23 research outputs found


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    The paper examines the role and impact of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) on Persons’ with Disabilities (PWD). People with disabilities (PWD) include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments resulting from any physical or mental health conditions which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. Meaning, objectives and benefits of CBR were discussed, challenges of effective CBR for PWD. Recommendations were made on how to effectively utilize CBR for the benefits of PWD


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    The paper examines the role and impact of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) on Persons’ with Disabilities (PWD). People with disabilities (PWD) include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments resulting from any physical or mental health conditions which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. Meaning, objectives and benefits of CBR were discussed, challenges of effective CBR for PWD. Recommendations were made on how to effectively utilize CBR for the benefits of PWD

    Inclusive Education in the 21st Century: Parameters and Opportunities for Learners with Special Needs

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    This paper examined parameters and opportunities for learners with special educational needs in an effective inclusive education as it relates to 21st century. It differentiated inclusive education from mainstreaming and integration and went further give a comprehensive meaning to the term inclusive education. Some of the benefits of this inclusive education are multicultural learning environment, socialization and the development of the child. Parameters identified for effective inclusive education are placing the child in age appropriate grade place, no special classes or schools and cooperative learning practiced where teachers can share ideas for improvement of the educational system. Conclusion was made on the need for inclusive education

    Символьне підкріплення, когнітивна поведінкова терапія, ступінь інвалідності та управління агресивною поведінкою серед учнів з інтелектуальною недостатністю

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    Aggressive behaviour has a significant negative effect on learning and academic performance. This study aimed to establish the main effect of token reinforcement, cognitive behavioural therapy, and degree of disability on reducing aggression among pupils with intellectual disability. The study participants were 60 pupils (N = 60, N = 27 boys; N = 33 girls; mean age = 11.7) with intellectual disability who were purposively selected from three (3) special schools in the study location. The participants were divided into three treatment groups: token reinforcement, cognitive behavioural therapy, and control groups, with the degree of disability as the moderating factor. The token reinforcement and cognitive behavioural therapy groups met for thirty sessions over twelve weeks. Three experimental (two treatment and a control) groups were assessed using the Overt Aggression Scale, while the three treatment groups were assessed post-intervention using the Overt Aggression Scale. Data for aggressive behaviour performance were collected after the participants were screened for intellectual disability. An analysis of covariance and estimated means was used to examine the data. The results revealed a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results of the three (3) treatment groups. The degree of disability had significant main effect on level aggressive behaviour among pupils with intellectual disability. The interaction effect of treatment and degree of disability was significant on participants’ aggressive behaviour. Teachers and care givers should adopt token reinforcement and probably cognitive behavioural therapy in manage aggressive behaviour among pupils with intellectual disability.Агресивна поведінка має значний негативний вплив на навчання та успішність. Це дослідження мало на меті встановити основний вплив символьного підкріплення, когнітивно-поведінкової терапії та ступеня інвалідності на зниження агресії серед учнів з інтелектуальною недостатністю. Учасниками дослідження були 60 учнів (№=60, №=27 хлопчиків; №=33 дівчинки; середній вік = 11,7) з інтелектуальною недостатністю, які були цілеспрямовано відібрані з трьох (3) спеціальних шкіл у місці дослідження. Учасники були розділені на три групи лікування: символьне підкріплення, когнітивно-поведінкова терапія, та контрольні групи зі ступенем інвалідності як фактором пом’якшення. Групи із символьного підкріплення та когнітивно-поведінкової терапії збиралися протягом тридцяти сеансів протягом дванадцяти тижнів. Три експериментальні групи (дві лікувальні та контрольна) оцінювали за шкалою явної агресії, водночас три групи лікування оцінювали після втручання за шкалою явної агресії. Дані щодо продуктивності агресивної поведінки були зібрані після того, як учасники пройшли перевірку на інтелектуальну відсталість. Для вивчення даних використовувався аналіз коваріації та оціночних середніх. Результати показали статистично значущу різницю між результатами до і після тесту трьох (3) груп лікування. Ступінь інвалідності мав достовірний основний вплив на рівень агресивної поведінки серед учнів з розумовою відсталістю. Ефект лікування та ступеня інвалідності були значними для агресивної поведінки учасників. Вчителі та опікуни повинні застосувати символьне підкріплення та, ймовірно, когнітивно-поведінкову терапію для боротьби з агресивною поведінкою серед учнів з інтелектуальною недостатністю

    Developmental and Communication Disorders in Children with Intellectual Disability: The Place of Early Intervention for Effective Inclusion

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    The paper attempts to discuss the place of intervention in the developmental and communication disorders of children with intellectual disability for the purpose of providing effective inclusion programme. The definition of early intervention was stated, areas affected by children communication disorder such as language comprehension, fluency, articulation, morphology, pragmatics among others was examined. Guidelines required for providing early intervention and the benefits of early intervention to the child were highlighted. Keywords: Development, Communication disorder, Early Intervention, Inclusio

    Cognitive Behavioural and Melodic Intonation Therapies on Verbal Communication Skills of Persons with Apraxia of Speech

