16 research outputs found

    Chromatin remodelling in Sacchromyces cerevisiae by RSC

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    RSC is a member of the multi-subunit SWI/SNF family of ATPase-dependent chromatin remodellers and it is implicated in transcriptional regulation and DNA repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The central ATPase subunit, Sth1, translocates nucleosomes in vitro and mutations in human RSC sub-unit orthologues are implicated in human disease. RSC is found in two isoforms, defined by the presence of either the Rsc1 or Rsc2 subunits, and these appear to confer distinct remodelling functions in different genomic contexts. At the MAT locus, Rsc1 and Rsc2 appear to mediate different forms of nucleosome positioning which are required for efficient mating type switching. Elsewhere in the genome, it has been suggested that RSC can create partially un-wrapped nucleosomes in order to facilitate transcription factor binding. This thesis uses indirect-end-label analysis and chromatin-sequencing technologies to dissect the chromatin remodelling functions of RSC and to determine the roles of Rsc1, Rsc2 and their subdomains. The work presented here suggests that four chromatin-remodelling outcomes arise from RSC activity. Firstly, RSC alters the positions of a tract of nucleosomes abutting HO endonuclease-induced double-strand DNA breaks both at MAT and non-MAT loci in a Rsc1-dependent manner. This activity can be transferred from Rsc1 to Rsc2 by swapping BAH domains. Secondly, RSC can aggregate nucleosomes into a large nuclease-resistant structure, termed an alphasome, in a Rsc2- and Rsc7-dependent manner. Thirdly, RSC positions nucleosomes at tRNA genes in a manner that requires both Rsc1 and Rsc2. Finally, chromatin particles consistent with previously described un-wound nucleosomes are confirmed to be present in specific promoter regions. Although Rsc1- and Rsc2- dependent subsets of these promoters could be identified, and associations with binding motifs for particular transcriptions factors were discovered, it was ultimately not possible to unambiguously define why some gene promoters depend on one RSC sub-unit rather than the other

    An alternative beads‐on‐a‐string chromatin architecture in Thermococcus kodakarensis

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    We have applied chromatin sequencing technology to the euryarchaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis, which is known to possess histone-like proteins. We detect positioned chromatin particles of variable sizes associated with lengths of DNA differing as multiples of 30 bp (ranging from 30 bp to >450 bp) consistent with formation from dynamic polymers of the archaeal histone dimer. T. kodakarensis chromatin particles have distinctive underlying DNA sequence suggesting a genomic particle-positioning code and are excluded from gene-regulatory DNA suggesting a functional organization. Beads-on-a-string chromatin is therefore conserved between eukaryotes and archaea but can derive from deployment of histone-fold proteins in a variety of multimeric forms

    Homologous recombination suppresses transgenerational DNA end resection and chromosomal instability in fission yeast

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    Chromosomal instability (CIN) drives cell-to-cell heterogeneity, and the development of genetic diseases, including cancer. Impaired homologous recombination (HR) has been implicated as a major driver of CIN, however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Using a fission yeast model system, we establish a common role for HR genes in suppressing DNA double-strand break (DSB)-induced CIN. Further, we show that an unrepaired single-ended DSB arising from failed HR repair or telomere loss is a potent driver of widespread CIN. Inherited chromosomes carrying a single-ended DSB are subject to cycles of DNA replication and extensive end-processing across successive cell divisions. These cycles are enabled by Cullin 3-mediated Chk1 loss and checkpoint adaptation. Subsequent propagation of unstable chromosomes carrying a single-ended DSB continues until transgenerational end-resection leads to fold-back inversion of single-stranded centromeric repeats and to stable chromosomal rearrangements, typically isochromosomes, or to chromosomal loss. These findings reveal a mechanism by which HR genes suppress CIN and how DNA breaks that persist through mitotic divisions propagate cell-to-cell heterogeneity in the resultant progeny

    The Two Different Isoforms of the RSC Chromatin Remodeling Complex Play Distinct Roles in DNA Damage Responses

