23 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kompos Kulit Buah Kakao di Medium Podsolik Merah Kuning (Pmk) terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of compost pod husks and bark compost dose of the best cacao in the medium Red Yellow Podzolic on the growth of seedlings of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq). This research was conducted at the experimental farm, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau Jl. Bina Widya Baru Simpang KM 12.5, Tampan, Pekanbaru. This study was conducted over four months starting from June 2015 to September 2015. This study was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of 5 treatments and each treatment was repeated 4kali thus obtained 20 experimental units, each unit consisting experiment of 2 seeds. The total number of 40 seeds and seedlings observations were made at all. Parameters measured were as height seed, in the number of leaves, the increase in diameter stump, root volume, dry weight ratio of canopy seeds and roots. It can be concluded that composting pod husks on oil palm seedlings in the medium PMK significant effect on the increase seedling height, leaf number, root volume and dry weight of seedlings, but the effect is not noticeable to the diameter of the stump and roots canopy ratio. At doses of compost pod husks 125 g/polybag provide the best dose results in increase in the number of leaves, root volume and dry weight of seedlings. As for the high increment dose of compost plant pod husks best was 50 g/polybag. While on the increase in diameter tubers and roots canopy ratio dose of 100 g/polybag is the best dose

    Implementasi Kurikulum 2013: MOODLE (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Melalui Lembar Kerja Siswa Pada Materi Optik Di SMA (Halaman 54 S.d. 58)

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    Perkembangan teknologi menuntut dunia pendidikan terus meningkatkan mutu penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi komputer seperti moodle merupakanmedia belajar untuk diaplikasikan sesuai tuntutan kurikulum 2013. Moodle merupakan model tempat belajar dinamis berorientasi objek yang berbasis web. Pengaplikasian moodle dapat membantu siswa mendapatkan tambahan pengetahuan berupa: (1) Materi pembelajaran optik di upload melalui fitur moodle; (2) Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) yang inovatif dan meningkatkan kemandirian siswa sesuai tuntutan kurikulum 2013.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R & D), yaitu penelitian dan pengembangan.Metode penelitian dan pengembangan adalah metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk tertentu, dan menguji keefektivan produk tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) pada pembelajaran fisika pada materi optik melalui moodle berbasis e-learning sebagai upaya inovatif untuk mendukung implementasi kurikulum 2013

    Establishing a global quality of care benchmark report.

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    BACKGROUND: The Movember funded TrueNTH Global Registry (TNGR) aims to improve care by collecting and analysing a consistent dataset to identify variation in disease management, benchmark care delivery in accordance with best practice guidelines and provide this information to those in a position to enact change. We discuss considerations of designing and implementing a quality of care report for TNGR. METHODS: Eleven working group sessions were held prior to and as reports were being built with representation from clinicians, data managers and investigators contributing to TNGR. The aim of the meetings was to understand current data display approaches, share literature review findings and ideas for innovative approaches. Preferred displays were evaluated with two surveys (survey 1: 5 clinicians and 5 non-clinicians, 83% response rate; survey 2: 17 clinicians and 18 non-clinicians, 93% response rate). RESULTS: Consensus on dashboard design and three data-display preferences were achieved. The dashboard comprised two performance summary charts; one summarising site's relative quality indicator (QI) performance and another to summarise data quality. Binary outcome QIs were presented as funnel plots. Patient-reported outcome measures of function score and the extent to which men were bothered by their symptoms were presented in bubble plots. Time series graphs were seen as providing important information to supplement funnel and bubble plots. R Markdown was selected as the software program principally because of its excellent analytic and graph display capacity, open source licensing model and the large global community sharing program code enhancements. CONCLUSIONS: International collaboration in creating and maintaining clinical quality registries has allowed benchmarking of process and outcome measures on a large scale. A registry report system was developed with stakeholder engagement to produce dynamic reports that provide user-specific feedback to 132 participating sites across 13 countries

    Avian Influenza H5N1 Transmission in Households, Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Disease transmission patterns are needed to inform public health interventions, but remain largely unknown for avian influenza H5N1 virus infections. A recent study on the 139 outbreaks detected in Indonesia between 2005 and 2009 found that the type of exposure to sources of H5N1 virus for both the index case and their household members impacted the risk of additional cases in the household. This study describes the disease transmission patterns in those outbreak households. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We compared cases (nβ€Š=β€Š177) and contacts (nβ€Š=β€Š496) in the 113 sporadic and 26 cluster outbreaks detected between July 2005 and July 2009 to estimate attack rates and disease intervals. We used final size household models to fit transmission parameters to data on household size, cases and blood-related household contacts to assess the relative contribution of zoonotic and human-to-human transmission of the virus, as well as the reproduction number for human virus transmission. The overall household attack rate was 18.3% and secondary attack rate was 5.5%. Secondary attack rate remained stable as household size increased. The mean interval between onset of subsequent cases in outbreaks was 5.6 days. The transmission model found that human transmission was very rare, with a reproduction number between 0.1 and 0.25, and the upper confidence bounds below 0.4. Transmission model fit was best when the denominator population was restricted to blood-related household contacts of index cases. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The study only found strong support for human transmission of the virus when a single large cluster was included in the transmission model. The reproduction number was well below the threshold for sustained transmission. This study provides baseline information on the transmission dynamics for the current zoonotic virus and can be used to detect and define signatures of a virus with increasing capacity for human-to-human transmission

