231 research outputs found

    Awareness and Utilization of Electronic Resources by Librarians of the Olabisi Onabanjo University Ogun State, Nigeria

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    The paper looked at the level of awareness of e-resources and utilization by librarians of the Olabisi Onabanjo University Nigeria. The adoption of e-resources has changed the way the daily routine work is carried out by the librarians to accomplish a variety of functions in the libraries. The instrument used for data collection is a questionnaire which was administered by the researcher to all the 16 professional librarians of the university. The 16 copies of the questionnaire were returned and found usable. The completed questionnaire was analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. Finding from the study revealed that majority of the respondents attested to the availability of internet/e-mail facilities as the most e-resources used by the librarians. Challenges against the usage of electronic resources by librarian were categorized. Recurrent power outages with (38%) topping the list, followed by limited bandwidth (25%), insufficient fund (19%), and inability to download information (12%), and network problems (06%).Furthermore, the e-resources were use for more than one purpose: for in-house official duty and information services to the patrons. As a way forward, the study recommends that the library should invest greater part of its budget into the issue of ICT resources for effective service delivery. The constraints that hindered the effective utilization of e–resources by the librarians should be address by the library management KEYWORDS: Awareness: Library utilization: e-resources, Librarians, University

    Antibacterial Potential Of Orange (Citrus Aurantium) Peels Against Selected Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria Isolated From Futa Botanical Garden Soil

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    Emerging antibacterial resistance is a great challenge to modern medicine and is an increasing problem in different regions, limiting therapeutic options. Therefore, this study aimed to use the Citrus aurantium extract and assess its effect on bacterial agents. The antibacterial potentials of orange (Citrus aurantium) peel were evaluated on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Three solvents, Ethanol, Methanol and Hot water, were used for extraction. The resultant extracts were used on three Gram-positive and five Gram-negative bacteria isolated from FUTA Botanical Garden. These phytochemicals include alkaloids, glycosides, phenols, tannins, saponins, terpenoids and steroids. The agar well diffusion method assessed the antibacterial activity, reflected by the diameter of growth inhibition zones. Results showed that among the solvents used, the extracts exhibited better performance in the order of Ethanol > Methanol > Hot water, which reflects the suitability of solvents for Citrus aurantium peel extraction. It was found that Gram-positive bacteria were more sensitive to the extracts at 200 mg/ml. Among them, Staphylococcus aureus showed the highest sensitivity against extracts from (15.00±1.00 mm to 21.00±1.00 mm). Among the Gram-negative bacteria, Klebsiella spp was susceptible to the 200 mg/ml extracts ranging from (13.00±1.00 mm to 15.00±1.00 mm). This may be attributed to a high concentration of flavonoids and total phenolic content in the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of Citrus aurantium peel

    Increased urinary sodium excretion is associated with systolic blood pressure in first degree relatives of hypertensive patients in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Introduction: understanding the risk factors of hypertension has led to a better understanding of the pathogenesis, prevention and reduction in morbidity of hypertension. It is well known that offsprings of hypertensive parents have an increased risk of developing hypertension. It is therefore necessary to explore the physiological differences between normotensive patients with and without a positive family history of hypertension with respect to their urinary excretion of sodium. Methods: this study was carried out at the University College Hospital, Ibadan Nigeria, to determine if normotensive patients with a positive family history of hypertension are different with respect to their urinary excretion of electrolytes and blood pressure. It examined the relationship between 24-hour urinary excretion of sodium, chloride and potassium, urea and creatinine and blood pressure in subjects with and without family history of hypertension. It was a case-control study of sixty-two subjects: normotensive patients first degree relatives of primary hypertensive patients and normotensive patients without positive family history. Results: the mean (SD) systolic blood pressures for subjects with and without family history of hypertension were significantly different: 120.0(22.25) and 105.0(17.50) respectively, (p=0.001). The mean arterial blood pressures were significantly different: 86.4(10.2) mmHg and 80.1(8.1) mmHg respectively (p=0.010). The mean (SD) 24-hour urinary excretion of sodium for normotensive patients with and without positive family history of hypertension were 180.5 (45.50) mEq/L, and 156.0(36.25) mEq/L respectively. Systolic blood pressure and 24-hour urinary excretion of sodium was also higher in normotensive subjects with a positive family history of hypertension. Conclusion: systolic blood pressure and twenty-four hour urinary excretion of sodium were higher in normotensive subjects with a positive family history of hypertension than in those without a family history of hypertension

