106 research outputs found

    The Richtmyer–Meshkov instability in magnetohydrodynamics

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    In ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), the Richtmyer–Meshkov instability can be suppressed by the presence of a magnetic field. The interface still undergoes some growth, but this is bounded for a finite magnetic field. A model for this flow has been developed by considering the stability of an impulsively accelerated, sinusoidally perturbed density interface in the presence of a magnetic field that is parallel to the acceleration. This was accomplished by analytically solving the linearized initial value problem in the framework of ideal incompressible MHD. To assess the performance of the model, its predictions are compared to results obtained from numerical simulation of impulse driven linearized, shock driven linearized, and nonlinear compressible MHD for a variety of cases. It is shown that the analytical linear model collapses the data from the simulations well. The predicted interface behavior well approximates that seen in compressible linearized simulations when the shock strength, magnetic field strength, and perturbation amplitude are small. For such cases, the agreement with interface behavior that occurs in nonlinear simulations is also reasonable. The effects of increasing shock strength, magnetic field strength, and perturbation amplitude on both the flow and the performance of the model are investigated. This results in a detailed exposition of the features and behavior of the MHD Richtmyer–Meshkov flow. For strong shocks, large initial perturbation amplitudes, and strong magnetic fields, the linear model may give a rough estimate of the interface behavior, but it is not quantitatively accurate. In all cases examined the accuracy of the model is quantified and the flow physics underlying any discrepancies is examine

    Power-law versus log-law in wall-bounded turbulence: A large-eddy simulation perspective

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    The debate whether the mean streamwise velocity in wall-bounded turbulent flows obeys a log-law or a power-law scaling originated over two decades ago, and continues to ferment in recent years. As experiments and direct numerical simulation can not provide sufficient clues, in this study we present an insight into this debate from a large-eddy simulation (LES) viewpoint. The LES organically combines state-of-the-art models (the stretched-vortex model and inflow rescaling method) with a virtual-wall model derived under different scaling law assumptions (the log-law or the power-law by George and Castillo [“Zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer,” Appl. Mech. Rev.50, 689 (1997)]). Comparison of LES results for Re θ ranging from 10^5 to 10^(11) for zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer flows are carried out for the mean streamwise velocity, its gradient and its scaled gradient. Our results provide strong evidence that for both sets of modeling assumption (log law or power law), the turbulence gravitates naturally towards the log-law scaling at extremely large Reynolds numbers

    Magnetic reconnection and stochastic plasmoid chains in high-Lundquist-number plasmas

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    A numerical study of magnetic reconnection in the large-Lundquist-number (SS), plasmoid-dominated regime is carried out for SS up to 10710^7. The theoretical model of Uzdensky {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 105}, 235002 (2010)] is confirmed and partially amended. The normalized reconnection rate is \normEeff\sim 0.02 independently of SS for S104S\gg10^4. The plasmoid flux (Ψ\Psi) and half-width (wxw_x) distribution functions scale as f(Ψ)Ψ2f(\Psi)\sim \Psi^{-2} and f(wx)wx2f(w_x)\sim w_x^{-2}. The joint distribution of Ψ\Psi and wxw_x shows that plasmoids populate a triangular region wxΨ/B0w_x\gtrsim\Psi/B_0, where B0B_0 is the reconnecting field. It is argued that this feature is due to plasmoid coalescence. Macroscopic "monster" plasmoids with wx10w_x\sim 10% of the system size are shown to emerge in just a few Alfv\'en times, independently of SS, suggesting that large disruptive events are an inevitable feature of large-SS reconnection.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Linear simulations of the cylindrical Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in magnetohydrodynamics

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    Numerical simulations and analysis indicate that the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability (RMI) is suppressed in ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in Cartesian slab geometry. Motivated by the presence of hydrodynamic instabilities in inertial confinement fusion and suppression by means of a magnetic field, we investigate the RMI via linear MHD simulations in cylindrical geometry. The physical setup is that of a Chisnell-type converging shock interacting with a density interface with either axial or azimuthal (2D) perturbations. The linear stability is examined in the context of an initial value problem (with a time-varying base state) wherein the linearized ideal MHD equations are solved with an upwind numerical method. Linear simulations in the absence of a magnetic field indicate that RMI growth rate during the early time period is similar to that observed in Cartesian geometry. However, this RMI phase is short-lived and followed by a Rayleigh-Taylor instability phase with an accompanied exponential increase in the perturbation amplitude. We examine several strengths of the magnetic field (characterized by β = 2p/B ) and observe a significant suppression of the instability for β ≤ 4. The suppression of the instability is attributed to the transport of vorticity away from the interface by Alfvén fronts

    Large-eddy simulation and modelling of Taylor–Couette flow

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    Wall-resolved large-eddy simulations (LES) of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations together with empirical modelling for turbulent Taylor–Couette (TC) flow are presented. LES were performed with the inner cylinder rotating at angular velocity Ω_i and the outer cylinder stationary. With R_i, R_₀ the inner and outer radii respectively, the radius ratio is η = 0.909 . The subgrid-scale stresses are represented using the stretched-vortex subgrid-scale model while the flow is resolved close to the wall. LES is implemented in the range Re_i = 10⁵-10⁶ where Re_i = Ω_iR_id/v and d = R₀-R_i is the cylinder gap. It is shown that the LES can capture the salient features of the flow, including the quantitative behaviour of spanwise Taylor rolls, the log variation in the inner-cylinder mean-velocity profile and the angular momentum redistribution due to the presence of Taylor rolls. A simple empirical model is developed for the turbulent, TC flow for both a stationary outer cylinder and also for co-rotating cylinders. This consists of near-wall, log-like turbulent wall layers separated by an annulus of constant angular momentum. Model results include the Nusselt number Nu (torque required to maintain the flow) and measures of the wall-layer thickness as functions of both the Taylor number Ta and η. These are compared with results from measurement, direct numerical simulation and the LES. A model extension to rough-wall turbulent flow is described. This shows an asymptotic, fully rough-wall state where the torque is independent of Re_i/Ta, and where Nu ~ Ta^(1/2)

    Large-eddy simulation of separation and reattachment of a flat plate turbulent boundary layer

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    We present large-eddy simulations (LES) of separation and reattachment of a flat-plate turbulent boundary-layer flow. Instead of resolving the near wall region, we develop a two-dimensional virtual wall model which can calculate the time- and space-dependent skin-friction vector field at the wall, at the resolved scale. By combining the virtual-wall model with the stretched-vortex subgrid-scale (SGS) model, we construct a self-consistent framework for the LES of separating and reattaching turbulent wall-bounded flows at large Reynolds numbers. The present LES methodology is applied to two different experimental flows designed to produce separation/reattachment of a flat-plate turbulent boundary layer at medium Reynolds number Re_θ based on the momentum boundary-layer thickness θ. Comparison with data from the first case at Re_θ=2000 demonstrates the present capability for accurate calculation of the variation, with the streamwise co-ordinate up to separation, of the skin friction coefficient, Re_θ, the boundary-layer shape factor and a non-dimensional pressure-gradient parameter. Additionally the main large-scale features of the separation bubble, including the mean streamwise velocity profiles, show good agreement with experiment. At the larger Re_θ=11000 of the second case, the LES provides good postdiction of the measured skin-friction variation along the whole streamwise extent of the experiment, consisting of a very strong adverse pressure gradient leading to separation within the separation bubble itself, and in the recovering or reattachment region of strongly-favourable pressure gradient. Overall, the present two-dimensional wall model used in LES appears to be capable of capturing the quantitative features of a separation-reattachment turbulent boundary-layer flow at low to moderately large Reynolds numbers