15,451 research outputs found

    Analisa Hidrostatis Dan Stabilitas Pada Kapal Motor Cakalang Dengan Modifikasi Penambahan Kapal Pancing

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    Salah satu syarat kapal bisa dikatakan baik jika mempunyai stabilitas yang baik. Kapal CAKALANGmerupakan salah satu jenis kapal ikan pamboat nelayan. Untuk mendapatkan kemudahan dalamoperasional penangkapan ikan, maka dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan kapal pancing pada kedua sisikapal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendaptkan stabilitas kapal motor CAKALANG dengan adanyamodifikasi penambahan kapal pancing pada kedua sisi kapal utama.Tahapan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa softwareperkapalan yang terintegrasi. Pada awalnya adalah pembuatan gambar 3D dengan rencana garis yangsudah ada, kemudian dilakukan analisa stabilitas pada software perkapalan lainnya dengan tools importdan melakukan pemodelan yang sesuai dengan rencana garis kapal motor SIRIP KUNING.Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan hidrostatis dan analisa stabilitas yang mengacu pada aturan IMO(International maritime Organization) dengan Code A.749(18), maka hasil perhitungan kapal pancing,kapal CAKALANG dengan 2 (dua) kapal pancing dan dengan 4 (empat) kapal pancing, secara keseluruhanmenunjukan bahwa karakteristaik kapal baik dan stabilitas memenuhi standart kriteria yang ditetapkanoleh IMO

    Analisa Ekonomis Pembangunan Kapal Ikan Fiberglass Katamaran Untuk Nelayan Di Perairan Pantai Teluk Penyu Kabupaten Cilacap

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    Sumber daya perikanan dapat dipandang sebagai suatu komponen dari ekosistem perikananyang berperan sebagai faktor produksi dan diperlukan untuk menghasilkan suatu output yangbernilai ekonomi masa kini maupun masa mendatang. Kabupaten Cilacap memiliki potensi untukproduksi perikanan, dengan luas sebaran penangkapan 5.200 km2, dan fasilitas sarana pendukungberupa, Pelabuhan perikanan Samudra Cilacap dengan kapasitas 250 kapal. Untuk mengembangkanpotensi ini diperlukan armada penangkap ikan yang ekonomis dan bernilai profit bagi nelayan disekitar Pantai Teluk Penyu Cilacap.Penelitian ini membahas tentang analisa ekonomis kapal ikan fiberglass katamaran diperairan pantai Teluk Penyu Cilacap dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui biaya investasi, biayapengeluaran per trip, pendapatan nelayan per tahun, dan mengetahui payback periode investasi.Dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini dilakukan beberapa tahapan yaitu, meghitung biayapembangunan kapal kemudian menentukan fixed dan variable cost sehingga diketahui pendapatankemudian dilakukan analisa profitabilitas dan payback periode.Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan perhitungan didapatkan nilai investasi kapal sebesar Rp128.384.575,- dan biaya pengeluaran kapal dalam 1 kali trip adalah Rp 1,570,889,-. Pendapatannelayan per tahun sebesar Rp 41.066.163,- dan Payback period terjadi selama 3.1 tahu

    Nonlinear preferential rewiring in fixed-size networks as a diffusion process

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    We present an evolving network model in which the total numbers of nodes and edges are conserved, but in which edges are continuously rewired according to nonlinear preferential detachment and reattachment. Assuming power-law kernels with exponents alpha and beta, the stationary states the degree distributions evolve towards exhibit a second order phase transition - from relatively homogeneous to highly heterogeneous (with the emergence of starlike structures) at alpha = beta. Temporal evolution of the distribution in this critical regime is shown to follow a nonlinear diffusion equation, arriving at either pure or mixed power-laws, of exponents -alpha and 1-alpha

    Rational design, synthesis and characterization of amide functionalized pyridine and benzimidazole transition metal complexes.

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    This study expands our efforts to make a new class of Pt (II) compounds analogous to cisplatin and its derivatives using sterically hindered ligands. Pt compounds in this series have been synthesized using specially designed pyridine and benzimidazole ligands. These heterocycles, amide functionalized at position 2 with aryl and alkyl pendants, rapidly change their mode of coordination depending on the pH of the medium. These ligands, synthesized using condensation chemistry, also coordinate to Co(II), Ni(H), Cu(lI), and Zn(1I) generally as anionic bis-chelates through the benzimidazole nitrogen and the carbonyl oxygen, creating a four-coordinate complex with the exception of an unusual trigonal bipyramidal Zn(H) complex. I H NMR temperature studies reveal that these ligands interconvert between imide and amide isomers and that electron withdrawing pendants favor amide isomers. Crystal structures of Co(II) and Ni(1I) complexes of N-( I-methylbenzimidazol-2-yl)cyclohexanecarboxamide, for example, show two ligands bind per metal ion when reacted with acetate and nitrate salts. The bischelates of these Ni(1I) complexes also show expansions of their coordination spheres from four to five-coordinate. Furthermore, these Ni(II) bis-chelated complexes possess square planar or distorted 4-coordinate geometries. The synthesis and properties of several new Pt (II) complexes containing these ligands will be presented. A second generation and novel complex class containing metal-binding, linker and recognition domains is reported. Both classes of Pt complexes were obtained using a synthetic methodology which favors the cis isomers. The second generation complex crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2dn with lattice dimensions a = 17.7393(5) A, b = 11.4632(3) A, c = 19.3959(5) A and ~ = 99.794(3)°. These complexes have been characterized using physical methods that include X-ray crystallography, IH &13C NMR, Mass spectrometry, UV and IR spectroscopies. Complexes similar in structure to cisplatin and carboplatin show varying cytotoxic properties toward different cancer cell lines. Additionally, some of these new Pt complexes show comparable and promising cytotoxicity against prostate cancer cell lines

    The relative efficiency of time-to-progression and continuous measures of cognition in presymptomatic Alzheimer's disease.

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    IntroductionClinical trials on preclinical Alzheimer's disease are challenging because of the slow rate of disease progression. We use a simulation study to demonstrate that models of repeated cognitive assessments detect treatment effects more efficiently than models of time to progression.MethodsMultivariate continuous data are simulated from a Bayesian joint mixed-effects model fit to data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Simulated progression events are algorithmically derived from the continuous assessments using a random forest model fit to the same data.ResultsWe find that power is approximately doubled with models of repeated continuous outcomes compared with the time-to-progression analysis. The simulations also demonstrate that a plausible informative missing data pattern can induce a bias that inflates treatment effects, yet 5% type I error is maintained.DiscussionGiven the relative inefficiency of time to progression, it should be avoided as a primary analysis approach in clinical trials of preclinical Alzheimer's disease

    Multiplexing Capabilities of Biosensors for Clinical Diagnostics

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