity attributable to the onset of QT production rises with increasing temperature. Oscillating objects like grids or wires create QT that is not well-characterized in terms of length scale, and the QT is not spatially homogeneous. The QT can be detected by the trapping of negative ions on vortex cores. Although the corresponding capture cross-section has not yet been measured, it is evidently very small, so that the technique cannot be expected to be a very sensitive one. In the future it is hoped to create well-characterized, homogeneous QT by means of a drawn grid. Improved sensitivity in the detection of QT is being sought through calorimetric techniques that monitor the temperature rise of the liquid caused by the decay of the vortex lines