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    The RSC chromatin remodeling complex has been implicated in contributing to DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair in a number of studies. Both survival and levels of H2A phosphorylation in response to damage are reduced in the absence of RSC. Importantly, there is evidence for two isoforms of this complex, defined by the presence of either Rsc1 or Rsc2. Here, we investigated whether the two isoforms of RSC provide distinct contributions to DNA damage responses. First, we established that the two isoforms of RSC differ in the presence of Rsc1 or Rsc2 but otherwise have the same subunit composition. We found that both rsc1 and rsc2 mutant strains have intact DNA damage-induced checkpoint activity and transcriptional induction. In addition, both strains show reduced non-homologous end joining activity and have a similar spectrum of DSB repair junctions, suggesting perhaps that the two complexes provide the same functions. However, the hypersensitivity of a rsc1 strain cannot be complemented with an extra copy of RSC2, and likewise, the hypersensitivity of the rsc2 strain remains unchanged when an additional copy of RSC1 is present, indicating that the two proteins are unable to functionally compensate for one another in DNA damage responses. Rsc1, but not Rsc2, is required for nucleosome sliding flanking a DNA DSB. Interestingly, while swapping the domains from Rsc1 into the Rsc2 protein does not compromise hypersensitivity to DNA damage suggesting they are functionally interchangeable, the BAH domain from Rsc1 confers upon Rsc2 the ability to remodel chromatin at a DNA break. These data demonstrate that, despite the similarity between Rsc1 and Rsc2, the two different isoforms of RSC provide distinct functions in DNA damage responses, and that at least part of the functional specificity is dictated by the BAH domains

    The INO80 chromatin remodeling complex prevents polyploidy and maintains normal chromatin structure at centromeres

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    The INO80 chromatin remodeling complex functions in transcriptional regulation, DNA repair, and replication. Here we uncover a novel role for INO80 in regulating chromosome segregation. First, we show that the conserved Ies6 subunit is critical for INO80 function in vivo. Strikingly, we found that loss of either Ies6 or the Ino80 catalytic subunit results in rapid increase in ploidy. One route to polyploidy is through chromosome missegregation due to aberrant centromere structure, and we found that loss of either Ies6 or Ino80 leads to defective chromosome segregation. Importantly, we show that chromatin structure flanking centromeres is altered in cells lacking these subunits and that these alterations occur not in the Cse4-containing centromeric nucleosome, but in pericentric chromatin. We provide evidence that these effects are mediated through misincorporation of H2A.Z, and these findings indicate that H2A.Z-containing pericentric chromatin, as in higher eukaryotes with regional centromeres, is important for centromere function in budding yeast. These data reveal an important additional mechanism by which INO80 maintains genome stability

    An alternative beads-on-a-string chromatin architecture in Thermococcus kodakarensis

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    We have applied chromatin sequencing technology to the euryarchaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis, which is known to possess histone-like proteins. We detect positioned chromatin particles of variable sizes associated with lengths of DNA differing as multiples of 30 bp (ranging from 30 bp to >450 bp) consistent with formation from dynamic polymers of the archaeal histone dimer. T. kodakarensis chromatin particles have distinctive underlying DNA sequence suggesting a genomic particle-positioning code and are excluded from gene-regulatory DNA suggesting a functional organization. Beads-on-a-string chromatin is therefore conserved between eukaryotes and archaea but can derive from deployment of histone-fold proteins in a variety of multimeric forms

    Replacing the BAH domain of Rsc2 with the Rsc1 BAH domain allows Rsc2 to remodel chromatin at DNA DSBs.

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    <p>(A) Indirect-end-label analysis of MNase-digested de-proteinized ‘DNA’ and ‘chromatin’ samples before (‘HO 0 min’) and 40 minutes after HO induction in <i>RSC1/RSC2</i> yeast strain JKM179 with a probe specific to the MATα locus. The position of the HO-induced DSB is marked on the gene map and across the figure with a dotted line. The nuclease-resistant structure characteristic of the normal MATα locus on the <i>MAT</i>-proximal side of the HO site is marked with a grey oval to the right of the blot. The region of DSB-dependent nucleosome sliding in the region distal to the HO site is marked with circles (representing nucleosomes) and arrows (representing the apparent direction of sliding). (B) Indirect-end-label analysis of the <i>rsc1/rsc2</i> yeast strain+p<i>RSC1</i> showing normal DSB-dependent nucleosome sliding but loss of the nuclease-resistant structure on the <i>MAT</i>-proximal side of HO (characterized by MNase cleavage sites within this region). This is consistent with the results in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0032016#pone.0032016-Cairns2" target="_blank">[3]</a> showing that Rsc1 is required for DSB-dependent nucleosome sliding, whereas Rsc2 is required for normal MATα chromatin configuration. (C) Indirect-end-label analysis of the <i>rsc1/rsc2</i> yeast strain+pRSC2<sup>BD1</sup> showing that the Rsc2-dependent nuclease-resistant structure is present as in normal cells but that DSB-dependent nucleosome sliding is defective. (D) Indirect-end-label analysis of the <i>rsc1/rsc2</i> yeast strain+p<i>RSC2<sup>BAH</sup></i> showing both a normal nuclease-resistant structure together with DSB-dependent nucleosome sliding despite the absence of Rsc1.</p