    First-in-human phase I clinical trial of a combined immune modulatory approach using TetMYB vaccine and Anti-PD-1 antibody in patients with advanced solid cancer including colorectal or adenoid cystic carcinoma: The MYPHISMO study protocol (NCT03287427)

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    Background: MYB is a transcription factor that is overexpressed in colorectal cancer (CRC) and also a driver mutation in adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCC). Therefore, the MYB protein is an ideal target to vaccinate against to aid recruitment of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) against these tumours. The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Melbourne, Australia) has engineered a DNA vaccine, TetMYB, based on the pVAX1 plasmid vector carrying a fusion construct consisting of the universal tetanus toxin T-cell epitopes flanking an inactivated MYB gene. Methods: This prospective first-in-human phase I single-arm multi-centre clinical trial involves patients with metastatic CRC or AdCC. Stage 1 will evaluate the safety profile of escalating doses of TetMYB vaccine, given sequentially and in combination with an anti-PD-1 inhibitory antibody, to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). Stage 2 will assess the MTD in an expanded cohort. The calculated sample size is 32 patients: 12 in Stage 1 and 20 in Stage 2. The expected total duration of the trial is 3 years with 15 months of recruitment followed by a minimum of 18 months follow-up. Discussion: MYB transcription factor is aberrantly overexpressed in a range of epithelial cancers, not limited to the above tumour types. Based on promising pre-clinical data of vaccine-induced tumour clearance and establishment of anti-tumour memory, we are embarking on this first-in-human trial. If successful, the results from this trial will allow progression to a Phase II trial and validation of this breakthrough immunotherapeutic approach, not only in CRC and AdCC, but other MYB over-expressing cancers. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT03287427. Registered: September 19, 2017

    Peritoneal Tumorigenesis and Inflammation are Ameliorated by Humidified-Warm Carbon Dioxide Insufflation in the Mouse

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    BACKGROUND: Conventional laparoscopic surgery uses CO2 that is dry and cold, which can damage peritoneal surfaces. It is speculated that disseminated cancer cells may adhere to such damaged peritoneum and metastasize. We hypothesized that insufflation using humidified-warm CO2, which has been shown to reduce mesothelial damage, will also ameliorate peritoneal inflammation and tumor cell implantation compared to conventional dry-cold CO2. METHODS: Laparoscopic insufflation was modeled in mice along with anesthesia and ventilation. Entry and exit ports were introduced to maintain insufflation using dry-cold or humidified-warm CO2 with a constant flow and pressure for 1 h; then 1000 or 1 million fluorescent-tagged murine colorectal cancer cells (CT26) were delivered into the peritoneal cavity. The peritoneum was collected at intervals up to 10 days after the procedure to measure inflammation, mesothelial damage, and tumor burden using fluorescent detection, immunohistochemistry, and scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: Rapid temperature control was achieved only in the humidified-warm group. Port-site tumors were present in all mice. At 10 days, significantly fewer tumors on the peritoneum were counted in mice insufflated with humidified-warm compared to dry-cold CO2 (p < 0.03). The inflammatory marker COX-2 was significantly increased in the dry-cold compared to the humidified-warm cohort (p < 0.01), while VEGFA expression was suppressed only in the humidified-warm cohort. Significantly less mesothelial damage and tumor cell implantation was evident from 2 h after the procedure in the humidified-warm cohort. CONCLUSIONS: Mesothelial cell damage and inflammation are reduced by using humidified-warm CO2 for laparoscopic oncologic surgery and may translate to reduce patients' risk of developing peritoneal metastasis

    Intestinal-specific activatable Myb initiates colon tumorigenesis in mice

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    Transcription factor Myb is overexpressed in most colorectal cancers (CRC). Patients with CRC expressing the highest Myb are more likely to relapse. We previously showed that mono-allelic loss of Myb in an Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC)-driven CRC mouse model (Apc(Min/+)) significantly improves survival. Here we directly investigated the association of Myb with poor prognosis and how Myb co-operates with tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) (Apc) and cell cycle regulator, p27. Here we generated the first intestinal-specific, inducible transgenic model; a MybER transgene encoding a tamoxifen-inducible fusion protein between Myb and the estrogen receptor-Ξ± ligand-binding domain driven by the intestinal-specific promoter, Gpa33. This was to mimic human CRC with constitutive Myb activity in a highly tractable mouse model. We confirmed that the transgene was faithfully expressed and inducible in intestinal stem cells (ISCs) before embarking on carcinogenesis studies. Activation of the MybER did not change colon homeostasis unless one p27 allele was lost. We then established that MybER activation during CRC initiation using a pro-carcinogen treatment, azoxymethane (AOM), augmented most measured aspects of ISC gene expression and function and accelerated tumorigenesis in mice. CRC-associated symptoms of patients including intestinal bleeding and anaemia were faithfully mimicked in AOM-treated MybER transgenic mice and implicated hypoxia and vessel leakage identifying an additional pathogenic role for Myb. Collectively, the results suggest that Myb expands the ISC pool within which CRC is initiated while co-operating with TSG loss. Myb further exacerbates CRC pathology partly explaining why high MYB is a predictor of worse patient outcome