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    The study investigated the effect of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and melodic intonation therapy (MIT) on the verbal communication skills of persons with apraxia. A pre-test, post-test, and control group quasi-experimental research design was used with a sample of persons with post-stroke apraxia receiving speech and language therapeutic services in Ibadan Metropolis. University College Hospital was selected as the treatment center for the study. Thirty persons with apraxia were purposively selected and assigned to one of three groups: CBT, melodic intonation therapy, or control (N = 30, male = 16, female = 14, mean age = 63.1 years). Twenty-four sessions of CBT and melodic intonation therapy classes were held with the experimental group only. The control group was exposed to placebo treatment over the same period. An apraxia of speech rating scale (ASRS) was administered to assess the verbal communication skills of the prospective participants. Those who met the inclusion criteria were selected for the study. The instruments used were the ASRS, the English proficiency test of oral communication skill rating scale, and two self-developed therapeutic plans. Data were analysed using analyses of covariance and Scheffe’s post-hoc test at a 0.05 level of significance. There was a significant main effect of treatment (CBT and MIT) on the verbal communication skills of the participants (F (2,11) = 200.84, P < 0.05, X = 0.56). Participants in the MIT group had the highest mean score (56.20), followed by those in CBT (37.90), while those in the control group had the lowest mean score (23.80). CBT and MIT were effective in enhancing the verbal communication skills of persons with apraxia. However, MIT showed better outcomes than CBT. Therefore, it is appropriate for speech therapists, pathologists, and other relevant practitioners to adopt these strategies to improve the verbal communication skills of those with apraxia

    Parenting Styles and Peer Influence as Correlates of Expressive Language Skills among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Introduction: It is more difficult for children with limited communication to understand the intentions of others and to communicate their own needs, feelings, and ideas because of their impaired expressive language skills. Objectives: This study investigated parenting styles and the peer-influence as correlates of expressive language skills in children with autism spectrum disorders. Methods: Convenient sampling was used to select 30 (male = 22; female = 8; age range 6 – 14 years old) children with an autism spectrum disorder. The instruments used for data collection were tagged Parenting Style Questionnaire, Peer Influence Questionnaire, and Expressive Language Skills Scale. The internal consistency of the Parenting Style Questionnaire, Peer Influence Questionnaire, and Expressive Language Skills Scale were Cronbach's > 0.70, 0.64, and 0.63, respectively. The scale suitability for participants was determined, and it yielded a Cronbach's α of 0.79. Results: The findings revealed that the different parenting styles, such as authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful, had a positive relationship with expressive language skills of children with autism spectrum disorder, but the relation was not significant. Moreover, peer influence positively correlated with respondents’ language skills, but it was not significant. Conclusions: Based on the findings, it can be conclusively stated that regardless of parenting styles used, there was a positive relationship between respondents’ language skills, but the relationship was not significant. Therefore, further studies must be conducted to determine factors that are likely to contribute significantly to the language skills of children with an autism spectrum disorder

    Aggressive behaviour among adolescents with mild intellectual Disability : do parental conflicts, peer influence, and socio- environmental deprivation play a role?

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    Abstract: Aggressive behaviour is a major characteristics among adolescents with mild intellectual disability due to their inability to effectively use verbal communication to express their needs. This study, therefore, investigated the role of parental conflicts, peer influence, and socio-environmental deprivation in predicting aggressive behaviour among the study participants. The theory of planned behaviour, which states that individual behaviour is determined by corresponding expectations, was the theoretical framework used in this study. A descriptive correlational research design was adopted. The sample consisted of 50 participants (43% males, 57% females) aged between 13 and 18 (median of 15.5; the standard deviation of 1.20). The participants were adolescents with mild intellectual disability who lived in the Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria and were conveniently selected for the study. The Children’s Perception of Inter-parental Conflict Scale, Resistance to Peer Influence Questionnaire, socioenvironment deprivation scale and Aggressive Behaviour Scale were used for data collection. Analysis of variance was used for data analysis. The results revealed that there was no significant relationship between the independent variables (parental conflicts, peer influence and socio-environmental deprivation) and aggressive behaviour among adolescents with mild intellectual disability. The joint contribution of parental conflict, peer influence and environmental deprivation to the aggressive behaviour was 5.5%. This was not significant. The study has shown that parental conflicts, peer influence and socio-environmental deprivation do not play a role in increasing aggressive behaviour among adolescents with mild intellectual disability

    Quality of life of mothers of children with intellectual disability : do social support, maternal stress and socio-economic status play a role?

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    Abstract: This study investigates the influence of perceived social support, maternal stress, and socio-economic status on the quality of life of mothers of children with intellectual disability in Oyo State, Nigeria. A total of 93 mothers of children with intellectual disability were respondents to a structured questionnaire. Findings revealed that perceived social support and socio-economic status had a significant positive relationship with the quality of life of mothers of children with intellectual disability. Results showed that the relationship between maternal stress and quality of life was both negative and significant. Moreover, the study revealed that perceived social support made the highest relative contribution to the quality of life of mothers, followed by socio-economic status, and with maternal stress having the least effect. Furthermore, the joint contribution of perceived social support, maternal stress, and socio-economic status on the quality of life of mothers was significant. These three variables should, therefore, be given proper consideration for the enhancement of the quality f life of mothers of children with intellectual disability

    Interpersonal Communication Skills and Proactive Stance to Life’s Puzzles among Children: A Review

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    This research article dealt with interpersonal communication skills among children and proactive stance to life’s puzzles. A review of related literature was performed to examine interpersonal communication, interpersonal communication skills, interpersonal communication and a proactive stance in conflict resolution, and the development of communication skills in children in a puzzled world. The study noted that children should be allowed and guided appropriately to express themselves clearly and assertively; parents should follow up on their children regularly and should build on teachers' efforts at home. Parents should also allow teachers to do their job of teaching, counselling, and rewarding positively (praise, commend) or negatively (punish) based on the circumstances; teachers should use a child-centered approach in order to make the class lively, interesting, and engaging for children. In addition, they should show empathy and try to be close to the children as much as possible to curb the actions of the loquacious ones and help the shy or withdrawn children to come out of their shells as they prepare for the task ahead in a challenging but essential milieu as they mature and are integrated into the system. The government should implement better incentives and policies to encourage teachers to contribute to the growth and positive development of the child through remuneration and promotion that are timely and in line with their quota