    Effect of Companies Income Tax on Profitability of Deposit Money Banks (DMB’s): A Study of DMB’s with International Operating License in Nigeria

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    Banks in Nigeria have operating strata ranging from regional to international-the study examine the how Companies Income Tax (CIT) affects Corporate profitability of Deposit Money Banks (DMB’s) as obtained from their annual report for 2017 using their Return on Assets (RoA) as Profitability parameter. OLS method was used via SPSS 20.0 to run the data used in the research with findings that; there exist a strong positive relationship between CIT and Corporate Profitability of Deposit Money Banks (DMB’s) in Nigeria and recommends a reduction in CIT rate with attendant increase in Education Tax (EDT) since buoyancy of the education sector (ceteris paribus) is expected to transcend in enhancement of Marginal Productivity of Labour which have positive spill over effect on Corporate Profitability in the longrun. Keywords: Companies Income Tax (CIT), Corporate Profitability, Deposit Money Banks (DMB’s) DOI: 10.7176/DCS/9-4-12 Publication date: April 30th 201

    Effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) on Profitability of Deposit Money Banks (DMB’s): A Study of DMB’s with International Operating License in Nigeria

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    The study examined the Effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) on Profitability of Deposit Money Banks (DMB’s) as obtained from their annual report for 2017 using their Return on Assets (RoA) as Profitability parameter. OLS method was used via SPSS 20.0 to run the data used in the research with findings that; there exist a strong positive relationship between CAR and ROA of Deposit Money Banks (DMB’s) in Nigeria and recommends that the banks’ regulators should not only focus on Capital Adequacy but also on strategic monitoring and evaluation to maintain banks’ financial strength and stability in Nigeria. Keywords: Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Profitability, Deposit Money Banks (DMB’s) DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-10-10 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Optimal Design and Cost Analysis of Hybrid Autonomous Distributed Generation System for a Critical Load

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    One of the universal targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is affordable and clean energy. It is on this premise that this study presents the integration of PV-wind distributed generation system into an existing diesel generator powered water treatment plant in a suburban town of Wudil, Nigeria. Inadequate and epileptic supply from the grid caused the dependence of the plant on the generator. The optimal design was determined using the Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) software developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Simulation results produce an optimal hybrid system which includes photovoltaic (PV) panels, wind turbines, converter, batteries and a generator with a cost of energy of $0.26 at a renewable fraction of 95%. An analysis also demonstrates that implementing this design will result in low and fairly constant fuel price in the lifecycle of the project. This will, in turn, support sustainable economic development of communities served by the water treatment plant

    Effect of Labour Turnover on Performance in Nigerian Banking Industry (A Case of Ado-Ekiti Metropolis, Ekiti State)

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    In the midst of other resources, human capital is considered the most valuable in organisations. The contribution of human resources to organization performance is significant. Organisation must ensure maximum cost reduction to attain high level of profitability and one way of doing that is by attending to labour issue. Hence the aim of this study is to examine labour turn-over relationship with the performance of Nigerian banking industry. Survey method was used; the population of the study comprised the entire commercial banks in the three senatorial districts of Ekiti-State, Nigeria. Sample size of 34 officers of current employees out of total population of 51 officers was used while 51 out of total population of 68 ex-employees were used. The current key officers were used to ascertain if the determinant factors have influence on the banks performance. On the other hand, ex-employees were used to know if any of the determinant factors used in the study had caused the employees to leave the banks. Purposive and convenient sampling techniques were used respectively to select the respondents while questionnaire was used to collect the data. Regression was used to analyse the data using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The finding shows that retrenchment, unrealistic target, leadership style, training and job insecurity have a positive relationship with performance while excessive workload shows negative relationship with the performance. Arising from the findings, it shows that performance in an orgarnisation hangs on each determinant factors working together as a system. This indicates that a single determinant factor cannot give banks a desirable performance. The value of R2 80.1% shows the good fit of the result. The following recommendations were made; Banks management should ensure that other determinant factors especially, those that are concerned with the institutions performance are given necessary support and pursued to actualise them. Banks management should set realistic target rate for their employees to curtail the risk of evil vices of getting the target especially, the ladies banker. Keywords: Labour Turnover, Performance, Separation, Accession and Bank

    Gender Participation in Fish Harvesting Activities in Catch-Locations in Lagos State Nigeria: A Tool for Food Security and Sustainability

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    This study examined gender participation in fish harvesting activities in catch-locations in Lagos state Nigeria. This paper was based on the gender participation in fishing activities within the coastal areas of Lagos State with five study locations; Ikorodu, Badagry, Epe, Lekki and Makoko in Lagos State, Nigeria. Data for the study was collected through structured questionnaire. Chi-square analysis (x2= 22.6, df 2) revealed that gender participation was significantly different (P<0.05) thereby rejecting the null research hypothesis (Ho). Result obtained  revealed that majority (85.0%) of the respondents were between 26 – 55 years of age, with the mean age of 45.2years, most (75.0%) of the respondents were males and most (75.0%) of the respondents were married, while majority (81.7%) of the respondents had one form of formal education. Mean year of fishing experience was 15.6years, with the mean household size of 5persons. The study showed that several fish species were harvested in the coastal area which includes; tilapia, catfishes, mullet and crayfish among others. It was established that majority (80.0%) of male and few (10.0%) of female participating in fish harvesting sector regarded it a family business. Majority of the challenges confronting fish harvesting sectors were flooding during rainy season, high cost of production, lack of labour, high cost of labour, high tide and others inclusive. The study concludes that male actively participates in fish harvesting activities more than female counterpart in the study area either as a family business, for sustenance purpose or due to personal interest. It therefore recommends that challenges facing gender participation in fishing activities need to be tackled head-on so as serve as a tool for sustainability and effective exploitation of fisheries resources. Keywords: Gender, Fish, Harvesting, Sustainability, Catch- Locatio

    Unaffordability of renal replacement therapy in Nigeria

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    AbstractWith the increase in epidemic proportions of diabetes worldwide, the number of patients who will require renal replacement therapy (RRT) will be a great challenge to the health infrastructures of developing countries such as Nigeria. Because those mostly affected are in the economically productive age group, a vicious circle is established whereby those who keep the economy going are the same people affected. Secondary and tertiary care of chronic kidney disease involving RRT would exact disproportionate toll on the income of patients in the developing world where patients pay out of pocket for their own care. Whilst there is an increase in the number of facilities offering RRT, there is no commensurate sustainability of care either by the patients themselves or even by the government. The level of unemployment is increasing. Kidney transplantation is out of reach in addition to the cost of post-transplant care, which includes hospitalization and immunosuppressive medications. Most of the end-stage kidney disease patients who enlisted in our dialysis program were unable to get or sustain adequate hemodialysis. The data also showed that more men were dialyzed at our facilities over the period under review and the age distribution has not changed much over the decade. From this dismal picture in the last decade emerges a series of questions as to why this is so and what must be done to increase access to RRT. Prudent fund management and cost containment, local manufacture of dialysis materials and nongovernmental sources of funding are means of driving down the cost of dialysis. In countries where drugs and equipment for health services are locally manufactured, such as India and other countries, the cost of health care is more affordable than in countries such as Nigeria where these are imported.在全世界,糖尿病的盛行率與日俱增,然而對於發展中國家如尼日利亞,基礎醫療架構並不足以應付患者對腎置換療法 (RRT) 的需求。本地民眾必須自費支付自身的醫療費用,但其收入水平遠不足以負擔慢性腎病二級與三級照護所需的 RRT。即使目前 RRT 設施已有所增加,但無論是患者或政府均難以維持治療的長期實施。此外,腎臟移植所需的資源在本地更是相當之有限。在被我們納入透析計劃的末期腎病 (ESKD) 患者間,大多數並未能接受足夠或持續的透析治療。過去十年間,在我們設施內接受透析的病人中,年齡分佈大致穩定,且男性佔較多數。目前,我們正研究如何能促進 RRT 普及實施的方案。透過謹慎的理財與成本控制、透析物料的本土生產、及非政府資金的運用,透析的相關費用可望得以降低。目前,發展中國家如尼日利亞的藥物與醫療器材大多仰賴進口,因此相關物資的本土生產是降低醫療成本的可行方案